Masculineenergy1 | 20 points | Dec 29 2020 03:36:49

Any long haulers cure themselves with Ivermectin?

Took 2 small doses over the last two days and honestly feel like a new person. Has anybody else cured themselves with ivermectin?


[-] paystando | 3 points | Dec 29 2020 05:21:39

Me.. feel fre to stalk me. I suffered from March to June. On june i was pissed off of feeling sick and took IVM for 2 dats (12g and 12g in pill form) and it made me feel way better.

Not son long ago I read sone study thay mentioned that ivermectin action is in controlling cytokine storm more than attacking the virus. It makes sense that a lot of us long haulers are reacting to the dead virus in our system (same reason they tell you you will test positive after some time) and ivm is controlling our body response.


[-] Masculineenergy1 | 2 points | Dec 29 2020 05:26:14

Did it cure you completely? How long have you felt good for?


[-] paystando | 7 points | Dec 29 2020 05:41:41

So I took the 1st dose on a Sunday morning. I felt super groggy that day but on Monday I felt REALLY good. On tuesday I started to feel malaise again and on Wednesday I decided to take the additional dose.

After that I felt really good again. My SOB went away pretty much. I stopped feeling the general malaise body feeling. I dont know how to describe it in English.

I had been sick for about 3 to 4 months and I felt stuck feeling bad. I would deffo do it again.

Btw my mother in law caught covid as and when she was diagnosed the doctor prescribed ivermectin for her and for all my inlaws living in her house. This is in Mexico. Everybody in the house got away with NOTHING major. And my Father in law is 65 heavy smoker. Greatfully they are all fine.(knock on wood).


[-] Masculineenergy1 | 2 points | Dec 29 2020 06:02:02

Are you 100 percent cured?


[-] paystando | 2 points | Dec 31 2020 03:02:42



[-] Johnnyjayvisuals | 1 points | Jan 22 2021 00:52:14

Are you still feeling good?


[-] sicklypersonforever | 1 points | Dec 29 2020 05:51:26

Thank you for sharing


[-] [deleted] | 1 points | Dec 30 2020 05:51:32



[-] Haitchpeasauce | 2 points | Dec 29 2020 05:51:25

Indeed, there is some kind of association with Ivermectin and a correction of cytokine levels, and therefore long haul symptoms. Very exciting stuff.

The below paper might go some way to explain why symptoms can persist long after viral clearance - ongoing dysfunction and inflammation of the vascular endothelia.

The SARS-CoV-2 spike protein disrupts the cooperative function of human cardiac pericytes - endothelial cells through CD147 receptor-mediated signalling: a potential non-infective mechanism of COVID-19 microvascular disease

Interpretation Our findings suggest the new, intriguing hypothesis that the S protein may elicit vascular cell dysfunction, potentially amplifying, or perpetuating, the damage caused by the whole coronavirus. This mechanism may have clinical and therapeutic implication.

Implications of all the available evidence These reports imply that fragments of the S protein might be able to elicit vascular cell dysfunction. Blocking the CD147 receptor may help protect the vasculature not only from infection, but also from the collateral damage caused by the S protein.

Ivermectin was found to bind to spike protein in modelling studies, which if confirmed has big implications in treating the acute and chronic stages of COVID-19.


[-] propargyl | 1 points | Dec 29 2020 05:44:19

12 mg


[-] Bo-K | 3 points | Dec 29 2020 14:39:54

Yes I cured myself using lysine and ivermectin. Some niacin and some other supplements. What also helped was catching another unrelated illness and that reset my immune system.


[-] medic-finance | 1 points | Dec 30 2020 14:07:26



[-] DreadPyriteRoberts | 2 points | Dec 29 2020 04:41:36

Please post your experience to /r/covidlonghaulers.

I got banned there the first time I posted, about a study by Dr. Aguirre who was looking for study subjects.


[-] Masculineenergy1 | 3 points | Dec 29 2020 05:10:49

I tried to and they blocked it from coming out.


