eternalmandrake | 6 points | Jan 10 2021 04:56:00

Peer reviewed ivermectin study?

Has there been a single peer reviewed ivermectin study for COVID-19 yet? I haven't checked in here since around July I think.


[-] massimaux | 7 points | Jan 10 2021 14:24:45

Twelve. Here they are:

Alam et al., Ivermectin as Pre-exposure Prophylaxis for COVID-19 among Healthcare Providers in a Selected Tertiary Hospital in Dhaka – An Observational Study,

Carvallo (B) et al., Journal of Biomedical Research and Clinical Investigation, doi:10.31546/2633-8653.1007, Study of the Efficacy and Safety of Topical Ivermectin + Iota-Carrageenan in the Prophylaxis against COVID-19 in Health Personnel,

Khan et al., Archivos de Bronconeumología, doi:10.1016/j.arbres.2020.08.007, Ivermectin treatment may improve the prognosis of patients with COVID-19,

Rajter et al., Chest, doi:10.1016/j.chest.2020.10.009, Use of Ivermectin is Associated with Lower Mortality in Hospitalized Patients with COVID-19 (ICON study),

Spoorthi et al., IAIM, 2020, 7:10, 177-182, Utility of Ivermectin and Doxycycline combination for the treatment of SARSCoV-2,

Espitia-Hernandez et al., Biomedical Research, 31:5, Effects of Ivermectin-azithromycin-cholecalciferol combined therapy on COVID-19 infected patients: A proof of concept study,

Ahmed et al., International Journal of Infectious Diseases, doi:10.1016/j.ijid.2020.11.191, A five day course of ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19 may reduce the duration of illness,

Bernigaud et al., Annals of Dermatology and Venereology, doi:10.1016/j.annder.2020.09.231, Ivermectin benefit: from scabies to COVID-19, an example of serendipity,

Chachar et al., International Journal of Sciences, 9:31-35, doi:10.18483/ijSci.2378, Effectiveness of Ivermectin in SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 Patients,

Camprubí et al., PLoS ONE, 15:11, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0242184, Lack of efficacy of standard doses of ivermectin in severe COVID-19 patients,

Hellwig et al., International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents, doi:10.1016/j.ijantimicag.2020.106248, A COVID-19 Prophylaxis? Lower incidence associated with prophylactic administration of Ivermectin,

Podder et al., IMC J. Med. Science, 14:2, July 2020, Outcome of ivermectin treated mild to moderate COVID-19 cases: a single-centre, open-label, randomised controlled study,


[-] bikes4paul | 3 points | Jan 11 2021 03:19:55

Super helpful information!!! Thank you for putting this together.


[-] [deleted] | 1 points | Jan 10 2021 17:52:34



[-] XNS_28 | 1 points | Jan 12 2021 16:19:24

I am all for new COVID treatments but here are a few things that make me skeptical for use in the United States: many of the treatment groups were treated with additional drugs like azithromycin and hydroxychloroquine, making the effects of ivermectin less clear. Few if any of these studies are multi-institutional, exacerbating confounding variables. Only one of these studies, I believe, have been conducted in the united states, which would be required for EUA use where I'm from. I'll be sure to stay updated but overall I would rank the level of evidence for ivermectin as poor.


[-] mij555 | 5 points | Jan 10 2021 06:13:58

My friend is a cardiologist in the Florida Keys. He runs 3 urgent care centers and is on the frontlines for COVID-19. He has a lot of experience and success with Ivermectin including treating some critical patients successfully. My wife and I contracted COVID and he treated us and it worked. It literally stopped the virus in its tracks. His name is Dr. Bruce Boros and you can find out a lot of info on his Facebook page. He is a highly credible physician. I’ve known him personally for about 25 years. He just posted this study


[-] cuibono2 | 3 points | Jan 10 2021 05:36:17

yes there has


[-] eternalmandrake | -2 points | Jan 10 2021 05:41:24



[-] Hovercraft_Time | 0 points | Jan 10 2021 19:53:47

Perhaps you could read r/ivermectin before posting this bs?


[-] dogrescuersometimes | 3 points | Jan 10 2021 07:02:27

I've formatted the data to make it easier to read


[-] MrElvey | 1 points | Jan 10 2021 23:12:45

AMAZING! Suggestion: a PDF version of this info that prints in color (without using an absurd amount of toner/ink). I've been looking for something I can print pass out to people at the local covid testing center as they walk/drive by to get tested. I did a PDF preview of it and it was unusable. I'm finding that the people who hear me when I about ivermectin know me well or are in front of me.


[-] dogrescuersometimes | 1 points | Jan 11 2021 01:02:19

You got it. Later today or tomorrow


[-] dogrescuersometimes | 1 points | Jan 11 2021 04:32:37

Found it! Thank you for the award.


[-] dogrescuersometimes | 1 points | Jan 11 2021 18:19:32

I think you should go with this

If you don't want to use color, set the printer to black and white.

They update their site with new info so you want to check in frequently.

I found that people weren't reading it though so if you find the way I formatted thing worked better, I'll get you something printable.


[-] Haitchpeasauce | 1 points | Jan 10 2021 06:18:32

Most prominent study of ivermectin for COVID-19 which has been peer reviewed and accepted into a journal is the ICON study which was published in CHEST.

A study conducted in Bangladesh got published in one of their medical journals too. These are just off the top of my head.
