stereomatch | 6 points
Ivermectin happenings in South Africa as illustrative of governmental behaviorI have posted to these sub-reddits about some of the novel happenings in South Africa regarding ivermectin and it's contraband treatment there: SAHPRA’s guidance on the use of ivermectin in the prophylaxis or treatment of COVID-19 SAHPRA’s guidance on the use of ivermectin in the prophylaxis or treatment of COVID-19
I have posted a comment there each to explain how the South African regulatory authority makes good mention of the recent meta-analyses - and I provide a rough transcript of the Dr Andrew Hill presentation for Unitaid, that the regulatory statement mentions.
It may be seen as a negative story against ivermectin but it may have some instructive value as it highlights how absurd some of the governmental actions can be.
[-] dogrescuersometimes | 2 points | Jan 11 2021 19:05:18
How can it be anything except those who ban the substance are invested in the alternatives?