TrumpLyftAlles | 17 points | Jan 29 2021 03:08:11

Ivermectin, the cheap, effective and safe drug for Covid that does not seem to interest (Spain 2021-01-27) Mentions FLCCC research


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 6 points | Jan 29 2021 03:09:05

I guess ivermectin isn't catching on in Spain, despite Dr. Chaccour's trial.

Fantastic news has recently been published: a study carried out at the ClĂ­nica Universidad de Navarra has found that a drug called ivermectin has the ability to decrease the viral load and the duration of symptoms in Covid-19 patients. Helps reduce the transmission of the virus. But why is it going unnoticed by the population?

The professor and graduate in Physical Sciences Marga Mediavilla called my attention to the subject. She has worked it. The results of this study that I cite coincide with 30 similar ones carried out in several countries and all of them find that ivermectin is effective, both for the prevention of Covid-19 and for early and hospital treatment, with improvements in several indicators on the order of the 75% or higher in the case of early treatment.

As is often the case in discovering that a drug may be good for an important indication, more studies are needed to draw firm conclusions on these numbers.

The safety of this drug and the fact that it is already approved for use in humans would allow us to start using it as an early and hospital treatment against Covid-19. But this does not happen in Spain.

However, some countries such as India have included ivermectin in their initial treatment protocols with excellent results since the Asian giant currently has three times fewer cases and deaths from Covid-19 than Spain, having a population 20 times larger.

As I tell you, although ivermectin can be an essential ally for the treatment of Covid-19, it is not yet authorized in Spain for its use in the disease caused by the current coronavirus. The active substance is a well-known antiparasitic drug used in humans for decades for onchocerciasis, cutaneous filariasis and various types of parasites, with an excellent safety profile and a long history of use.

Its antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties have been recently discovered and studies in recent months, both the first ones carried out in vitro last March, as well as the 25 clinical trials carried out to date have shown that it has a unique and very powerful ability to inhibit the replication of SARS-CoV-2.

There is a report published by the FLCCC, an organization created in January 2020 by Dr. Paul E. Marik, professor of medicine and head of the Department of Pulmonology at Eastern Virginia Medical School, which brings together a group of prestigious doctors and researchers Americans who have developed some of themost widely used Covid-19 treatment protocols.

This work makes a review of the main drugs used against the disease, now that clinical studies begin to clearly show their results. It concludes that treatments such as hydroxychloroquine, remdesivir, interferon, and convalescent serum, which once raised great hopes, have shown little or no efficacy.

Only the use of corticosteroids in the lung inflammation phase has clearly positive results. The FLCCC has developed a new protocol (I-MASK +) based on a drug that has given excellent results both in the treatment and prophylaxis of Covid19, you guess? Yes, ivermectin.

And also, in all phases of the disease : in the incubation, in the symptomatic phase and in the inflammation phase. It should be noted that the science around the benefits of the active principle that concerns us also has its "detractors" who in this article express their doubts. In the same way, it is true that, as is almost always the case with a promising drug, there are exaggerations, lax comments and "fake news" around it.

For example, as reported in that information based on an analysis carried out in Australia, the drug is capable of eliminating the viral load in 48 hours but it must be clarified that in a cell culture, not in people. Which is promising but not definitive. In any case, all this should encourage further research and open new lines to see if it is worthwhile for the treatment of Covid-19.

Also of note is a study conducted at the Zagazig University in Egypt with two doses of ivermectin administered to close contacts of Covid patients. Only 7.4% of the people who received the active principle had symptoms, compared to 58.4% of the group that did not receive it. That is, it can be very interesting as a prophylactic measure due to its inhibitory effect on the replication of SARS-CoV-2, which lasts for several weeks after taking it.

One last example. In Argentina, ivermectin and carrageenan were used as prophylaxis in a study in which 1,195 health workers participated. In the group that used the drug, none got Covid-19, while in the control group (the one that received placebo), 58% did.

From the FLCCC they conclude:

The widespread use of this safe, inexpensive and effective intervention could lead to a drastic reduction in transmission rates as well as morbidity and mortality in the mild, moderate and even severe stages of disease.

Ivermectin has the "defect" of being extraordinarily cheap, of not being subject to the payment of a patent and of being able to be manufactured in many countries of the world, since it is frequently used for livestock. Perhaps that is why it is not the "solution" to the Covid pandemic?


[-] Alexanderandjeff | 3 points | Jan 29 2021 17:22:41

Its the money bags that's blocking its view!! If companies can't profit from it , bury or discredit it.. Lets face it .You go to the doctor with an infection. They look at it ... They never culture it. They give you an antibiotic. They ask you if youre allergic to it. You never used it ,so you say you have no clue. They still give it to you ..? Medicine is not an exact science! If fact there are certain antibiotics that have warnings in the inserts ,that if you take that med. even 1 time you can get irreversible diabetes! So we now have Ivermectin that can save countless lives potentially...4 billion doses dispensed and only 2 reported deaths. They say there's no evidence to support its effectiveness....Really ...40 studies to date showing effectiveness.. I believe the ingestion of too much water has had more reported deaths then Ivermectin. The worst case is is Ivermectin does nothing. These geniuses have so far come up with nothing except treatments when your on the verge of dying... So the choice is to take something that is unlikely to kill you or damage you ,or possibly ending up in the hospital if you can't shake it off or trying Ivermectin When there something out there that has shown real effectiveness where these geniuses have come up with nothing otherwise and that something costs pennies to make ,its criminal in my view,not to offer it, if one is exposed or has symptoms.


[-] dogrescuersometimes | 2 points | Jan 29 2021 10:00:57 Ivermectin is effective for COVID-19: real-time meta analysis of 35 studies
