luisenriquereyes | 26 points
The Ivermectin Story: Part 2: Here is the story of the powerful players who worked together to suppress any knowledge of a drug that could have ended the pandemic last summer.Oh sure, go down the qanon conspiracy-crazy route.
That will definitely get people to look at ivermectin in a positive way.
"knowledge" about ivermectin wasn't suppressed, google always worked, there were just idiots in power who were saying asinine things so the media became massive skeptics and people don't get their information from academic studies, they get it from "faux news"
But no, ivermectin could not have single-handedly stopped the pandemic. If you didn't notice at least a third of the population are absolute morons who refuse to mask to this very day. That's enough to keep a virus going for years even with a vax.
[-] bitregister | 3 points
😯 you look like the crazy one. There are many studies on ivermectin, and yes meta analysis looking for signals is real science. Instead of spouting that tin foil folks are behind this give your counter argument against its use scientifically.
lol ivermectin saved my life - so perspective on what you are saying
however I don't go around telling people it is a miracle cure because that's not true, it's pointless and immediately turns people off from listening
there is only one way to get ivermectin widely adopted in the USA and that's to get the NIH/CDC/FDA to follow up on the studies and approve it - then instantly all the doctors will see it as valid
there is no other route, you can get one or two other doctors to write scripts off-label for it but most others won't, you can't go to people one at a time and try to enlighten them
[-] bitregister | 7 points
And yet the CDC/NIH sit with their thumbs up their asses. I don’t think anyone is saying it’s a miracle cure - sans Dr. Kory in senate, which is the exactly the hyperbole needed - but there are data signals indicating it will help.
Are we in a pandemic or not? That’s the big question because all those in charge are asleep at the wheel.
Oh NIH is doing -something- it's just only with big-pharma at this point because everything was initiated under the previous administration:
All those therapies are going to cost thousands of dollars and unavailable to many.
I can understand how that profit-over-people emerged after the past four years but there should be a new attitude now.
But I don't think NIH is going to put ivermectin a positive light until another major country adopts/approved it, then the media will catch on and question/embarrass them into reviewing it again.
ie. if the UK or Canada started using it in their national hospitals it's going to be hard for the NIH to keep ignoring
this is the only way to get doctors to accept it, they will never start prescribing it until NIH gives it a blessing
[-] Haitchpeasauce | 1 points
Google always worked? Absolutely not, there was/is a lot of search result curation going on, plus a big banner at the top "there are currently no treatments for covid". Unless someone knew the title or authors of the study, it was very hard to search for it. There are other ways to find, such as scanning through the WHO trial register, but this isn't something most people would know to do. So from a public awareness point of view Google, social media and the mainstream media were doing a lot to prevent the average person from finding proper scientific information.
[-] dogrescuersometimes | 4 points | Feb 12 2021 02:48:32
part 1 is already censored
[-] luisenriquereyes | 5 points | Feb 12 2021 03:06:30
Censored? I can still open it here:
[-] luisenriquereyes | 1 points | Feb 12 2021 14:29:38
They are still available to me but here they are if you need them: