t0astter | 8 points
Anyone have side effects from IVM?Has anyone who has been taking ivermectin had side effects? So far I've only seen one thread about itching. Are side effects really that rare when not taken for parasites?
[-] akohlsmith | 3 points
Just took my first four notches (I’m 200lbs) about 15m ago. Aside from a really weird taste with lasting bitterness/dryness with a hint of faint apple smell, so far so good. :-)
[-] Youarethebigbang | 1 points
If you have typical (Duret) brand paste, how many doses will you get from it at your weight? Tube is 6.08g.
[-] akohlsmith | 2 points
A single syringe contains enough to medicate a 1250lb horse; I'm 200lbs so that's 1250/200 or 6 and change doses using the same 200mcg/kg dosing. If the dosing regimen for prophylactic use is every two weeks after an initial "double dose" taken one week apart, that'd be 11 weeks before I'd need the next syringe, which (along with every subsequent syringe) would last 12 weeks.
Just be prepared for the taste - it's not bad per se, but it is unpleasant and just weird. I suspect it would taste like hand cream, if hand cream had some kind of weird whiff of apple in it.
[-] Youarethebigbang | 2 points
Great info, thank you. I've seen people saying to mix with applesauce, but whatever works. I do need to read up again if recommended to take on empty stomach or with food for best effectiveness--seems I remember the protocol has changed from one to the other since they first started recommending.
[-] akohlsmith | 2 points
Honestly I don't think it's that bad, I just whine a bit about it but really, chase it with some orange juice or something if it's that unpleasant.
I'd read here that for prophylactic use it's best to take it with some fatty food; a half avocado or something is probably sufficient. Not a lawyer, not a doctor and don't even play one on TV, so use at your own risk of course.
[-] Youarethebigbang | 1 points
Ah yes you're right about fatty food, this was the post I had seen with update: https://www.reddit.com/r/ivermectin/comments/kv0jxy/update_from_flccc_on_question_about_ivermectin
I’ve taken it 3 times now over the last 3-4 months and haven’t noticed a single side effect. YMMV of course, but from what I’ve seen obvious side effects seem to be extremely uncommon
My friend took as a prophylaxis one dose yesterday (18mg). This morning he woke up having weird vision. He told me that he was seeing like playing a computer game with low framerate, like 10 fps and of course he was really scared. Vision came back to normal after 5 minutes.
I read somewhere that if you have vision problems, it could be due to the loa loa nymph parasite.... Not sure if that was the case.
[-] sicklypersonforever | 1 points
In the past when I took it for scabies, I broke out in a small rash on my face. I don't know if it was related to the IVM but I thought I'd share anyway.
Someone who took it on an empty stomach had a bit of tachycardia that did not happen again when taken after a meal.
[-] passfailboat | 1 points
When I started taking it, I did so on an empty stomach and I would have very brief but very pungent gas. Once I started taking it with a fatty meal, I didn't have that issue.
[-] momofthreecuties | 1 points
I feel slightly dizzy in the first 24 hours. I have to drink a lot of water. I don’t drink near enough
Is it like a tired dizzy or a hungover type of dizzy? I'm just wondering if I could take it before work and still function.
[-] momofthreecuties | 1 points
It’s just a light headed feeling like you don’t eat or drink
[-] Bluefreakage | 1 points
Yeah I had a light headache (that felt distinctly different than my regular long haul ones) and a little light headed mostly just the first day. Was fine at work with a couple aspirin.
[-] Haitchpeasauce | 1 points
The first time I took it I felt a bit dizzy, it passed in a few hours. Following times I have had no side effects whatsoever.
[-] tateTheMate2020 | 1 points
I took it while I was taking high dose niacin and a statin and experienced leg pain and weakness. Have not tried it since I got off the niacin.
[-] BernieTheDachshund | 1 points
The only reason itching is shown as a side effect is when people take it to kill skin parasites, they can sometimes move while they're dying and cause some of that feeling. I think I read the folks who took it for Elephantiasis were the ones who felt that, since it didn't kill the parasites instantly. The fact it doesn't kill worms too quickly also helps when dealing with the worms that caused River Blindness. In dogs, it kills heartworm larvae (not too fast or they'd clump and cause a clot). So any itchiness is probably the death throes of some accursed critter. You should not have any side effects as a human. I've taken it countless times for various things and never had any side effect.
[-] Juanmacortes | 1 points
Since we're on the second peak of the pandemic here in Colombia, for recommendations of a friend (physician) I bought a 5ml bottle to reduce and prevent getting infected (you could get it for U$2 and with no medical prescription). Then I took a large dose of ivermectin this morning -1drop per weight kg- and started feeling itching and a sort of anxiet after 4 hours. It could be due to parasites and also because I drank a beer during late lunch; also sleeping problems for the same reasons (it's 3am while I'm posting this) I'll have to take my second dosis of the month on Sunday. Hoping to get a better feeling during these days.
[-] AppreciationRing17 | 3 points | Jan 13 2021 17:31:42
Every one of my family members had very vivid strange dreams the night after taking IVM. That was the only "side effect" any of us experienced.
[-] Bluefreakage | 2 points | Jan 14 2021 06:10:33
I added melatonin too and thought it was the culprit!
[-] Fun-Hall-1351 | 2 points | Jan 14 2021 12:40:40
Melatonin can cause vivid dreams. Start with a low dose.
[-] momofthreecuties | 1 points | Jan 14 2021 03:28:04
Oh now that you say this I made the connection. Happens to me too.