luisenriquereyes | 11 points | Jan 28 2021 17:02:17

Please help me understand. This company has a patented Ivermectin? I thought Ivermectin is no longer under patent and can't be patented.


[-] Murky-Lengthiness | 4 points | Jan 28 2021 17:19:36

You can patent new formulations and mipdpes if administration


[-] luisenriquereyes | 1 points | Jan 28 2021 19:09:23

Ok. So their new formulations work better thanthe existing and readily available Ivermectin pills?


[-] Alpha_pad_385743438 | 3 points | Jan 29 2021 02:29:07

It may work better, time will tell. I've studied a number of older off patent.meds that I've used to fix my health problems. Many of those I'm familiar with have had new formulations looked into because if it worked it would make the company a ton of cash. In most cases the original medicine/ route of administration ends up being superior. An example of a drug most people are familiar with that has this history is Adderall. Amphetamine has been around for a hundred years. Adderall is just a mixture of several different salts of amphetamine instead of just one. This allowed them patent the new formula and because of the ads that were run when adderall was new, it became preferred even though the science does not support it being superior than a single salt of amphetamine. It's not inferior either, most people respond equally to either because the body will remove the salt, freeing to base drug to do it's work.

Unfortunately, because of the money involved, ivermectin will likely never be accepted as anything other than a fringe treatment in it's current formulation. That isn't to say it doesn't work as is, just that it will never be accepted or promoted as such unless money would be made. So it won't, since it's off patent.


[-] beamdriver | 2 points | Jan 28 2021 19:22:49

They're doing clinical trials now to figure that out.


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Jan 29 2021 00:44:44


LOL: If you google for that word this post is the top result. :)


[-] Murky-Lengthiness | 1 points | Jan 29 2021 00:47:21

Sorry, I meant new methods of administration


[-] Murky-Lengthiness | 1 points | Jan 29 2021 00:49:23

Apparently I can only post images, do you know why?


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Jan 29 2021 00:52:31

Seriously? That's very weird. I didn't know reddit had the capability of limiting posts to just images. It's certainly nothing I did. Have the reddit admins been hassling you?

Did you do the main post that was listed in the sub and then wasn't? Yesterday, maybe? That was very strange.


[-] Murky-Lengthiness | 1 points | Jan 29 2021 16:02:28

After I posted my last article I only have the choice of posting images. Can you do something please to fix it? No admin has hassled me directly.


[-] jzero4242 | 4 points | Jan 28 2021 20:51:28

Honestly, if this is the case I would be happy.

It seems Ivermectin's biggest issue is the missing investor and lobby power to fund studies and get it approved.

If this is what it takes, let it be, it will still save lives.


[-] Todose | 2 points | Jan 28 2021 21:56:39

I think its the way its delivered


[-] luisenriquereyes | 2 points | Jan 29 2021 02:57:36

Wow how sad that Ivermectin "will never be accepted or promoted as such unless money would be made. So it won't, since it's off patent." A frustrating example of the love of money is the root of all evil.


[-] GymboJim999 | 2 points | Jan 29 2021 05:05:28

Like others have said, it has to do to with the delivery method. By using a oral paper strip with a proprietary technology, the ivermectin is absorbed into the blood more quickly and at higher concentrations. This means that less of the ivermectin compound has to be used in manufacturing to reach the same concentrations in the tissues as previous pills. It's the process that's patented, not the drug itself.


[-] Grand-Pay8061 | 2 points | Jan 29 2021 05:41:22

The company has a patent on the process of putting pharmaceuticals into strips. Way less dose as drug is more readily bioavailable. Way quicker...think sublingual medication but better. They are also talking about putting vaccines into strips to avoid the cold chain issues with vaccines. Their business model is to license the technology process to pharma companies. Good business mind choosing ivermectin in the study...if successful it's a game changer on many levels.


[-] Todose | 1 points | Jan 28 2021 21:56:35

I think its the way its delivered


[-] Z3rul | 0 points | Jan 28 2021 22:25:08

this will work, ivermectin effectiveness as an antiviral skyrocket when the plasma concentration is high
