Hovercraft_Time | 34 points
Pierre Kory gives latest Ivermectin Update (US 2021-01-16) Dr Kory gives his most up-to-date lecture on the evidence for ivermectin in COVID-19 on the podcast "Unbroken Science" with James Lyons-Weiler. Video starts at 11:48 when presentation begins.[-] JosephTheManJohnson | 4 points
Dr. Pierre Kory is a courageous physician --may God bless him.
TL;DL please?
Tell me it's positive and encouraging?
[-] Hovercraft_Time | 10 points
Extremely positive and broad in scope. Covers all the latest studies, the movements by WHO in apparent support of Ivermectin, picks apart the the common criticisms of IVM and "small scale" studies, shows why the NIH's statement on IVM is confusing in parts and so on. Just sit down, make a cup of tea. This is worth your time.
[-] Doc-Crentist | -1 points
Loved the video- I think the program he is on is antivaxx though so that’s kind of a bummer
Very informative. Get ready. Everyone will want this drug. I hope there will be a push for production to meet the demand.
[-] [deleted] | 1 points
[-] [deleted] | 1 points
[-] MajahaKai | 5 points | Jan 20 2021 04:48:05
Thanks for putting this together.