TrumpLyftAlles | 8 points | Jan 29 2021 03:49:24

Ivermectin Inhibits A Critical SARS-CoV-2 Protease In COVID-19? New Study In The Journal Nature! (US 2021-01-25) Youtube: Whiteboard Doctor


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Jan 29 2021 03:49:33

There have been quite a large number of clinical studies on Ivermectin in the treatment/prevention of COVID-19 and the NIH recently eliminated their recommendation against its use in COVID-19! One question has remained though, how might it work in COVID-19? We have covered a multitude of potential mechanisms (linked in the Ivermectin and COVID-19 playlist below!) that have been theorized. This new study, published in Nature, has identified another potential mechanism. Inhibition of the SARS-CoV-2 3-Chymotrypsin-like Protease (3CL-pro), a critical enzyme in the replication cycle of SARS-CoV-2. We illustrate what this enzyme is, how it works, and how it plays a role in the lifecycle of the virus causing COVID-19. We then dive into the paper discussing concentrations of Ivermectin used and future directions. Check out the video for all this and more!
