Swineservant | 10 points | Jan 17 2021 08:31:14

Is ivermectin really panning out to be a meaningful treatment for COViD-19?

There seems to be pushback everywhere surrounding this medication. Has there been any slam-dunk RCTs anywhere in the wealthy, white, western world I could read and show to arrogant white, wealthy doctors in the US? It seems that such studies are the only acceptable evidence and I'd love to see some. I've looked at the FLCCC already. Thank you in advance for any help.


[-] rraak | 9 points | Jan 17 2021 14:41:47

Unfortunately, if you still get resistance after your physician has taken the time to thoroughly review the information provided by the FLCCC, you can be certain that your physician is an asshole. The more likely scenario is that your physician simply dismisses it out of hand and doesn't review because it was brought to their attention by a filthy peasant. Or they're too lazy and set in their ways to consider anything that doesn't fit easily into what they are expecting to see.


[-] warriorsfan23 | 5 points | Jan 17 2021 09:29:07

I am afraid that the public opinion is already lost now that the Brazilian president proposed that ivermectin might be a substitute for the vaccine.

The only thing that we can do is to protect ourselves and try to convince friends and relatives which is already super difficult.


[-] machinelearny | 1 points | Jan 20 2021 19:02:16

The reporting on Ivermectin in Brasil is even worse than the rest of the world. The media still keeps saying there is no evidence that it works.

Do we have some kind of laws in Brasil that can be used to hold the media accountable? It is amazing to read them say there is NO evidence that it works.

I'm an estrangeiro, so don't really know much about the laws.


[-] traveler19395 | 3 points | Jan 17 2021 08:35:48

Has there been any slam-dunk RCTs anywhere in the wealthy, white, western world I could read and show to arrogant white, wealthy doctors in the US?



[-] jzero4242 | 3 points | Jan 17 2021 08:45:51

And that is insane.

Lives seem to not matter when there's no money in the business.


[-] newtonma2020 | 2 points | Jan 17 2021 22:08:12

In the US, "slam-dunk RCTs" cost many 100's of thousands of dollars and are normally funded and organized by Big Pharma. And BP is not interesting in doing ANYTHING that might help prove that IVM works. It would only reduce their profits.


[-] newtonma2020 | 3 points | Jan 17 2021 22:04:45

If your doctor is pushing back against FLCCC data, showing him more is not likely to help; he will just find another reason to be dissatisfied. But it MAY help if you let your doctor know that as of last week, NIH no longer recommends against ivermectin -- so writing a prescription no longer violates NIH guidelines.


[-] Swineservant | 2 points | Jan 17 2021 22:22:05

The reason for this post was a somewhat heated discussion with a self proclaimed doctor on reddit. Since we both had become invested in the argument I was wondering (hoping) for some RCT out there that I missed to end the argument. The person was coming off as extremely arrogant (which caused me to escalate in the same direction) and was steering the comments in the thread toward a very anti-IVM stance. I appreciate the concern and help. I think IVM is a very helpful medication for COVID-19 though the mainstream medical establishment remains skeptical at best and dismissive/hostile at worst.


[-] akaariai | 1 points | Jan 18 2021 08:35:41

I believe I know the troll you are talking about. The one who does gold standard RCTs without any external funding by themselves?

When it comes to good quality evidence about IVM my list goes as follows.

The ICON study - observational study published and peer reviewed. Excellent efficacy results. It's a good quality observational study, the only thing laking is it's not RCT.

Anti-COVID-19 efficacy of ivermectin in the golden hamster - RCT study in the golden hamster showing good efficacy, no antiviral activity and plenty of signs for immunomodulating effect. This one is from Pasteur institute and has some first tier scientists as authors. Downside is that this one is not yet peer reviewed.

Add in all the RCTs done around the world. Of course, none of them are of "western high quality" kind... But what's the chance these are all false?

Finally, add in all the places which have seen good results using IVM. There is plenty of anecdotal evidence IVM works, and very little anecdotal evidence it doesn't.

Based on all the above I find it highly unlikely IVM isn't beneficial. I also find it unlikely IVM's mode of action in hospitalised patients is antiviral, but that's a different story...

In the end the problem is that if somebody defines truth as western good quality RCT, then it really doesn't matter how much of other evidence you can provide. And for the original question, there's no such published RCT. If there was one, then IVM would be already in widespread use.


[-] [deleted] | 1 points | Jan 17 2021 14:41:56



[-] LJJ73 | 1 points | Jan 17 2021 15:10:05

My dr and others in my area are prescribing it (US). Its doubtful we will see western trials as you are thinking. Possibly we will see some backed by non profit or government funded but not by the drug companies.

The big pharma companies have no incentive to back trials on a cheap generic drugs- there is no benefit to them.

Say a big drug company spent millions backing the trials through the stages.... its a generic (been around so long any other drug company can make and sell it). The company funding the trial has no way to make back all their sunk costs of getting it approved.

With new drugs coming to market the drug comanies maintain exclusive rights to make/ sell until the patent expires. So if they make a great new drug, the profit is huge.


[-] TheQueensCheckmate | 1 points | Jan 17 2021 21:37:21

IDK how cheap this is. I just paid $150 for it


[-] LJJ73 | 1 points | Jan 18 2021 01:39:19

Ouch. Mine was $38 last week.


[-] TheQueensCheckmate | 1 points | Jan 18 2021 01:43:29

Yeah 3 other pharmacies wouldn’t fill the prescription so I had to go online


[-] DrTxn | 1 points | Jan 18 2021 02:47:56

I paid $168 but have a shit ton of doses. I want to gives thanks to my doctor. I was possibly exposed and took it the next day. May I test negative for a second time tomorrow...


[-] qalbsakeena123 | 1 points | Jan 18 2021 03:39:29

How can I get this in the USA? I am fairly certain my Dr. will think Im nuts.


[-] [deleted] | 1 points | Jan 18 2021 06:08:44



[-] arcp32 | 1 points | Jan 19 2021 21:12:47



[-] qalbsakeena123 | 2 points | Jan 19 2021 21:15:51

You are amazing ty!


[-] arcp32 | 1 points | Jan 19 2021 21:29:28

Good luck, friend! If you have any trouble, feel free to msg me.


[-] arcp32 | 1 points | Jan 19 2021 21:30:27

Also tons of info on #gettingivermectin sub. That's where I found info.


[-] qalbsakeena123 | 2 points | Jan 19 2021 21:34:47

Yeah defintely I really appreciate it. I have family in South America and they were telling me about this I was like yeah right sounds like bs but in fact this medicine is saving lives wtf! Thanks again. Take care and be safe!


[-] [deleted] | 1 points | Jan 18 2021 06:08:06

