luisvel | 31 points
Finally! Trial for Covid ‘wonder drug’ that could save thousands of lives (UK - 1/23/21)[-] Hovercraft_Time | 6 points
[-] machinelearny | 4 points
The authorities inaction so far has been criminal and they need to start a better spin than "petri dish, concentrations too high". This is just to create a narrative that the other studies are worthless and the reason for the inaction was that they had to wait for a study like this. It will take at least 6 months to finish and another 3 for peer review and publishing. It is just symbolic at this stage, a political ploy.
i suspect they will find no effect at all.
[-] SmashProgress | 2 points
Based on what!? I suggest you review the latest data. Here's an excellent compilation.
[-] Acceptable_Register9 | 8 points | Jan 24 2021 00:06:04
al fin....los ingleses llegan muy tarde...porque no lo hicieron hace 6 meses atras....ahora se muere la gente hay que esperar este estudio ...Oxford cometio el error de no investigar antes...con todos los estudios que hay de asia, africa , 1 en EEUU y sudamerica es suficiente--pronto vienen los resultados de brasil, otro de Argentina , mexico se debe esperar Oxford...La ivermectina debe ser aprobada durante este mes...