poofycade | 12 points
Just got prescribed ivermectin for Covid. Any comments before I take it?(20M) Im at around week 7 of still having Covid symptoms. I have my prescription waiting for me at the local pharmacy and am still worried about taking it. My doctor wants me to take 33mg for 2 days, then 15mg for another 2 days. It seems like sortve a high dosage IMO. Im 175lbs and 70 inches tall.
Is there any stories of people taking it who were long haulers or still in the acute sick stage that can share their experiences?
Also are there any side effects that aren’t mentioned anywhere I should know of? I saw a post on here about how IVM can damage sperm.
Following up here
[-] blessyouredditreader | 2 points
Yeah im just nervous about taking it and if it will really help
[-] Hovercraft_Time | 2 points
[-] Internal-Shot | 1 points
I took 1ml orally a few days ago and I feel fine. I don't have covid, but at least I didn't get any side effects from the ivermectin
[-] sighing_flosser | 1 points
I literally did this last night, per a redditors suggestion and am going to pick it up at Walmart in an hour: pushhealth.com
My follow ups
What country is this? Just curious.
US, i peeked at your profile idk anything about the UKs deal with IVM. But if you’re looking to get it try r/gettingIvermectin if you haven’t already
Wow. Ivermectin is not part of the protocol in the UK, though some mega-expensive drug that reduces deaths by 80% did get approved recently.
What drug? And yeah I think thats the whole theory is that pharmaceuticals dont make as much money on cheap shit like IVM. Who knows though, if youre looking for something you dont need a prescription for i know that some people are buying IVM for horses online. Not me personally, im skeptical about that still. But if you were desperate and wanted to try it I would say going to a veterinarian and saying your heavy dog has worm like symptoms. Thats just an idea though lol
"NHS patients will have access to tocilizumab and sarilumab - which are typically used to treat rheumatoid arthritis - under updated guidance due to be issued tomorrow by the Government and the NHS to Trusts across the UK."
[-] FinFreedomCountdown | 1 points
What state? I’m in CA and not heard anyone here being prescribed IVM
[-] Virtual-Pipe | 2 points
Some doctors in CA do prescribe IVM: www.exstnc.com
[-] FinFreedomCountdown | 1 points
Thank you 😊
[-] chevy32720 | 1 points
Ive heard of people taking this.
I tested positive for covid yesterday- I happened to buy this weeks ago from Amazon after a friend sent me a few articles. Last night, my symptoms went crazy - my heart was pounding out of my chest, fever, cough, chills- I was really worried, when that same morning before I got tested, I just felt like I was coming down with the flu, but nothing major. I took 1 dose of the ivermectin paste and 4 hours later, I was back to normal. A full day later, all my symptoms are gone except now I’m just coughing up lots of phlegm. I’m telling everyone I know about this stuff.
I have this in my cabinet- luckily i got a script for the pill form. I did get advice to put it on a cracker and its more palatable.
[-] chevy32720 | 1 points
Ive got some in the cabinet as an option. Supposedly all of it is made in the same factory and used for different products.
Im interested to hear your update. I just finished 5 days, starting at onset (I have some comments in here about it).
This drug has been around for a long time with few side effects. Worst case is no harm done; best case is that you see huge improvement.
But are we sure thats the worst case? I fear there could be other complications. Its odd that i cant find someone on reddit that is taking it currently
I am taking it, but I started same day of my positive test, not weeks later. My dr had said the earlier the better, to stop it in its tracks and symptoms don't progress.
Many of the late use cases are the official clinical trials.
As far as controlled drugs go, this one has been used in huge numbers across the globe in its generic form. Big pharma doesn't get the profit from a fancy new patented drug, so they have no incentive to support it or run trials. Big pharma mainly run the trials for FDA approved drugs, which isnt going to happen in this case, and FDA is going to continue to caution against use not proven in trials. (catch 22). (Source: me- prior auditor for major teaching hospital that managed a large number of clinical trials).
