ashbada | 28 points
Why are US doctors ignoring the ivermectin protocol?Can’t understand why so many people are suffering and dying when there is treatment that works.
Any idea why doctors or hospitals in the United States aren’t using this?
Anyone have a link with a list of doctors using the protocol?
I bought the paste but have no idea how to use it.
[-] grumpygirl1973 | 5 points
If Ivermectin and even hydroxychloroquinone had been acknowledged as a legit treatment for COVID, the EUAs issued for these vaccines would not have been possible to obtain. If they had acknowledged them, Pfizer, Moderna, etc. would have had to go through the same process and trials as any other vaccine. This is why, plain and simple.
[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points
Ivermectin is not an alternative to the vaccine, IMO.
[-] grumpygirl1973 | 3 points
It is if you have an extensive history of anaphylactic allergies. There is no way I'm getting that vaccine anytime soon unless they figure out the anaphylaxis issues.
[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points
Ugh, that's crummy, having to worry about going into shock. Good luck!
LOL, why? It prevents, treats and cures! If everyone took this the virus 🦠 would go away! No one would be hospitalized or die.
It could take years for everyone to be vaxxed and the vacc supposedly doesn’t start working until 2 weeks after inoculation or after the second dose which is one month in between. Makes no sense to me! we need treatment.
[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points
I guess you're less discouraged than me.
There is huge momentum behind the vaccines. There's about 1 millionth as much momentum for ivermectin. It's true that ivermectin has been surging lately, with the formation of the FLCCC, the press conference they did, and especially Dr. Kory's testimony before the Senate, with his opening statement receiving over 6 million views.
Maybe the WHO report will make a difference.
At this point, though, I would be delighted (and deeply surprised) if the FDA goes as far as issuing an EUA for treating covid patients with ivermectin.
The idea of ivermectin replacing vaccines is really really really not going to happen.
I actually blame our CDC/NIH more than doctors.
Doctors are overwhelmed with medications vs diseases, impossible to keep up with knowledge so they rightfully look at CDC guidance.
FDA and CDC looked at it six months ago, hand-waived there wasn't enough data or some othernonsense and discouraged it.
So doctors check and go with whatever they say.
The advice has never been updated and hundreds of thousands die and suffer in the meanwhile.
A year from now NIH will suddenly figure it out when other studies emerge finally but wow it will be way too late.
January is going to be a hell of a month, stay safe, best defense is lack of exposure.
FDA and CDC looked at it six months ago, hand-waived there wasn't enough data or some othernonsense and discouraged it.
It's fascinating that they did this for ivermectin, while holding Remdesvir to an entirely different and very low standard for the EUA. There's always been more evidence that ivermectin is safer and more effective, yet the bar seems to be set impossibly high for ivermectin to get any attention. Kind of pisses me off.
[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points
while holding Remdesvir to an entirely different and very low standard for the EUA.
Remdesivir had the $$$ to pay for a N=5000 RCT, I believe. The Hasan/Borody California ivermectin trial was supposed to cost just over a million bucks for N=300. They didn't raise the money so now it's N=30.
This is the kind of situation that the NIH is supposed to handle: like an orphan drug, since no one is going to make a fortune, NIH funds the research.
You hecked up, NIH. {angry emoji}
Why aren’t the results back yet? Shouldn’t this take less then a month?
[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 2 points
The results of what? Sorry, not following.
Results of the Hasan/Borody trial
[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points
Actual Study Start Date : December 9, 2020
Estimated Primary Completion Date : May 2021
Estimated Study Completion Date : July 2021
Pretty ridiculous, IMO, given the fact that they registered the trial in July. :(
Completed by the summer? What use is that? The virus rages in the winter.
It will take longer to get this done then a vaccine designed and approved.
[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 2 points
The trial's original dates were something like October 2021 (primary) and January 2022 (final). Then they would need approval for their new combo drug, THEN they would need to get manufacturing and distribution organized. I used to remark that BorodyMectin(tm) would be available at your neighborhood pharmacy in time for COVID24.
So it is an actual business plan. Yikes! They need an entrepreneur in the mix.
[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points
did any other country rush remedesivir or was this one more thing corrupted by our president
because it doesn't just smell of profit, it smells of idiot politics
think of how different all of 2020 could have been in an alternate universe, I mean people would still have died but it might have been a whole decimal point, maybe even two, off
[-] my-tech-reddit-acct | 1 points
So far as I know, Trump never pushed Remdesivir. He was an early booster of hydroxychloroquine, which was sabotaged by the FDA authorizing it only for hospital use - by the time the patient needs hospitalization, it's too late for HCQ.
[-] ThisAppSucksLemon | 1 points
Hello! This account has been compromised and is currently being controlled by a bot. It posted a bunch of shitty comments so I am giving it justice served. This account's IP address is
[-] my-tech-reddit-acct | 1 points
[-] plushkinnepyshkin | 3 points
Our healthcare system is designed for profit not for people. Covid just proved that.
[-] Kirbinator13 | 2 points
Ilovekitty1 - pm me, we aren’t supposed to talk about horse paste in here
[-] ilovekitty1 | 1 points
Done, thank you 😊
[-] passfailboat | 2 points
Go to r/gettingIvermectin for more explicit discussion on getting and using ivermectin.
