BernieTheDachshund | 18 points | Jan 22 2021 04:05:38

NY Post article uses interesting wording: "Cheap hair lice drug may cut risk of COVID-19 death by 80 percent: study"

"A simple treatment for COVID-19 could be cheaper than 20 bucks — and familiar to most grade school nurses.

Head lice drug ivermectin is being explored as a potential treatment for the coronavirus following a promising new study that showed an 80% reduction in hospitalized COVID-19 patient deaths.

Just 8 out of 573 patients who received ivermectin passed away, compared to the 44 individuals out of 510 who died after being given a placebo.

An earlier study of the antiparasitic prescription drug, which costs between $17 and $43 for a course of treatment, according to GoodRx, revealed promising results in April — by removing all viral RNA within 48 hours of a single dose.

Liverpool University virologist Andrew Hill has called the new study “transformational” in the search for a coronavirus therapy. His findings, based on data from over 1,400 patients, were made public in a video posted to YouTube in which Hill discusses his results in a previously aired livestream. The research currently awaits peer review prior to publishing."

Of all the wonders of Ivermectin, I find it amazing they chose the head lice headline. (It's true by the way, I once gave two doses to a friend's daughters who got it at school and it got rid of them). It will also work on bed bugs and scabies, so perhaps next time they can use that. The rest of the article is in the link. Hair lice drug may cut risk of COVID-19 death by 80 percent (


[-] thaw4188 | 2 points | Jan 22 2021 05:54:20

it's recycled from the UK tabloids which went with that angle also


[-] BernieTheDachshund | 1 points | Jan 22 2021 09:42:29

Ah, I see. They use the most clickbaity titles don't they?


[-] piginapokie | 2 points | Feb 01 2021 00:50:11

Australian media have been using this terminology to ridicule it.
