BernieTheDachshund | 49 points
My sister got better!So I posted about my brother, mom, and grandma getting covid. I was negative but felt I might have caught it during the (1/15) weekend we were waiting for the test results. Ivermectin helped all of us feel better, and my 91 year old grandma never developed a single symptom since I dosed her as soon as I found out she tested positive. Later the next week my sister tested positive (1/21) as did her 11 y.o. son. I offered Ivermectin but she did not want it. She comes by yesterday for the first time since covid and I show her the video of the husband/wife physicians who had to change hospitals to get IVM and it basically saved his life. She took a dose and went home. Turns out she had been suffering greatly from long-hauler syndrome, feeling horrible this whole time. Problems with her head, temperature, fatigue, malaise, etc. She told me at 2 am she realized she started to feel immensely better. Of course she did not expect IVM to do anything, and was quite shocked. All the other things that she took, like OTC cold relievers, Advil, vitamins, etc had not helped. I asked her to quantify it, and she said she feels 90-95% better! Y'all I'm so happy! I had no idea she had been feeling this bad this whole time. Thanks to this community for posting and thanks for being supportive. This medicine really does work and my sister is proof!!!
Bravo sir... spreading the word and helping family at the same time.
If 3mg helped her, she should repeat it once or twice a week for the next 2 weeks. Is she under 100lb?
[-] BernieTheDachshund | 2 points
No, she weighs way more than that lol. But we do plan on re-dosing her. She sees the light now.
[-] dogrescuersometimes | 3 points
please post the husband wife video and CONGRATULATIONS!
[-] BernieTheDachshund | 3 points
It was this video that another user had posted here. (We are also in Texas)
[-] dogrescuersometimes | 3 points
Imagine having to fight that hard for a proven cure.
[-] BernieTheDachshund | 6 points
Right? And they are doctors! If it was one of us, they'd listen even less. When I took granny to urgent care, the doctor recommended bam (kinda like Regeneron). I asked him about IVM and he said that might be ok too, but did not give us an rx. Well, even though my grandma is a perfect candidate, the hospital would not do it because she was asymptomatic. Good thing I had my own stash of IVM. I don't understand why they're so stingy with Ivermectin. I've found we have to be our own advocates sometimes.
[-] andysfkids9 | 2 points
I'm so very happy to hear your family's positive experience with Ivermectin! Thanks also for sharing the video - I'd love to see the youtube video - but it's private? Is there any other info on these doctors you can share with me so I can try to find a story or video about them? Thanks very much!
[-] BernieTheDachshund | 1 points
I couldn't find that one, but I found this and it's pretty awesome
[-] andysfkids9 | 2 points
Thank you!
[-] AmazonsPEratio | 1 points
Video is private :/
[-] HeeeeeyNow | 9 points | Feb 08 2021 01:38:35
That’s amazing, thank you for speaking up and sharing your story.
[-] BernieTheDachshund | 10 points | Feb 08 2021 01:50:08
I had no idea she was feeling THAT bad still. I just gave a second dose to her and my nephew took his first tonight. He was still having issues with temperature (like feeling cold and hot at the same time) and general malaise. But my sister has had the most dramatic and fast turnaround! I'm so thrilled for her. She was suffering and now she feels almost normal. It had a big impact emotionally too, since she's not feeling that dreadful feeling anymore.