rondi7 | 4 points
Multifaceted highly targeted sequential multidrug treatment of early ambulatory high-risk SARS-CoV-2 infection (COVID-19)This from AAPS, and lots of names have contributed to this. It is an update of previously written by Peter McCoullough.
While not specific to IVM, this is the only Reddit I know which is concerned with home treatment. If there is another one--please copy the link there.
[-] akaariai | 1 points | Jan 01 2021 07:13:23
Their take on ivm is interesting:
Hence, it is reasonable in patients where HCQ cannot be used and favipiravir is not available, that IVM (200-600 mcg/kg [6-36 mg] single oral dose given daily or every other day for 2- 3 administrations) could be the base of SMDT intended to reduce viral replication early in the course of COVID-19.
So, use only early in the disease, also hcq and favipiravir are superior choises.
They are basing the recommendation solely on antiviral effect which isn't the whole picture of ivm.