BernieTheDachshund | 29 points | Jan 18 2021 21:03:02

Day 4 of IVM

Today is my 4th day of taking Ivermectin (the liquid). My careless brother got covid last week and did not tell us he was exposed until he got a positive test Friday (the 15th). Within 15 minutes my elderly mom and I were on our way to get tested, since we all live together. Also my 90 year old granny lives here. We all take care of her because she's blind and mostly deaf. Anyway, my mom and I took IVM Friday, and when we woke up Saturday both felt great. I dosed again Sunday (I didn't want to waste the dose my brother refused). Well, this morning I got the test results: I'm negative but my mom is positive. Her main symptom is a runny nose and feeling a tiny bit feverish. I give her a 3 mg dose and within an hour she feels better. I just dosed today prophylactically and because I'm feeling cruddy myself. I don't know if it's the stress and lack of sleep, but I'm truly so happy I had a whole bottle on hand. I will take another test when I take my grandma in to get tested, just in case I got infected while in the car with mom at the testing site. We were wearing masks, but it was a saliva test so here we were spitting into this little funnel thing so obviously we had to take them off for that. The irony is not lost on me lol. I just wanted to post about my experience.


[-] xlleimsx | 5 points | Jan 18 2021 21:16:42

Please do keep us informed on how things develop for all in your family. Wishing you a safe recovery!


[-] BernieTheDachshund | 3 points | Jan 18 2021 21:22:47

Thank you so much.


[-] BillyBob_TX | 3 points | Jan 19 2021 01:11:41

Not sure if you dosed Granny, but that would not be a bad idea, but I'm no DR and don't play one on the internet.


[-] BernieTheDachshund | 1 points | Jan 19 2021 01:37:57

I'm taking her to get tested at an urgent care place tonight. Her odds of having it are pretty low since she was not directly exposed. We still have to make sure she's not positive either way. So I will consult an actual doctor lol. It probably would not hurt to dose her though. If she has any eyelash mites they would die.


[-] Haitchpeasauce | 2 points | Jan 18 2021 21:46:57

Hope you all get well soon, keep us posted. Is the whole family taking Ivermectin now?


[-] BernieTheDachshund | 3 points | Jan 18 2021 21:53:21

Just my mom and I. My brother refuses because he thinks it's an antibiotic he's allergic to. I tried to explain it but he's stubborn. That's what got us into this mess in the first place! I'll try to keep y'all posted. Thank you for the well wishes!


[-] Haitchpeasauce | 3 points | Jan 18 2021 22:33:08

That's funny because Ivermectin originated from bacteria.

By the way the Ivermectin has theoretical efficacy against gram negative bacterial sepsis. Dr Been talks about it here:

Worth watching the whole video if you haven't already, it's an excellent presentation for two of the mechanisms of action of ivermectin. His videos always contain references to the relevant scientific papers.


[-] alishock | 2 points | Jan 18 2021 22:09:58

Is IVM the only thing you two are taking?


[-] BernieTheDachshund | 1 points | Jan 18 2021 23:46:19

Some xanax too lol.


[-] dogrescuersometimes | 2 points | Jan 19 2021 00:30:19

Another giant wiin for the IVERMECTIN!


[-] BernieTheDachshund | 2 points | Jan 19 2021 01:02:01



[-] gengiskron | 2 points | Jan 19 2021 04:37:08

How did you acquire the IVM without a prescription?


[-] BernieTheDachshund | 2 points | Jan 19 2021 06:30:44

Well, pets don't need a prescription (if you catch my hint). I've had no issue with the liquid version that anyone can buy at any local farm/feed supply place or online. It's sterile and works just fine. We're very fortunate that we can trust products made here in the US as being good quality. I'd never give my pets something I wasn't willing to take myself.


[-] Till-Midnight | 2 points | Jan 19 2021 12:32:01

Here is a small study out of India on the use of steam. I doubt there will be any other studies since it's almost free and we just can't have that!!


[-] OatmealApocalypse | 2 points | Jan 22 2021 21:37:56

What’s goin on man you got Covid?


[-] BernieTheDachshund | 2 points | Jan 22 2021 21:50:15

I didn't, but my mom, grandma, and brother and sister got it. So did my little nephew. It's crazy.


[-] OatmealApocalypse | 2 points | Jan 22 2021 21:52:53

Were you already taking ivermectin prophylactically? Pretty interested anecdotally


[-] BernieTheDachshund | 5 points | Jan 22 2021 22:08:57

As soon as I found out my brother tested positive, yes I took it prophylactically (I even posted about it lol). My mom did too. We both had been feeling kinda cruddy the day of the test. By the next day we felt better. She wound up positive, I was negative. I'm still taking it almost daily (triple dose) to stave it off since I live with 3 positive people. I'm giving it to mom and granny and so far granny (who is 91 today) is asymptomatic. Mom had a runny nose, but that's gone and now she just feels a general malaise here and there. I've had lots of previous experience with it. At first because I felt I had those eyelash mites and wanted to get rid of them. Then like 5 years ago bed bugs (oh that was stressful). Last year scabies. This year covid. I always have a bottle for my dogs, for their heartworm prevention doses, but we've taken all of it. This is a new bottle my sister got. So yes, I'm a big proponent of Ivermectin because it's been very helpful. I read where people have been struggling for YEARS with conditions and nobody has told them about it. I've seen people wanting to commit suicide because they don't know what to do. It's amazing that it can make such a huge impact on people's lives. In the 80's they started a mass eradication program in Africa and South America to get rid of the parasites that cause River Blindness and Elephantiasis. It was successful. Isn't it awesome that millions of people don't have to go blind? That alone is wonderful. So yes, if you're interested here's a great (pre-covid) article about it.


[-] OatmealApocalypse | 2 points | Jan 22 2021 23:07:18

That’s a great read you linked. Appreciate the detail, a wishing your family a smooth recovery


[-] BernieTheDachshund | 1 points | Jan 23 2021 00:34:41

Thank you so much!


[-] medic-finance | 2 points | Jan 30 2021 16:58:33

Where do you live? USA?


[-] BernieTheDachshund | 1 points | Jan 30 2021 17:20:31

Yes, in Texas


[-] blsreddit | 2 points | Jan 29 2021 04:15:37

Please give us an update on how things are going.


[-] BernieTheDachshund | 1 points | Jan 29 2021 05:48:54

Grandma stayed asymptomatic. Mom is better too. None of us have re-tested because they said there's no need to. I really believe taking Ivermectin those first few days made a huge difference. My sister and nephew got the same virus a few days later, but did not take any and were the sickest, even though they're the youngest of the group. I'm really glad I had it on hand and was able to quickly take it before we even knew the test results. Also, getting bam infusion for granny was impossible because she had zero symptoms. I signed us all up for the vaccine wait list. Turns out if granny had had bamlanivimab she would have to wait 90 days for a vaccine. My mom is really a big believer in IVM now, she's the main one who would feel relief from her malaise when she took it. We feel not only did it stave off the worst effects of covid, but it shortened the duration. I'm still checking their pulse/oxygen daily but today granny was 100% and it's the last of her 10 day quarantine/test date. I'm convinced not only is Ivermectin safe, it truly helped my family survive. Even if it helped a little or a lot, it helped. Thank you for asking for an update!