[-] Icy-Suggestion-2915 | 1 points
it's the shame, but in Hungary. Many doctors have been using it (drog is imported personally from Germany). In Hungary, ivm is not available for humans but animals. In Germany must precribed by a doctor to get it.
[-] TenzinCrypto | 1 points
It is criminal..
[-] OneSmartOne | 1 points
I know of two cases where Ivermectin was administered at hospitals to patients who were admitted. From my perspective it is because our society has become so scared of making practice suits....if they administer a drug the FDA has not approved for use in a certain treatment and the patient happens to not make it they are at risk of malpractice....just my hunch. I will say I purchased the 1% sterile solution of ivermectin for cattle and swine and I am prepared to take it orally if I start feeling systems or if I know I was exposed
[-] PRFinklemeister | 1 points
purchased the 1% sterile solution of ivermectin for cattle and swine
I've only ever seen the horse paste, is this something else?
[-] OneSmartOne | 1 points
Yes, it is injectable for cattle and swine but to be taken orally in this case
[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points
they are at risk of malpractice
I think that's true: any off-label use any drug that does not have some official endorsement creates lawsuit risk. MDs use ivermectin off-label for scabies and lice but that is sanctioned by the CDC.
[-] Hovercraft_Time | 1 points
They are either stupid, incredibly arrogant or working to sustain the pandemic.
We saw what happened with highly profitable Remdesivir, so the precedent for emergency approval and use is there. There is clearly more to the approval requirements than meets the eye.
[-] homefree89 | 1 points
I saw a reasonable explanation, although I am unsure if its true that the FDA could not give emergency authorization to other drugs or vaccines if a valid treatment already existed. That makes sense to me if it is true.
[-] Kirbinator13 | 1 points
It’s all about lobbyists and money. Pfizer is going to make a lot of money from the vaccine and they wouldn’t have made a penny if the FDA said, go take horse paste from Tractor Supply.
[-] ilovekitty1 | 1 points
I don’t understand how to use the paste either. I weigh 150 pounds and would like to use it as a preventative.
[-] dogrescuersometimes | 1 points
we're not talking we're just linking
[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points
/r/gettingIvermectin has the information you seek. :)
[-] beauldaslove | 1 points
It is anti vaccine agenda in their eyes and threatens the billions of dollars to be made for forcing vaccines to all Americans. It has the tools necessary to revolt against the establishment. And if you ignore it, it quite frankly does not exist.
I just discovered this which I find very interesting. So did you know that you can't approve a vaccine for emergency authorization if there are any other ADEQUATE APPROVED OR AVAILABLE ALTERNATIVES? Straight off the FDA com website
Well isn't this interesting??? Wonder if the FLCCC group are aware of this. Straight from the FDA guidelines.
"An Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) is a mechanism to facilitate the availability and use of medical countermeasures, including vaccines, during public health emergencies, such as the current COVID-19 pandemic. Under an EUA, FDA may allow the use of unapproved medical products, or unapproved uses of approved medical products in an emergency to diagnose, treat, or prevent serious or life-threatening diseases or conditions when certain statutory criteria have been met, including that there are no adequate, approved, and available alternatives.",are%20no%20adequate%2C%20approved%2C%20and
Thank you!! Ding ding ding!!! That is the answer I’ve been looking for. And if there was another treatment they wouldn’t be able to use the vaccc and would lose hundreds of billions. The plan to have everyone vaccinated and control us would fail.
[-] LiveLoveLife1969 | 1 points
I just gave my unicorn its third dose last night of the paste. It did a dose on day 1,3 then 10 with the 10 becoming a weekly dose as long as its seems wise to continue. She didn't have any adverse reactions but noticed some of arthritic pain was eased I assume due to anti inflammatory properties.
I will point you to this thread.
[-] dogrescuersometimes | 0 points
Social engineering by corrupt medical monolithic overlords
[-] LilyM1987 | 6 points | Jan 01 2021 17:03:28
It is prescribed at our local Native American health clinic to those who test positive. I was very surprised.
[-] grumpygirl1973 | 3 points | Jan 01 2021 18:01:00
What excellent news. My stepdaughters are Native, and we are so worried about their mom, aunt, and uncle catching this given that all 3 have type 2 diabetes and other health issues that put them at risk of a serious bout of this. Unfortunately in Canada, these things are more centralized and Health Canada will not allow doctors to prescribe this for COVID. They want us all to stay home and eat chicken soup until we choke to death and need an ICU bed. I cannot get past the massive suffering and deaths knowing what I know about ivermectin, and I very much can't get past the trite dismissal from the vast majority of doctors regarding this drug. It's definitely changed my perspective of doctors and healthcare, and I don't think my relationship with doctors will contain much in the way of trust anymore.
[-] passfailboat | 1 points | Jan 01 2021 18:59:36
Tribal territories have autonomy over these kinds of things, I think. That's excellent news they are prescribing it.
[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Jan 01 2021 23:44:56
Lily, are you comfortable saying what state the clinic is in? I would like to know, for no particular reason, just curiosity. :)
[-] LilyM1987 | 2 points | Jan 02 2021 00:05:39
[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 2 points | Jan 02 2021 00:09:12