stereomatch | 32 points | Feb 13 2021 14:56:52

Bill and Melinda Gates Fund Global Ivermectin & Fluvoxamine Clinical Trial Targeting COVID-19: Together COVID-19 Trial


[-] Decrevit | 19 points | Feb 13 2021 21:17:41

Like they funded the Recovery trial on Hydroxychloroquine and give an overdose to kill the results. They will butcher ivermectin like they did HCQ and it will be MONTHS if not A YEAR before we see anything from them.


[-] my-tech-reddit-acct | 11 points | Feb 13 2021 19:36:56

I would like to be an optimist, but the history of how inexpensive early treatments have been "tested", and how the results have been reported, is not reassuring.

Studies can be designed to fail. We've seen that with HCQ, as well as the VITAMINS study of vitamin C in sepsis/ARDS. When the results are announced, be sure to read the whole study, and all the data, not just the abstract.


[-] Decrevisum | 11 points | Feb 13 2021 21:33:45

This will take months to complete. They funded the Hydroxychloroquine trial in Oxford and used the highest dose!! Smoke and mirrors


[-] Visible-Accident-772 | 8 points | Feb 13 2021 22:04:07

Since the patent has run out on Ivermectin, there is no $ to be made. So, the Gates Foundation and MedinCell, a Pharma company in France are working on an injection delivery system for Ivermectin for Covid that they can patent. Then it will be $3000 a shot. They started the research in April of 2020. All links are in this article:


[-] Jim_E_Hat | 6 points | Feb 13 2021 22:16:08

Now there's an explanation that makes sense. An inexpensive, easy to administer drug, that could be saving lives, turned into a giant money maker.


[-] Jim_E_Hat | 6 points | Feb 13 2021 16:12:49

Since he has a huge financial incentive to discount anything but the "vaccine", I'm trying to figure his angle here. Influence the study to show it's worthless?


[-] stereomatch | 6 points | Feb 13 2021 16:14:34

What is his financial stake, if you could make clear?


[-] beamdriver | 3 points | Feb 13 2021 16:37:35

Stop spreading conspiracy nonsense.


[-] _holograph1c_ | 2 points | Feb 14 2021 09:06:30

This is completely right, it´s all about money.When you see what currently is going on with Ivermectin im surprised that there is still a debate about it. This is a crime against humanity, everybody must understand it.


[-] QueenOfWands2 | -2 points | Feb 13 2021 16:59:03

Jim - that is what I'm thinking.


[-] stereomatch | 4 points | Feb 13 2021 15:09:14

A Principal Investigator from McMaster University in Ontario leads a large international clinical trial testing drugs targeting COVID-19 including ivermectin, metformin and fluvoxamine. With a growing number of studies indicating the potential efficacy of ivermectin, as well as some evidence that fluvoxamine shows promise, this large study could potentially take the evidence to the next level of credibility. The results of this study could be available within just a few months. The study is funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation as well as FastGrants. Led by Edward Mills, the Together COVID-19 Trial involves the McMaster research team as well as partners including Cardresearch and the Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais in Brazil and the University of Stellenbosch of South Africa. Principal Investigator Point of View Dr. Edward Mill was on the record, “The need for treatments in early disease is paramount. Evidence is quickly emerging that suggests a number of drugs may have promising effects on reducing COVID-19 disease severity in patients with mild to moderate disease.” Dr. Mills continued, “Our study has been designed to rapidly recruit patients to evaluate these potential therapeutics.” Funders The study is funded in part by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and by Fastgrants, a collaboration of technology philanthropists.


Beyond The Roundup | Bill and Melinda Gates Fund Global Ivermectin Clinical Trial

Feb 13, 2021

TrialSite News

This has also been covered in an earlier post: McMaster U Researchers to lead large international study of ivermectin


[-] mmmm_frietjes | 5 points | Feb 13 2021 15:48:19

Should have happened last year.
