fuzzysocksplease | 2 points
High Risk Travel After Vaccine?Any advice is appreciated. My husband has to travel through several states for work for a few days two weeks after his second covid vaccine. He is at greater risk due to health issues. He will be driving to his destination, with several stops and then flying home a few days later. Would he be better protected if he used Ivermectin?
From Israel's data 21 days after first dose protection is already excellent.
Based on the trials, once protection kicks in chances of developing severe covid are minimal. If I recall correctly no severe cases in Moderna, Pfizer or Astra-Zeneca studies.
Two weeks after the second dose, and the next three months, is when peak protection happens and antibodies are greatest. Mask should be sufficient at that point.
[-] fuzzysocksplease | 0 points
Thank you!
Based on Israel data he shouldn’t have more than a bad cold at that point.
[-] fuzzysocksplease | 0 points
Thank you!
[-] Alexanderandjeff | 1 points
Yes...If Ivermectin can be perscripes just follow the flccc.net I -mask protocol..Doctors seem to be more liberal with Ivermectin use since the NIH has taken the " neither for against stand recently "
[-] bikes4paul | 2 points | Feb 14 2021 01:59:15
The Real World Evidence out of Israel showed that vaccine protection started at day 12 at very low levels and ramped up rapidly after day 14. By day 21 protection showed 90% efficacy even with only the first dose. This was for the Pfizer vaccine but I'd expect a very similar result with the Moderna vaccine.
If he's less than 2 weeks I'd definitely consider IVM for prophy. If he's approaching 3 weeks I'd double down on masking/distancing. N95 is a must. Other preventative measures that have shown promising in vitro and pilot RCTs are antiseptic mouthwash (Listerine) gargling and xylitol Xlear nasal spray. Make sure he's also topped off on Vit D too.
[-] fuzzysocksplease | 2 points | Feb 14 2021 03:03:16
Thank you! He’s been taking vitamin D regularly. I’ll look into the nasal spray, I hadn’t heard of that.
[-] bikes4paul | 1 points | Feb 14 2021 03:14:46
Here is an article on their EUA submission. It includes links to some good data. It's available for $10 on Amazon.
Here is a Whiteboard Doctor video where he reviewed a study on Xylitol nasal spray: https://youtu.be/9t4xGa5hhC8
[-] fuzzysocksplease | 1 points | Feb 14 2021 03:16:27
Thank you!
[-] Alexanderandjeff | 1 points | Feb 20 2021 15:21:55
I- Mask protocol as well