Yeah i wish i wouldve known about it earlier. Im just hoping that doing this isnt going to somehow bite me in the ass a few months down the line. I feel like it will be harder to explain to a doctor if i have long haul symptoms and also have to explain that i tried the deworming shit everyone was buzzing about in December and January
[-] medic-finance | 1 points
How did you do with Ivermectin?
I'm at day 8 after testing positive. I never got worse after day 2 taking Ivermectin- so Ive been dealing with a cough and the tiredness. Both are already improving. Its nice to have some energy again but Im not back to 100% yet.
Partner- is similar although his coughing and tiredness is much worse. He has multiple factors placing him at high risk and he is not getting worse. No issues breathing.
Overall- neither of us progressed to any of the more severe symptoms, and are boyh on the mend.
[-] medic-finance | 1 points
Great. Thanks
[-] Excellent-Garden1718 | 1 points
I posted this earlier on the gettingivermectin sub for another poster, but maybe you'll find it helpful. Several people have posted about ivermectin for long haulers:
[-] kayalounge | 1 points
[-] traveler19395 | 1 points
this is the first I'm seeing of IVM for treatment weeks after infection, has FLCCC addressed this? Any other sources?
What is the logic behind taking it so late? In these 'long-haul' cases is it known that the virus is still alive and reproducing? I thought it was simply a case of slow recovery from severe damage, but admittedly I have never looked into this specifically.
Theres a theory that the virus can hide out or get stuck in some parts of the bodies and reproduce, but not able to cause any infection but it does cause some symptoms again from the disturbance. The IVM would then stop it from reproducing. Im not sure if the FLCCC has directed it but my doctor sent me some resources about using the IVM for long haulers.
My guess is that it i will feel good taking the IVM, likely due to it being anti inflammatory and its ability to calm down the immune system. But when i stop taking it, im hoping to feel improved but Im not sold on it completely curing me
The FLCCC review paper has a section on Long Covid that mentions at least one small study where patients were given 200mcg/kg daily for 2-4 days for mild symptoms, and 400mcg/kg daily for 2-4 days if rated moderate or worse. After 2 days 87% improved and after 4 days another 7 percent improved, so overall 95% improvement in long COVID symptoms after 4 doses.
I've only treated a few patients so far with long COVID but have seen amazing results usually within a day or 2 of the first dose after many months of stubborn symptoms.
[-] sneakpeekbot | 1 points
Here's a sneak peek of /r/gettingIvermectin using the top posts of all time!
#1: Easy success from pushhealth.com(USA)
#2: Link to worldwide Doctors that prescribe Ivermectin
#3: Text2MD - We can help with Ivermectin in the US. We follow the I-Mask protocol designed by the FLCCC and have been successfully helping many patients with Ivermectin. Visit us at: www.Text2md.con , contact us (text preferred) 855-767-8559
^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^Contact ^^me ^^| ^^Info ^^| ^^Opt-out
I got pretty bad vertigo from the ivermectin, also my skin felt weird in my face. The vertigo from the ivermectin seemed to last about 3 weeks. Couldn't be completely sure if it was the ivermectin or covid itself. But seemed more acute after the ivermectin. The dizzyness from long hauler lasted about a year for me. Hopefully you guys have better luck, but if your only 8 weeks in.......... my case lasted about a year and I still get some symptoms that seem to be from damage that the virus did. Best of luck.
Im so sorry its lasted this long for you. Thats why im thinking of just taking the risk and seeing if i can prevent possibly having months of symptoms. I already have dizziness so i hope it doesnt make it any worse
One easy thing to try that worked for my mother is the Epley Maneuver and similar maneuvers for vertigo:
Epley maneuver: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KzLWOX770i
I have seen mild dizziness in about 1-2 percent of patients taking Ivermectin, but the dizziness from the drug wears off within 12 - 24 hours.
[-] ChrisRam9326 | 3 points | Jan 13 2021 18:58:35
Sounds about right, maybe he's doubling your dosage the 1st 2 days since you've been long hauling. I'm waiting on the notification for my IVM prescription. I feel like walking out of the pharmacy Ivermectin in hand and the rocky theme song playing in the back lol. I'm done with this covid bs I'm on week 8.
