Barberelli | 2 points
Gas? Has this caused you any indigestion, burping and endless gas?Is anyone else using as a prophylaxis and experiencing extreme gas? I'm to the point of chest pains - I have a healthy heart, it is most definitely gas. I just have to keep taking sodium bicarbonate and pepcid. It won't stop.
None, that I’ve heard of. My wife and I have had no side effects and we are on our 3rd dose. What kind of IVM are you taking?? Also, I would stop taking all that anti acid crap. Instead, (and I know this is gonna sound weird) but try taking drinking a couple tablespoons of apple cider vinegar diluted it in some water. (Diluted just for ease of consumption.) My indignation and heartburn always clear up immediately, after doing this.
[-] Signal-Sign-5778 | 3 points
I dont usually get heartburn but I DO get indignant. Will 10 out of 10 try this. Thanks for the tip!
Also curious what form of IVM you are taking? And how much?
[-] Barberelli | 2 points
The paste version. I have the human version on hand but was saving that for the event my family (kids) should need it. I believe I'm going to buy more human version and save the paste for emergencies only
I would encourage you Maybe look into a different Emergency version. Just basing this off of recommendations from a friend of a friend. You can see information hear from veterinarians.
[-] dogrescuersometimes | 1 points
Agreed. I've been off gerd med for years now.
[-] Grand-Pay8061 | 2 points
Could be a herxheimer reaction. Investigate the definition.
[-] Barberelli | 1 points
That is fascinating and plausible. Thank you!
Yes, husband and I started this week, we've had two days of taking 15 mg. My husband says his stomach was upset, I had gas. However, the food we ate could have been the cause. We think herxheimer reaction. We expected to feel crappy if it's killing something off.
[-] Barberelli | 1 points
I'm starting to think that was my problem as well. The past two times now that I've taken it, I do not have that severe gas any longer. I too believe it may have been herx - before this post I had never heard of that at all.
same more gas, although we have only taken our first two doses..our third dose will be this Sat. We also ate some kimchi that has fermentation (doctor advised us to take sauerkraut or kimchi daily) so it may have reacted with gut bacteria. Whatever the case, stomach issues have settled down. My stomach feels a little unsettled after I eat but it could very well be the supplements we are taking, 13 of them!
[-] [deleted] | 1 points
[-] dogrescuersometimes | 2 points | Jan 12 2021 06:58:56
How much are you taking?
I had 2 doses. That's all you need for the big c19.
[-] Barberelli | 2 points | Jan 13 2021 19:22:43
I was (am) aking per weight every 10 days