stereomatch | 19 points
Ivermectin becomes available in Macedonia at $6 for 10 x 12mg pills (2021-01-11)
[-] [deleted] | 1 points
News source (Macedonia): МАЛМЕД потврди за „Слободен печат“: Ивермектинот стигна во Македонија] Jan 11, 2021
Translation: MALMED confirmed for "Free Press": Ivermectin has arrived in Macedonia Jan 11, 2021
The drug Ivermectin will be available in pharmacies across the country from tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, confirmed for Free Press the director of the Agency for Drugs and Medical Devices MALMED, Lirim Shabani. This is a new hope for the treatment of Covid 19, because it is a preparation that in all studies has shown excellent results, especially if given in the first days of the disease, but under strict medical supervision. The health authorities appeal to the citizens not to buy Ivermectin and not to use it on their own.
Some information on pricing in Macedonia vs. U.S. from the Twitter thread where this story was being discussed:
North Macedonia is the first European country to formally approve ivermectin against Covid-19 and it will start the national distribution tomorrow. Will be fascinating to follow the case fatality rate.
In North Macedonia, the cost of 10x 12mg pills of ivermectin for Covid-19 treatment launched tomorrow has been set at 299 Macedonian denars. For the very few of you not knowing how much that is, it amounts to 6 US dollars.
Sadly, supply/demand curve applies here in the U.S. Last week, my prophylactic ivermectin prescription cost $210 for 4 mos. supply. Better than being ill, but not $20 -$40 I anticipated based on global costs.
[-] [deleted] | 1 points
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[-] kosmik-brokoli | 2 points | Jan 14 2021 06:36:13
over the counter or with a prescription?
[-] stereomatch | 2 points | Jan 14 2021 13:39:12
Probably prescription but maybe things are lax since govt had to ask people to not take on their own.