[-] poofycade | 3 points | Jan 13 2021 19:11:58
Lmao me too i have college classes around the corner that i hope to start feeling better for. And it sounds like we are sorta in the same boat in terms of length of time then. Have you tried any else yet like a steroid to treat the symptoms? What are your long haul symptoms?
[-] ChrisRam9326 | 2 points | Jan 13 2021 19:20:06
I'm on Propranolol for heart palpitations and anxiety, I was also having panic attacks and so far it's been helping. I just got started on Pantoprazole for GERD. My symptoms have been headaches/dizziness to the point were I lose my balance, ringing in my ears, blurry vision also very sensitive to light, shortnes of breath, chest pain but it's not deep in my chest more like just beneath my skin, if I exert myself I get bad shortness of breath and start feeling feverish my ears start burning and my temp. goes up to 99.0. The most annoying is the shortness of breath and the dizzy spells.
[-] poofycade | 2 points | Jan 13 2021 19:35:25
Yeah we definitely have some overlapping. I had a few panic attacks during the acute phase but I think I’ve been managing my anxiety about this all pretty okay seeing that people are in fact getting better eventually.
I know what you mean about the dizziness, it annoys me the most too. Thats one thing that has sorta been progressively settling in for me as just feeling constantly unbalanced and slow motion sorta if that makes sense. I also have the light sensitivity which usually proceeds all of my relapses. Ill feel better for a few days and then all the sudden my eyes will start hurting and I cant stand looking at any lights and sit in a dark room almost like i have a concussion. The chest pain i also have too, its right where the ribs meet the sternum and its sore to touch and massage. I had that checked out by a doctor and they said its just inflammation from being sick and coughing and not to worry about it, and that icing it would help. I havent had much of a fever, headache, or blurry vision that I can think of though.
Other symptoms im experiencing are brain fog if i exert myself too hard physically or mentally. Sometimes SOB. And recently been having stomach aches in the morning that make me feel like i have to puke and diarrhea. Or like overactive bowel movement’s really, it seems like im shitting 4-5 times a day lately.
But again the dizziness worries me the most. Ive had 2 really distinct dizzy spells where i was just sorta zoned out looking at my computer, then i blinked for a second and when i opened my eyes the world was like spinning and it took maybe 20 seconds for that to go away but theyve left me feeling unbalanced and slightly dizzy still to this day
EDIT: also having smell and taste issues, partial anosmia and sometimes phantom smells
[-] ChrisRam9326 | 1 points | Jan 13 2021 19:43:39
I also just started having more bowel movements as well, I thought it was maybe the meds I'm taking. Yesterday I got a weird dizzy spell as I was driving, the road became very narrow for a few seconds and a car infront of me seemed to have shrinked as well. That had never happened to me before. I have been having SoB for over week now I just can't seem to catch a satisfying deep breath, some days it's less some days it's bad luckily my oxygen levels have been good 97-99.
[-] poofycade | 1 points | Jan 13 2021 19:56:53
Yeah i think the bowel movements is a big reason why people think IVM will help. There’s obviously some weird shit going on in our guts if we are going that much. So maybe the IVM will help kill whatevers in there. And yeah i am nervous about driving because of that too, be careful. And also my oxygen has been like 97-100 also these last 2 or so weeks. Its good news but its so weird that from a medical testing standpoint everything seems normal. Like on MRIs and Xrays too. The only tell that i have that something isnt right that other people can observe is my resting heart rate. It used to be like 60 but now its been around 75-85. I also look really tired too but thats not much of a diagnosis lol. One thing also is I have a super hard time feeling like i am drinking enough water. Ill chug like 2 glasses and lay down and my mouth will feel dry again, weird
[-] Rich-Afternoon-5389 | 3 points | Jan 14 2021 14:53:52
You can mix 8000 mg of sodium ascorbate in water. This is the only thing that made me hydrated during covid infection until I stumbled upon Thermotabs salt supplement buffered. Make sure to stay within the recommended dose.
[-] poofycade | 1 points | Jan 14 2021 14:58:24
Okay thanks for the recommendation