Nei-Yeh | 9 points | Jan 22 2021 03:36:31

What's the proper form of zinc to use with Ivermectin and the MASK+ protocol?

I don't know anything about zinc. When the protocol lists "50mg zinc", what form are they actually recommending that works best with IVM? I've been buying this one, which is zinc gluconate:

But I also see zinc supplements listed as elemental, sulfate or citrate. Which is recommended?


[-] Gotanno | 3 points | Jan 22 2021 03:41:06

That is a great question and I'd also like to know!

All I know is that elemental is the pure form... The other forms have a lot to do with how readily the body absorbs it, etc, but they do differ in terms of purity, if that's how you can refer to it....

Please let us know if you find a good source showing all the differences, etc


[-] Nei-Yeh | 2 points | Jan 22 2021 09:00:26

Thanks for clarifying "elemental". This article discusses the various recommendations by FLCCC, including Zinc, but says Zinc lozenges are preferred for some reason, but link to a product that has a bunch of other ingredients I haven't worked out if I want to use--personally I don't like zinc lozenges:

They mention "The medical evidence to support each drug and nutrient can be found under “Medical Evidence” on the FLCCC’s website", but as far as I see there's 2 references to older studies in 2010, 2017 under "additional medicines", but I haven't dug in them to see if they specifically mention the type/form used.


[-] HeeeeeyNow | 2 points | Jan 22 2021 11:21:22

I take ZMA too at night.

Zinc Citrate made both me and my wife restless at night.

Elemental refers to the amount of actual zinc element as all forms (zinc picolinate, zinc citrate, zinc acetate, zinc glycerate, and zinc monomethionin) have a different percentage of zinc. The label will always be elemental unless noted otherwise.


[-] Wild-Tumbleweed4185 | 2 points | Jan 22 2021 11:23:43

Check out ConsumersLab for more info. They test supplements provided to them by companies. You would be surprised at the ones that Don’t cut it.


[-] rondi7 | 1 points | Jan 22 2021 21:37:06

A pix of this one is displayed in 1 of Peter McCullough videos. I figured if it is good enough for him--it is for me too. It contains the 50mg of Zinc on the MASK+ protocol. I have no stomach problems with it, but my wife does.


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Jan 22 2021 23:08:02

This post isn't about ivermectin.

RemindMe! 24 hours
