Another Look At Ivermectin For The Treatment Of Mild/Moderate COVID-19: A New RCT
Whiteboard Doctor
Ivermectin in COVID-19 has been gaining more and more spotlight over the past weeks. Here we discuss a new pre-print study looking at the use of Ivermectin to treat mild to moderate COVID-19. Faster viral clearance by day 3? Check out the video for all the details/discussion and more! Ivermectin and COVID-19
Link to the study:
rough transcript/summary:
study was checking viral clearance
Pakistan - Combined Military Hospital
March-June study took place
so does just how long it takes for paper to come out
patients voluntarily had to agree to sit in hospital for 14 days
swabs etc every day etc
but not shown those lab results in this paper
standard of care (SOC):
vitamin c 500mg
vitamin d3 200,000 IU weekly
tylenol as needed
IVM - 12mg once on admission (why not more?)
7:30 minute mark - comparing groups
he makes good point that would have been interesting to see:
mention of days since disease onset
ratio of mild/moderate if that makes any difference (not too many moderate in study - mostly mild)
started with all PCR positive
checked for negative PCR
control - 45 in group:
72 hours - 2
day 7- 18 - ie 20 so far
day 14 - 25 - ie all 45
ivermectin single 12mg on admission - 41 in group
72 hours - 17
day 7- 20 - 37 so far
day 14 - 4 - ie all 41
(NOTE: probably if they had done second refresher dose of Ivermectin before day 7 - may have gotten another larger group negative PCR by day 7)
(NOTE: basically paper shows viral clearance is better with ivermectin - to be precise, it doesn't measure live virus - merely live virus/viral debris from nasal swab PCR testing - as one type of indicator of some improvement)
(NOTE: the results are so significant esp after 72 hour mark, that it begs the question - what would have happened for day 7 results if they had given a refresher dose of ivermectin 72 hours before day 7 - or alternatively if they had given ivermectin for 2 to 3 days or 5 days)
(NOTE: since patients were admitted to the program after testing PCR positive - it is not clear if they arrived at hospital AFTER they developed first symptoms ie viral peak - or were they positive PCR from random tests and may be those who are pre-symptomatic ie BEFORE viral peak)
(NOTE: shorter time to PCR negative is an indirect indicator - would have been good to see live viral load measures, or viral debris load measures ie detailed breakdown - given there were only 45/41 patients, they could have done that possibly)
(NOTE: a PCR test can be positive from live virus, but also dead viral debris - as MATH+ protocol PDF indicates that most live virus is dead by day 8 from first symptoms - but viral debris can continue to trigger a PCR test - so a positive PCR test is detecting live as well as dead viral debris - plus is testing from just one places ie using the nasal swab - so time to negatives PCR is an indirect proxy of viral clearance - but faster clearance is either indicator of live virus faster clearance or viral debris clearance - either way it is good as reduced viral debris correlates with reduced trigger for hyper immune response in the second post-day-8 inflammatory stage of the disease)
[-] stereomatch | 3 points | Feb 09 2021 07:18:16
Whiteboard Doctor Another Look At Ivermectin For The Treatment Of Mild/Moderate COVID-19: A New RCT
Whiteboard Doctor
Ivermectin in COVID-19 has been gaining more and more spotlight over the past weeks. Here we discuss a new pre-print study looking at the use of Ivermectin to treat mild to moderate COVID-19. Faster viral clearance by day 3? Check out the video for all the details/discussion and more! Ivermectin and COVID-19
Link to the study:
rough transcript/summary:
study was checking viral clearance
Pakistan - Combined Military Hospital
March-June study took place so does just how long it takes for paper to come out
patients voluntarily had to agree to sit in hospital for 14 days
swabs etc every day etc but not shown those lab results in this paper
standard of care (SOC):
vitamin c 500mg
vitamin d3 200,000 IU weekly
tylenol as needed
IVM - 12mg once on admission (why not more?)
7:30 minute mark - comparing groups
he makes good point that would have been interesting to see:
mention of days since disease onset
ratio of mild/moderate if that makes any difference (not too many moderate in study - mostly mild)
started with all PCR positive
checked for negative PCR
control - 45 in group:
72 hours - 2
day 7- 18 - ie 20 so far
day 14 - 25 - ie all 45
ivermectin single 12mg on admission - 41 in group
72 hours - 17
day 7- 20 - 37 so far
day 14 - 4 - ie all 41
(NOTE: probably if they had done second refresher dose of Ivermectin before day 7 - may have gotten another larger group negative PCR by day 7)
(NOTE: basically paper shows viral clearance is better with ivermectin - to be precise, it doesn't measure live virus - merely live virus/viral debris from nasal swab PCR testing - as one type of indicator of some improvement)
(NOTE: the results are so significant esp after 72 hour mark, that it begs the question - what would have happened for day 7 results if they had given a refresher dose of ivermectin 72 hours before day 7 - or alternatively if they had given ivermectin for 2 to 3 days or 5 days)
(NOTE: since patients were admitted to the program after testing PCR positive - it is not clear if they arrived at hospital AFTER they developed first symptoms ie viral peak - or were they positive PCR from random tests and may be those who are pre-symptomatic ie BEFORE viral peak)
(NOTE: shorter time to PCR negative is an indirect indicator - would have been good to see live viral load measures, or viral debris load measures ie detailed breakdown - given there were only 45/41 patients, they could have done that possibly)
(NOTE: a PCR test can be positive from live virus, but also dead viral debris - as MATH+ protocol PDF indicates that most live virus is dead by day 8 from first symptoms - but viral debris can continue to trigger a PCR test - so a positive PCR test is detecting live as well as dead viral debris - plus is testing from just one places ie using the nasal swab - so time to negatives PCR is an indirect proxy of viral clearance - but faster clearance is either indicator of live virus faster clearance or viral debris clearance - either way it is good as reduced viral debris correlates with reduced trigger for hyper immune response in the second post-day-8 inflammatory stage of the disease)