jewelsn24 | 23 points
You cannot get Emergency Authorization for a vaccine if any other available adequate approved alternative such as Ivermectin is available for use.So did you know that you can't approve a vaccine for emergency authorization if there are any other ADEQUATE APPROVED OR AVAILABLE ALTERNATIVES such as Ivermectin. So if the FDA had approved Ivermectin for use with Covid19 they wouldn't have been able to use emergency authorization for their vaccines. By the way I am in no way an Anti Vaxxer but this certainly raises some questions
Straight from the FDA guidelines.
"An Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) is a mechanism to facilitate the availability and use of medical countermeasures, including vaccines, during public health emergencies, such as the current COVID-19 pandemic. Under an EUA, FDA may allow the use of unapproved medical products, or unapproved uses of approved medical products in an emergency to diagnose, treat, or prevent serious or life-threatening diseases or conditions when certain statutory criteria have been met, including that there are no adequate, approved, and available alternatives.",are%20no%20adequate%2C%20approved%2C%20and
[-] Skybright77777 | 4 points
Ok TrumplyftAlles, for someone who otherwise seems to support IVM your comment here could lead some ppl to believe there is nothing behind the claim that IVM can save lives. Which would be a shame because IVM holds so much potential.
I don’t have the legal knowledge to know whether the FDA statement is a legal constraint or not. From my perspective, there seems to be more than enough evidence to support an emergency authorisation for IVM, as well as pouring a big chunk of money into conducting larger trials and fast. But this is not happening.
The point is not that IVM will replace the need for a safe and effective vaccine. The point is that IVM can actually prevent illness and death NOW. Not next month, not next year, now. Does it really seem so far off to suspect that had IVM received the same level of financial investment, it would have already been possible to roll it out and promote it as an effective treatment? And if that were the case, would many people perhaps opt for the therapeutic option rather than a fast-tracked experimental vaccine? I am pretty sure that had the FDA or whoever approved IVM, vaccine uptake would be even worse than it already is. Don’t you think Big Pharma and our leaders might want to avoid this?
Yes, still too few people in relevant positions actually know about IVM, which will be in part due to the Lancet-fiasco but also a result of systematic (social) media censoring and the focus on vaccines as the only silver bullet.
It’s all wrong. But things are starting to change. More ppl are talking about IVM and are questioning the safety of a vaccine that has no data on long-term effects.
FDA involvement or not. There are definitely financial interests at play here and it is not acceptable.
Ivermectin will not replace the need for a vaccine.
Also, something to be noted incase this isn’t already obvious: A vaccine WILL NOT cure you from Covid-19, but guess what will? IVM. Guess what will also prevent you from getting Covid like a vaccine?. IVM. Guess what will also reverse late stage and long hauler symptoms? Fckn IVM! It’s not rocket science people!!
[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points
Also, something to be noted incase this isn’t already obvious: A vaccine WILL NOT cure you from Covid-19, but guess what will? IVM. Guess what will also prevent you from getting Covid like a vaccine?. IVM. Guess what will also reverse late stage and long hauler symptoms? Fckn IVM! It’s not rocket science people!!
I love this!
[-] Skybright77777 | 1 points
[-] Skybright77777 | 1 points
There is again. Not rocket science really.
[-] ClasseD-48 | 4 points
This is my theory as well to explain why there is so little interest in early treatment or prophylaxis, not only for ivermectin but for everything. Health authorities decided from March the answer to this was to lockdown to control the spread as needed until vaccines came out. Governments preordered millions of doses of vaccines, so they didn't bother funding early treatment or prophylactic trials not to discover something that would throw a wrench in their plans due to high effectiveness at preventing the disease (not infection, but the disease).
It's the only thing that makes sense.
[-] grumpygirl1973 | 2 points
I was aware of it, yes.
