runderwo | 12 points
Mountain Valley MD gets approval for COVID-19 clearance trial in Level 4 Bio Hazard Facilitythis will work, ivermectin effectiveness as an antiviral skyrocket when the plasma concentration is high. it will never see the light, tho. like these trials they are refering will take months and months to get done
[-] MeanieMem0 | 1 points
Happy to hear this. I have an elderly relative who got the COVID vaccine today and now I'm super worried about her. I hope she doesn't have an adverse reaction from it. Wish more people knew about the Ivermectin protocol.
The MASK+ protocol is NOT a replacement for the vaccine when you are eligible to get it! They clearly say that on their web site.
I have been taking IVM since Nov and will continue until 3 weeks after my 2nd shot. I got my first shot last week.
[-] MeanieMem0 | 1 points
Ok. You do you.
What protocol? The MASK?
[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points
Click the FLCCC link in the Quick and Easy link pinned at the top of the sub, to learn about the I-MASK+ protocol.
[-] Done_Quixote | 1 points
They should be ramping up production of ivermectin as previous tests have shown not just that its good at getting rid of covid but also stopping sars cov2 on is tracks.
Just hope they don't name the new place the umbrella corporation /s
[-] Done_Quixote | 1 points
They should also be ramping up production of ivermectin as previous tests have shown not just that its good at getting rid of covid but also stopping sars cov2 on is tracks.
Just hope they don't name the new place the umbrella corporation /s
[-] No-Sandwich-777 | 1 points
Get the fuck out of here you mother fuckers! You fucking stock skimming assholes!
[-] No-Sandwich-777 | 1 points
This is a scam!
[-] No-Sandwich-777 | 1 points
MVMD is a pump and dump!
[-] foggynotion | 1 points
u mad cause I posted this here 3 months ago when it was 10 cents how is that skimming gtfo
[-] No-Sandwich-777 | 1 points
You're just shitting in your own back yard.
[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points
I don't do stocks (it's actually against my religion). Out of idle curiosity, what is the stock now?
[-] Ok_Acanthisitta_9570 | 1 points
It is about the process of delivery into the system!
[-] runderwo | 2 points | Jan 27 2021 18:54:51
Mountain Valley MD (CSE: MVMD) CEO Dennis Hancock and Director of Life Sciences Mike Farber joined Steve Darling with news the company will be conducting a Bio-Safety Level 4 lab study of COVID-19 viral clearance to prove out the Company’s solubilized Ivermectin technology versus commercially available oral form in the time and efficacy in viral clearance.
Farber telling Proactive what that means while Hancock talks about the timing of the study and how excited they are to be doing this one of the kind study.
[-] No-Sandwich-777 | -1 points | Jan 28 2021 08:10:18
You too, you fucking toad!