LifeandDiy | 13 points
Leaked study results - article on Daily Mail[-] Ok-Film-9049 | 2 points
The WHO has had consultants look at IVM and reports they think it works. A nurse friend has finally accepted this is a real thing and even order some IVM! I wanted to influence just a few people who might benefit.
[-] Ok-Film-9049 | 1 points
[-] Ok-Film-9049 | 2 points | Jan 05 2021 15:04:53
'Leaked' the public ally available data! Other dosing errors but pretty much repeating what Flccc are saying with some inaccuracies. Get any supplies of IVM while you can. When this goes mainstream people will stockpile.
[-] LifeandDiy | 2 points | Jan 05 2021 15:07:38
Thanks! I agree about getting it now!