Cat1620 | 10 points | Jan 12 2021 16:24:36

Would like to take prophylactic protocol indefinitely. Is it safe?

My doctor has been prescribing the prophylaxis protocol on the FLCCC website for about a month, but she objects to doing this ongoing - claims there are no studies to prove this is safe. What is the evidence that I can safely take Ivermectin for, say, a year? I have been traveling on commercial flights and taking care of Covid positive parents recently. Doing fine!


[-] stereomatch | 6 points | Jan 12 2021 17:22:54

MATH+ recently reduced it to 12mg every other week as the recommended dose. Mainly to reduce drug exposure and to reduce drug requirements.

The other option is to take it in an episodic fashion. That is, if you are usually not exposed but only occasionally, then to take it around the time of exposure.

Or to take it once you get symptoms - the problem with that is that once you have symptoms you already have gotten the viral peak (which occurs when symptoms first appear). So you won't get opportunity to reduce viral debris load ( which is what triggers the second inflammatory stage).

The problem with episodic approach is that it won't protect against asymptomatic disease - as you may have no symptoms. Yet even asymptomatics have risk of clotting etc.

A caveat on this simple view of asymptomatics is that it may be that asymptomatics may still have SOME symptoms - just that they are minor, so many people may just ignore them as minor niggles.

The other option is to stack odds in your favor by optimizing vitamin d by keeping it high (don't take too many calcium supplements when taking lots of vitamin d to avoid calcification risk to parts of the body).

And taking moderate amounts of zinc etc.


[-] Cat1620 | 3 points | Jan 12 2021 18:39:57

I have to fly Cali to PA two or three times a month. I don't know when this will end. I will be much more confident with Ivermectin prophylaxis, so I either have to convince this doctor, or find another source. I have tested negative recently. My father died of Covid, so I don't want to wait until I get Covid to start Ivermectin again. I don't want to stop at all.


[-] stereomatch | 2 points | Jan 12 2021 19:26:35

Do you qualify for a vaccine ?

Maybe you can take the ivermectin for a month or two which is not a lot - esp if are doing the every 2 weeks protocol that MATH+ now recommends.

Perhaps telling her the MATH+ protocol now has reduced it to once every two weeks will be enough to allay her concerns?

Depending on when you will get the vaccine, you may only have to take it a few times (4 times only for 2 months).

And by that time the vaccine may become available to you.

I know of people in the U.S. who have ordered ivermectin online - their order was fulfilled in Singapore and the medicines were Indian versions of ivermectin (India is a big producer of medicines - so that should be ok).

The other alternative is to get an online consult with one of the early treatment doctors - though they may be expensive.

For online consults with doctors who prescribe early treatment ie ivermectin for all stages and steroids for day 8 from first symptoms - I have added some links in this comment I made elsewhere:

You should know that just as ivermectin may be important, equally important is to have high vitamin d levels. And to get adequate sleep - lack of sleep weakens the immune system.


[-] ibexrecurve | 2 points | Jan 12 2021 20:16:07

Check out my prophylaxis supplements protocol. My SO got sick with covid and I didn't.


[-] EVMG1015 | 1 points | Jan 13 2021 16:40:20

Did you test positive and remain asymptomatic or just flat out not catch it?


[-] LifeandDiy | 1 points | Jan 12 2021 20:30:46

Contact me if looking for a dr. Who can prescribe it for prophylaxis use.


[-] marmaladefanclub | 2 points | Jan 13 2021 05:59:00

I can't find the prophylactic recommendation on MATH+, help a brutha out?


[-] stereomatch | 1 points | Jan 13 2021 06:18:37

It's in the I-MASK protocol as well.

FLCCC/MATH+ now suggesting lowering ivermectin dose from 0.2mg/kg every week to 0.2mg/kg every 2 weeks Posted byu/Mex_Rover52 FLCCC Prophylaxis Dosing Change


[-] Fun-Hall-1351 | 5 points | Jan 13 2021 01:45:30

I’ve taken a dose of IVM every 7-10 days since mid-May. I plan on continuing along this path until it’s safe to socialize. When I do leave the house (grocery store) I wear a KF94 mask and plastic face shield. I’m not messing around with the virus. I’m 63, way too risky.


[-] DrTxn | 0 points | Jan 13 2021 15:56:27

For riverblindness it is taken for over a decade:

Millions are afflicted with riverblindness.

The question really becomes long term use with the frequency of dosing.
