smorgasmic | 9 points
Ivermectin Alone vs Ivermectin Plus AntibioticsApparently there are studies that suggest that ivermectin alone might be more efficacious than ivermectin plus antibiotics. Does anyone have links to those studies? Is this conclusion contradicted by any studies?
[-] Haitchpeasauce | 2 points | Feb 11 2021 09:35:42
I replied with this study in your other post, showing daily dosing working better than a single dose plus Doxycycline, linking again for the reader.
Doxy may be beneficial for dealing with opportunistic bacterial infection associated with pneumonia and steroid use, but as a drug for covid its benefits are not showing. The main difference is in the frequency of dosing.
The SOLIDARITY study has found that Azithromycin has no significant benefit.
I don't think these two antibiotics alter the efficacy of ivermectin.