[-] lemallette | 2 points
The NIH guidelines say IVM should not be used outside of a randomized clinical trial. Fair enough, normally. There are, however, 11 randomized clinical trials of varying quality from other countries that suggest it is highly effective. Small trials, yes. Possible publication bias, yes. But combined with the absence of reported adverse effects in Covid patients, impossible to ignore.So how many trials is the NIH funding? NIL According to, there are TWO trials currently enrolling that will investigate outcomes (plus another trial that will assess benefit only from how complete some urinary marker of disease severity improves after 10 days). Proposed N for the two trials? • N=240 to study four agents, parallel assignment, open label (U. Kentucky); last data point to be collected at day 40. • N=30 to study a proprietary mix of IVM, doxy, zinc, D3, C with blinding and placebo control. These two studies will add next to nothing to our knowledge about proper treatment of the disease, even when they ARE complete no sooner than two months from now. PS: The second study must now be considered unethical given current knowledge. You can't ethically withhold vitamin D3 from anyone, given the huge amount of information supporting the importance of adequate vitamin D nutrition in minimizing Covid severity (recently reviewed thoroughly by Dr. Roger Seheult on the MedCram channel). It is criminal that the NIH has not put out an emergency call for at least two large blinded studies with full funding. In these trials everyone would get D3, C, and zinc (which is simply good nutrition) and would be randomized to either placebo or IVM. They are showing institutional arrogance by failing to revise their guidelines in light of new knowledge that has emerged in the last 3 months.
[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points
I don't believe this is why ivermectin hasn't gotten FDA approval.
Look, guys, we're pouring over $8 billion into vaccines, so we need to suppress ivermectin; otherwise, we can't legally issue an EUA for the vaccines.
IMO that's ridiculous.
First, the quoted FDA statement is just a general description of policy about EUAs. It isn't a legal constraint. The FDA can hand out EUAs whenever it deems that appropriate. No court is going to tell the FDA that they can't issue a EUA for a vaccine because it has already done an EUA for a drug that (barely) arguably competes with the vaccine.
Second, the prophylaxis provided by ivermectin seems promising but it's very far from established by FDA standards. The vaccine trials enroll 30 or 40 thousand people. By comparison, the ivermectin trials are a joke.
Third, ivermectin is not a feasible alternative to vaccines. IVM manufacturing capacity would have to be increased massively to produce the quantities needed. People would have to dose weekly (or every other week or once a month, there's still huge uncertainty about the dosing schedule), which presents the thorny problem that lots of people are terrible about taking their medications. There is no way to monitor that they are doing so. Vaccines are administered in clinics and pharmacies that have computerized record-keeping. If they don't already, those systems will be enhanced to provide reporting to public health agencies tasked with making sure the populace gets vaccinated. To get equivalent monitoring with ivermectin, you'd have to implement the unacceptable practice of requiring people to show up at a clinic or pharmacy every week and take their ivermectin with someone watching and entering that fact into a computer. Or make people place a zoom call to the public health department and swallow their pill on-screen. Crazy suggestions, right? The fact is that ivermectin use cannot be monitored.
Fourth, there's a much simpler explanation for why ivermectin is being ignored by the FDA, NIH, and CDC. The study that initiated interest in ivermectin was the Monash 48 hours study that showed that IVM kills 99.98% of the virus in 48 hours, at a high concentration. It was published on April 3 in Antiviral Research. On April 17, Antiviral Research published two letters that argued that the Monash study shows that the required concentration of ivermectin is too high. In subsequent months, this argument was repeated perhaps 10-15 times in papers and articles. It was a very effective campaign to stop ivermectin in its tracks. The one thing that people who know one thing about ivermectin know, is that the required concentration is too high. It's a bullshit argument, but that "fact" has taken hold and it continues to crop up all the time. I heard it again a couple weeks ago on This Week in Virology.
As a result of the successful CONCENTRATION TOO HIGH!!! campaign, people working at NIH etc. have never taken ivermectin seriously. They simply aren't paying attention. Readers of this sub are aware of the research. Very likely, we know more about ivermectin than anyone at those agencies. Covid19-related papers are being published at the rate of 500 per day. The people working at the agencies cannot read it all. They have to pick and choose. Because of the CTH!!! campaign, they are choosing NOT to read the ivermectin research.
It doesn't help that 98% of the ivermectin research comes from lower- and middle-income countries. The FDA is disinclined to give credence to research done outside the US. The FDA's US-research bias is why there are rampant disparities between US and EU drug policies, e.g. drugs available in the EU are not available in the US because no one has taken them through the FDA approval process. The fact that the EU equivalent of the FDA approves a drug has no weight with the FDA. There are only 3 registered trials in the US and IIRC the soonest any will report is May, if the dates in ClinicalTrials are accurate (they are probably optimistic). EU-based research has more credibility with the FDA than trials done in Argentina or Bangladesh, but only one EU trial has reported, Dr. Chaccour's underpowered (N=24) study which didn't turn up any statistically significant results. If that study had N=3000 and showed massive benefits with p < .05, the FDA might have responded by issuing an EUA for ivermectin. It issued an EUA for dexamethasone based on an EU trial. But Chaccour's trial wasn't big enough to convince anyone of anything.
Look, guys, we're pouring over $8 billion into vaccines, so we need to suppress ivermectin; otherwise, we can't legally issue an EUA for the vaccines.
That conversation never happened because no one at the FDA has an inkling that ivermectin competes with vaccines. I'm fairly on top of the ivermectin research, and I don't think they are competitors.
I'm posting it everywhere.
/u/jewelsn24, you think you have identified a crucial aspect of FDA policy that suggests a conspiracy to suppress ivermectin research. I obviously disagree. We have all heard your theory. Would you PLEASE make this the LAST TIME you post it to the sub?
I'm not going to delete your posts. I ask you to refrain, because IMO you're wasting the sub's readers' time. I get your reasoning. IMO it's just wrong.
FUCK the FDA’s standards. We’re not talking about a new drug here. This shit has been around for over 40 years, taken worldwide by billions of people now. The arrogance of the NOT “middle-income countries” are killing thousands of people every Fckn day, and it’s not over safety concerns of IVM. OR not enough adequate data. When you have assholes like Rand Paul and Gary Peters writing off the research before it has even been presented to the Senate, as they did with Dr. Kory and his team (FLCCC)of some of the most highly acclaimed Drs. in their field, treating EVERY ONE OF THEIR PATIENTS with IVM with an outcome of 95% success rates, ( ) then something else is going on. People can wait around for a vaccine that was rushed through the process, and God knows what it’s effects will be long term, or just buy some IVM and start protecting yourselves. All the information needed to make an informed decision in on the FLCCC’s website. I suggest any who get the sense that something isn’t right with all of this, start there. The team of Drs. That support Their treatment protocols are growing by the day. You can find links to them there as well, who will prescribe IVM for you!
[-] Murky-Lengthiness | 2 points
In Latin American countries no one can wait for vaccines to achieve heard immunity (the infrastructure will not be able to handle a vaccination program that lasts a year or less), in Mexico alone they have to administer 16 million vaccines per month and even then the economy in México will collapse in nine months at the latest. Vaccines are not the solution for Latin America.
[-] Murky-Lengthiness | 5 points
Ivermectin is produced in labs and then the same molecule goes to human products and animal products, to have enough you just need to use all of it for humans. To attack this disease you do not need everyone using it for prophylaxis, you just need to use it enough in the infected to diminish the mortality to the level of seasonal flu or less. If too many people use Ivermectin or any other cheap available drug vaccines sales (and or use) will plummet ( especially if it’s use makes the pandemic “trivial” I.e. less lethal than influenza).
[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points
Excellent points, Murky.
Firstly I just have to say this is the first time I have ever posted this particular information to the sub but I would be happy not to post it again. I just thought it was interesting considering the strange behaviour of the authorities around Ivermectin.
