Murky-Lengthiness | 44 points
WHO preliminary review confirms Ivermectin effectiveness[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 6 points
WHO-commissioned review of ivermectin trials finds 83% reduction in covid mortality.
Dr Andrew Hill of the Department of Pharmacology at the University of Liverpool (UK) is currently performing a WHO-commissioned review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials of ivermectin against covid. In the following 12-minute video, Dr Hill is presenting his preliminary results, which confirm a highly significant 83% reduction in covid mortality (95% CI 65%-92%).
This result is based on in-hospital trials, so it doesn’t even take into account early ambulatory and prophylactic treatment. The WHO now wants to wait for three more trials, due to be published sometime in January, before issuing an official recommendation. At the end of his presentation, Dr Hill speaks of ivermectin as a potentially “transformational treatment”.
[-] HeeeeeyNow | 5 points
Great news!
[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 2 points
Come on, Murky! You've been around long enough to know the naming convention! You left off (Switzerland 2020-12-31). :(
[-] Murky-Lengthiness | 5 points
Me bad! I do not know how to add it sorry (after posting it).
[-] DreadPyriteRoberts | 3 points
Reddit titles cannot be changed. No big deal. :)
[-] eternalmandrake | 1 points
Why not just link the video? Even just a quick search shows Swiss Policy Research as a biased/conspiracy source
[-] wikipedia_text_bot | 1 points
Swiss Policy Research (SPR) (before mid-May 2020, Swiss Propaganda Research) is a website launched in 2016, which describes itself as "an independent, nonpartisan, and nonprofit research group investigating geopolitical propaganda in Swiss and international media". While the editors of the site are unknown, they claim that "SPR is composed of independent academics and receives no external funding". The site has been criticised for spreading conspiracy theories, especially relating to the COVID-19 pandemic. Christoph Neuberger, a professor at the Free University of Berlin, stated that while the SPR website attempts to present its message as objective and neutral, it is clearly political, and its content is pseudoscientific ("pseudowissenschaftlich").
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[-] No_Entertainment_764 | 14 points | Jan 02 2021 22:14:34
Great, great, great news. What a good way to begin 2021!!
[-] lovethebigones | 6 points | Jan 03 2021 02:18:03
Amen! Let’s hope governments pay attention to this!! Either case great progress!