massimaux | 10 points | Jan 19 2021 17:29:11

Scientific Consensus By NIH, FDA and WHO Regarding Monoclonal Antibodies, Convalescent Plasma, Remdesivir and Ivermectin

It is both fascinating and admirable to see how the most influential health authorities in the world have come to scientific consensus on several novel and existing drugs/therapies. Science is objective regardless of who interprets it, right?

Casirivimab+Imdevimab (monoclonal antibodies by Regeneron)

NIH: neither for nor against

FDA: emergency use authorization to Regeneron

Bamlanivimab (monoclonal antibody by Eli Lilly)

NIH: neither for nor against

FDA: emergency use authorization to Eli Lilly

Convalescent plasma

NIH: neither for nor against

FDA: emergency use authorization


NIH: FOR use

FDA: FOR use



NIH: neither for nor against

FDA: AGAINST use. Ignores all in-vivo studies.


[-] giddyrobin | 5 points | Jan 19 2021 20:01:48

I am utterly stunned how hospitals and doctors can sleep at night knowing they have sent SO MANY PEOPLE to their deaths, hiding their eyes from this information.

"FLCCC responded to the "modification" of NIH COVID-19 Treatment Guidelines Panel decision on Ivermectin use:

...we are disappointed by the Panel’s hesitancy to make a recommendation in support of ivermectin, one of the safest, low-cost, and widely available drugs in the history of medicine. While we are thankful for the commitment made to closely monitor the findings of RCT’s near to completion, we struggle to identify an explanation for this level of cautiousness in the setting of escalating and uncontrolled case counts, hospitalizations, and deaths from COVID-19.

FLCCC Alliance Response to the NIH Guideline Committee Recommendation from Jan 14, 2021 on the use of Ivermectin in COVID-19 - Jan 18, 2021 ("


[-] ED_Rx | 2 points | Jan 19 2021 21:14:47

These monoclonal antibodies are not doing anything but pushing for viral escape mutations.
