SwiftJustice88 | 14 points | Feb 13 2021 02:39:20

Prof. Eli Schwartz IVERMECTIN Israel RCT study



[-] bitregister | 5 points | Feb 13 2021 03:14:09


From June of last year, really positive results.


[-] my-tech-reddit-acct | 3 points | Feb 13 2021 04:23:14

It says "no results posted" at that link.


[-] bitregister | 4 points | Feb 13 2021 04:28:50

Oh you’re right. From the video the results are statically significant. Small study though which will be used against it but well designed.


[-] SwiftJustice88 | 4 points | Feb 13 2021 04:50:08

Thanks for sharing and I agree, very well designed but small. Unfortunately, not a lot of funding available for trials on a drug like Ivermectin.


[-] my-tech-reddit-acct | 2 points | Feb 13 2021 20:33:09

Yeah, just saw the video.


[-] akaariai | 5 points | Feb 13 2021 07:13:40

The results in the video are stat significant faster pcr clearance, and 2 hospitalizations in placebo group, zero in ivm. The hospitalization result is not statistically significant.

To me the biggest contribution of this is that now we have excellent quality study pointing to the same direction all the rest of RCTs do. So, saying the rest of the studies are just reporting bias is even less credible it was before


[-] jpdowlin | 2 points | Feb 13 2021 05:37:28

Prof Schwartz obviously loves a bit of attention. He posts his results in a video. Then he claims "the first one to do it properly". The arrogance of west-world medicine is scary.


[-] Pretend-East3815 | 2 points | Feb 13 2021 12:41:25

A little bit of vanity is rather not too uncommon when it comes to scientific researchers. Anything you want to say about the quality of the study? Or the results?
