Masculineenergy1 | 1 points | Jan 05 2021 19:32:51

Anybody try doxycycline?

After ivermectin the only thing left is neurological symptoms, specifically spinal. Mainly the back of the brain and sometimes half way down my back. I was told ivermectin does not cross the blood brain barrier and that would make sense regarding my remaining symptoms. Doxy crosses the BBB, I was wondering if anyone has experience with this or any other drugs that cross the BBB they think might help.


[-] luisvel | 2 points | Jan 05 2021 19:50:57

Would you be more specific about your symptoms, dosage, other medicines and previous conditions?


[-] E-gurlz | 2 points | Jan 05 2021 20:19:49

Could be a herximer reaction. Minocycline will penetrate deep and is a brother to doxycycline. But, the risk of herxing is even more with minocycline. I'm guessing that's why doxy is the suggested med of choice. (Herxing can happen with any med tho. Keep it in mind).


[-] Haitchpeasauce | 1 points | Jan 05 2021 23:34:15

See whether it's possible to be prescribed low dose hydroxychloroquine. It's a controversial drug for COVID-19 but it is a known treatment for autoimmune disease as an immune modulator and it crosses the BBB.

Reach out to Dr Bruce Patterson on Twitter he might have some ideas based on your symptoms.


[-] Masculineenergy1 | 2 points | Jan 06 2021 00:04:57

Thank you!!!!
