usctrojohn | 6 points
Avoid Caffeine with Ivermectin?This site said you should avoid caffeine when taking ivermectin:
But I've been drinking coffee the whole time I've been taking it! Anyone know why it says to avoid caffeine? Does it make ivermectin less potent?
I read in this sub a few weeks ago that caffeine is very bad if you catch Covid and you treat it with IVM. There were a few cases where the patients got a lot worse after coffee and IVM but I never heard that when taking IVM for prophylaxis, caffeine should be avoided.
[-] usctrojohn | 1 points
holy hell... this is kinda scary
Yes I have seen people drink coffee while taking IVM and remained ill for extended periods of time, while some of those, who quit coffee and had quick recoveries, started drinking coffee again and relapsed.
[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Jan 20 2021 18:31:59
/u/Bo-k, care to weigh in?
He's a strong advocate for avoiding caffeine when trying to recover from long covid.
[-] Bo-K | 2 points | Jan 30 2021 19:44:58
Yes sorry, didn't see the message.
While a descent amount of people do recover from covid while drinking coffee, majority of people extend or increase the severity of the symptoms to even the point of hospitalization by drinking coffee.
Arginine is one of the key ingredients for viral replication in a majority of virus. Caffeine inhibits normal arginine consumption and forces arginine into metabolic pathways force feeding viral replication. This excess arginine also creates temporary excess nitric oxide. Look up "nitric oxide role in inflammatory"
Apart from the hormonal changes creating stress your body doesn't need while with covid.
Caffeine in a NON inflammatory condition, lowers or stabiled most inflammatory markers. In an inflammatory condition, it can cause fevers for months, elevated CRP, esr, il-6, tnf-a. Problem with most Caffeine studies in relation to immune respons, the controls are only using healthy people.