I first heard about Ivermectin when Monash University Melbourne came out with their study in April and then a lot of media (but not really mainstream) was reporting on it here in Australia when Professor Borody mentioned that it was a bridge to the vaccine and could be used as an adjunct once hopefully a successful vaccine/s was approved. I have been following it in great detail with increasing frustration just like you since. Professor Borody did then manage to get the authorities here to allow Ivermectin to be prescribed by G.P.s " off label" for Covid19 here in Australia but very few ended up prescribing it. I then read that the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) (your equivalent of the FDA) in Australia started investigating promotion of his ivermectin-based regimen as a potential COVID-19 treatment. They weren't happy about it because it wasn't proven. After his initial interviews with the media he said that he would return to be interviewed further with regards to some nursing homes that had been hardest hit in Melbourne Australia using his Ivermectin combo for treatment of Covid19. Borody then just vanished off the radar. All references to his media interviews which were on his CDD (Centre for Digestive Diseases) website were completely erased. You can still see them on the internet but there is nothing on his own website where he had previously posted them. We have heard nothing further from him in Australia and although the nursing home outbreaks were squashed we never did find out if they used the Ivermectin treatment. All is quiet on the Western Front. I feel he may have been gagged by the TGA. Just another theory. I am not a conspiracy theorists though. I don't believe vaccines are going to microchip us or alter our DNA I am just like you trying to work out why the accumulating evidence is still being ignored. Ivermectin would never replace a vaccine.. It would only be used initially as a bridge to the vaccine and then as an adjunct. You would use Ivermectin in Health care settings and Nursing homes particularly as a prophylactic and then just use it as an early intervention in the general population if they were to get the disease. Getting a mild dose of the disease would still render us with some natural immunity . Some people can't have vaccines for medical reasons and Ivermectin would be contraindicated in others. I do agree with you about this constant reference to the doses being too high for safe use in populations. Extremely frustrating and constantly reiterated even when Drs repeatedly state in their studies that they didn't use the higher doses.
That quote from the FDA website that I stated comes directly from the Federal Food Drug and Cosmetic Act (F.D.&C Act) under section 564, 564A and 564B. So it is written into law. I realize it doesnt necessarily mean that it is binding. Nevetheless an interesting point. It is only another theory as the vaccines will always be passed if they get through all the rigorous clinical trials but they may not be pushed through for Emergency Authorization if another drug had been found to be effective. They may have had to wait for all the trials to be adequately peer reviewed on the vaccines which they haven't quite done yet. . I know in Australia they haven't passed the vaccines through yet and say they won't until they see more evidence that they are safe. However, we do not have many cases here at this moment in time and so they do have the luxury of waiting a little bit longer.
It more than likely is as the FLCCC state that no money initially was put into old medications which really should have happened along with vaccines and newer types of medications being trialled. They left this out of the equation. NiH or CDC still wont put any money into these huge Random controlled double blind placebo trials. They are just letting practitioners and hospitals carry out smaller ones which are starting to add up but still very difficult to asses and collate as many of them don't have a placebo arm as Drs feel it is immoral to give someone a placebo when they think Ivermectin at least has some efficacy. I am a critical care Registered Nurse and I work with an Anaesthetist who is the Head of our Department at a big teaching hospital in Melbourne Australia. He has been touting the use of Ivermectin since August and has been prescribing it for his patients with astounding results. Anyway let's hope the W.H.O. finally manages to sort through all of these trials and allow Ivermectin to be used for Covid and stop all these needless deaths. I am just trying to work out why like everyone else this Ivermectin information is being suppressed and I am throwing around ideas. The FLCCC actually personally thanked me for sending them this information. Thank you for putting so much time into this site. It helps to find like minded frustrated people to vent with.
If Ivermectin RCTs received just a fraction of funds that were poured into vaccine development we would probably stop pandemic by now.
[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 2 points
This is so true!
The now-irrelevant Borody California trial was supposed to cost just over a million bucks. The N went from 300 to 30 because (I believe) the organizers could not come up with the money. Dr. Rajter, the primary author of the seminal ICON study, wanted to organize a proper RCT but gave up for lack of funds. I think he said that during his 2020-12-08 testimony before the Senate.
The amount of money is so friggin' trivial in the context of the pandemic.
Picking just one thing: In a number of studies, ivermectin has been shown to stop advancement of the disease and speed recovery, shortening the length of stay in the hospital. It would be super-easy for a hospital administrator to calculate the savings from that. Do that calculation across all US hospitals and we are talking about big big money.
If NIH spent $10 million on a nice N=3000 trial of ivermectin, resulting in its widespread use as a therapeutic, the return on that investment would be massive. In the billions of dollars?
Warning: you should stop reading, the following is silly speculation.
