stereomatch | 10 points | Jan 11 2021 11:02:49

Update from FLCCC on question about Ivermectin dose - on empty stomach or with fatty meal (answer: for covid19 take with meal)

In answer to a question on Twitter:

When taking IVM for prophylaxis or early treatment, should one take it on an empty stomach or with one's main meal? Is the recommendation the same for the first dose and subsequent doses?

FLCCC's Dr Pierre Kory has corrected it:

Pierre Kory @PierreKory We used to suggest taking it on an empty stomach, but we recently came across a paper showing higher and more sustained levels if taken with food. So now we say take it with or after a meal. Just like the protocol in Uttar Pradesh :)

Empty stomach is a legacy of it's use for stomach worms. But for covid19 and other diseases where you want body-wide/systemic availability, take with fatty meal.

See earlier discussion on r/ivermectin also: Ivermectin for prophylaxis: Empty stomach or after a meal?


[-] ED_Rx | 3 points | Jan 13 2021 18:05:29

Ivermectin is highly lipophilic and thus it’s absorbed better when taken with food 🥘