In June, maybe, I proposed a trial of ivermectin prophylaxis that was designed to be as cheap as possible. Subjects would be enrolled via a web site. It would ask prospective "Do you eat jam, on toast for example?" The NOs would be excluded. The included subjects would be randomly assigned to treatment and control groups. The ivermectin group would receive a jar of their favorite flavor of jam, as each specified on the web site. It would have a couple tubes of horse paste mixed in. The control group would also get their favorite flavor, with something added (lemon juice? WD40?) so it would taste a little off, like the ivermectin jam. If anyone runs out of jam, they send an email and more is sent to them. Leaving out labor, a jar of ivermectin jam would cost about $15 shipped; the control jam would be $7.
We would send emails at intervals asking people to update the web site if they develop covid19.
For a trial of 30,000, like one of the vaccine trials, the jam expense would be only (15,000 * $15) + (15,000 * 7) = $330,000. Cheap.
Should I start a GoFundMe? LOL
The trial would be illegal of course because it uses horse paste.
[-] Skybright77777 | 1 points
[-] apollo11junkie | 2 points
Thanks for the info. Do you have a link to the April 3rd and 17th Lancet publications?
[-] Impressive_Run8581 | 2 points
Excellent comment.
[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points
Gosh, thanks!
[-] ibexrecurve | 1 points
Thank you! I'm super glad you were able to articulate that nuanced response. I've heard this argument crop up before, that ivermectin is being suppressed due to this policy and corruption, but it's hard to come up with a compelling and reasonable response to such a broad and ignorant accusation like that.
[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 2 points
Well, if you didn't notice, I did mention another possible conspiracy, the fact of the two letters that branded ivermectin as infeasible because CONCENTRATION TOO HIGH!!! But let's not get into that. It's water that went under the bridge long ago. I agree that the conspiracy stuff isn't interesting (to me, anyway) or helpful.
[-] ibexrecurve | 3 points
Seems similar to what happened to hydroxychloroquine. People were saying the dose was too high, or that it needed to be paired with zinc. Maybe there is merit to those arguments, but conspiracy to suppress it is hard to believe.
[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 2 points
Where's my 10-foot-pole? Dang, it must be in my other pair of pants.
Sorry, Ibex, I can't go near that one. ;)
[-] Haitchpeasauce | 1 points
Specifically they gave doses that were too high and no surprise side effects and higher mortality resulted.
[-] Skybright77777 | 1 points
I find it remarkable that someone would call this claim ignorant. Have you listened to the guys from the FLCCC and how they have fallen on deaf ears despite the tremendous amount of work they've put into getting regulators to approve IVM as a treatment for COVID? Do you seriously think that there are no financial interests involved when it comes to vaccines vs a cheap and patent-free therapeutic treatment ?
[-] ibexrecurve | 2 points
Do you seriously think that there are no financial interests involved when it comes to vaccines vs a cheap and patent-free therapeutic treatment ?
Look at it from the other perspective. Do you seriously think that there are financial interests involved when it comes to the approval of a patent-free therapeutic treatment? That's probably the biggest part of the problem. Beuracracy is probably another part of the problem; our government isn't like a Pagani or Porsche, it's more like a VW Beetle. I've worked for the NIH and I'll tell you that they are not flush with money at every level, not even the level where you have BSL4+ laboratories. My point is it's not necessarily corruption, or suppression, or conspiracy. It's a bunch of other indadequate factors that add up to what I can only call "the tragedy of the commons" even though that analogy is somewhat misplaced.
Also, there's a ton of drugs or treaments already available to treat covid-19 infections. None of them are a silver bullet, and neither is ivermectin; Dr. Kory even said, once they're on a ventilator it's too late.
[-] Skybright77777 | 2 points
I agree of course that it’s probably not “just” about financial interests but I dare say it is a big part of the dilemma. Yes, ivermectin isn’t the only silver bullet and once you’re on a ventilator that’s it but this is precisely why Kory et al are so adamant about “early” interventions. The moment ppl get symptoms, take ivm and the other supplements, esp vit D. What is there to lose other than perhaps achieving no improvement. Just don’t send patients home and see if they get so sick that they need hospitalisation. If we had used these therapeutics, such as ivm, we would be in a different place now. It really is unbelievable to me how such highly experienced doctors like Borody, Kory, Marik etc have not been listened to by those who make the decisions. Why not at least advise physicians of the possible benefit and let them decide whether they prescribe the stuff or not. Then tell the patient of the risks etc but ultimately let doctors be doctors, not robots plugged into the NIH database of approved drugs... ok... I trust you get my point.. I feel really frustrated about all this, I must admit.
[-] ibexrecurve | 2 points
I share your frustration. I can't really tell anyone about it unless I bring up horse paste and sound like a crazy person. But I feel like I've been down this road before with vaccines. Try to mention that vaccines aren't safe and you're labeled an anti-vaxxer. I even got "let go" from the NIH for refusing to get a flu shot, but I still don't ascribe it to conspiracy even though I was told "We try to exclude people like you during the interview process, but can't catch everyone."
[-] Skybright77777 | 2 points
Goodness that must have felt like such a slap in the face.. good on you for sticking with what you think is right for you though. I get the same patronising response when it comes to my questioning of vaccine safety and it is more than frustrating. It would be impossible for me to be a doctor with integrity, especially in current times. Yet, friends who are doctors seem to have such faith in their medical systems and authorities that they don’t allow themselves to question things like vaccine safety. I still harbour deep suspicions when it comes to the issue mentioned at the beginning of the thread.. but I do understand the points you have made. It is hard to know what drives certain courses of action and decisions. I guess we will see how things pan out re. Ivm & Co. It does seem that there is some movement with bigger trials being commissioned.. Fingers crossed.
[-] ibexrecurve | 3 points
I didn't really see it as a slap in the face. It was just logical that someone working with highly infectious flu strains, with the ultimate aim to create vaccines, should be willing to get the flu vaccine. I couldn't stand working there anyways, so I was ready to leave and already had another job lined up so literally didn't have a workday off from work.
[-] Skybright77777 | 1 points
Totally understand what you mean and glad to hear it didn’t have a negative impact for you.
[-] ibexrecurve | 2 points
How dumb of an idea is this? Just a campaign to comment "Ivermectin" on any and every subreddit thread, Facebook post, news story, etc. about Covid-19. And if you see it, upvote, like it, etc. It's spreads awareness
I agree with your comment conclusions in general, but I ask you to consider the language you use to describe studies taken up in other nations. What are ‘lower and middle I come countries’ and how is discounting their scientifically valid research in any way acceptable. It is xenophobic and probably racist to view these scientists and doctors in this light. Thank you for considering my perspective. ~be well, stay safe.
[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 2 points
I have seen the abbreviation LMIC in a couple articles about why ivermectin research is being ignored -- probably on TrialSiteNews. LMICs: Low- and middle-income countries. Googling, I found it in this document about WHO policies:
LMICs Low- and middle-income countries
I wrote it out because it's probably not familiar to a lot of people.
What are ‘lower and middle I come countries’ and how is discounting their scientifically valid research in any way acceptable.
It's not me who is doing that. Just the opposite: I have spent months cherishing and promoting knowledge of those studies. It's the culture of the FDA that does that.
It is xenophobic and probably racist to view these scientists and doctors in this light.
That might be true, I can't say. I notice that the Monash 48 hours study was done in Australia, a mostly-white place, and it is known to the US regulatory agencies.
It's pretty pathetic, if some of the ivermectin research is being set aside because the researchers are coming from countries where citizens have darker skins.
[-] Ok-Film-9049 | 1 points
Yup. I was dissapointed my sister wouldn't take it seriously. Even though I called th pandemic a month earlier than most people and am now vaccinated via a trial. Not by some innate ability but by listening to the experts. When will people learn?
[-] Skybright77777 | 5 points | Jan 02 2021 08:57:21
Wow! This is the answer why ivermectin was ignored! This is bombshell material.
[-] jewelsn24 | 4 points | Jan 02 2021 09:04:08
I agree. No one is looking. I'm posting it everywhere.
[-] skabez | 4 points | Jan 02 2021 10:44:01
Thank you I'll do the same