[-] DreadPyriteRoberts | 5 points | Dec 29 2020 05:21:03

That's so weird. I get the idea that a sub is at risk (like /r/ivermectin) if it appears to be offering medical advice.


Thanks for trying, Masculine! It's a shame that the moderators of /r/covidlonghaulers are so -- whatever.


[-] Nei-Yeh | 1 points | Dec 29 2020 03:41:09

Can you describe the doses?


[-] Masculineenergy1 | 2 points | Dec 29 2020 03:43:52

I got the horse paste. Maybe like 2.5 centimeters for each dose I was nervous to take it lol will definitely be taking more.


[-] Nei-Yeh | 1 points | Dec 29 2020 04:02:20

Glad to hear your success. My sister is long haul but she refuses to use horse medicine. Trying to find a tele-doc who might hear her out and prescribe human med.


[-] poofycade | 1 points | Jan 13 2021 23:16:25

Where is your sister? If shes in the US i connected with a doctor in chicago today and got my IVM at the pharmacy a few hours later


[-] Nei-Yeh | 1 points | Jan 13 2021 23:19:21

Was it a tele-med type doc? We're in Southern California, but I know some docs can prescribe if different states.


[-] poofycade | 1 points | Jan 13 2021 23:25:36

Make appointment here. Be clear you want imask+ consultation. Im not sure if they service CA but im in Wisconsin and the doctor in IL prescribed mine to a walgreens up here so


[-] Nei-Yeh | 1 points | Jan 14 2021 00:08:39

Thanks I appreciate it. California not listed, but looks like a really great service!


[-] Nei-Yeh | 1 points | Jan 14 2021 00:26:24

Oh, I have brother in one of those states listed. Can you share how much appointment was? And what was the consultation like, a live call/video/messaging or just leaving your info and they approve it?


[-] poofycade | 2 points | Jan 14 2021 00:32:08

It took less than a day for the whole process. Appointment was connecting with doctor over text or the medici app, filling out a questionaire, doctor looks at questionaire and prescribes you the medicine. No call or video. Costed $45 for the consultation with the doctor. Pretty sure that was the cost without insurance, idk if mine covered it but it was cheap enough to not really care. Walgreens charged $15 for the prescription and i think my insurance did cover some of that but i heard its under $100 for sure without insurance.

Again though. Make sure you tell the doctor you connect to that you want the imask+ consultation. Someone told me this exact process yesterday and i have my prescription today. Best of luck, if you cant find a doctor let me know i can try to help. You should be able to just go on that link i sent and click appointments and the questionaire will ask if you are looking for an imask+ consult i think


[-] Nei-Yeh | 1 points | Jan 14 2021 00:38:55

Awesome, thanks. It's great you were able to do. Doctor prescribed for you specifically for long-haul though? Just wondering if you got any indication from questions or whatever if someone looking for the prophylaxis/prevention would be able to get also.


[-] poofycade | 2 points | Jan 14 2021 00:48:57

Yeah he had a whole other system of taking the drug if i was looking to prevent it. Something like a few pills for a day then once every 2 weeks


[-] Nei-Yeh | 1 points | Jan 14 2021 01:25:01

Gotcha. That's cool thanks again, sounds like they probably do at least prescribe for prevention.


[-] additionalmatter | 1 points | Jan 16 2021 04:23:25

Hey! Does your doc know someone in Austin? Do you think I could do a tele with someone in Chicago?


[-] poofycade | 1 points | Jan 16 2021 05:21:57

Honestly, not sure if he would be able to prescribe to Texas. He did prescribe to me in Wisconsin though so maybe. DM me for his info

Also I dont know if he knows anyone in Austin, im sure you can just ask him after I give you his contact


[-] Haitchpeasauce | 1 points | Dec 29 2020 04:03:12

Can you describe your symptoms and for how long?


[-] Masculineenergy1 | 1 points | Dec 29 2020 04:20:32

Go look at my last comment


[-] apollo11junkie | 1 points | Dec 29 2020 04:25:03

I don't see it. Your last comment that I see ie:

I got the horse paste. Maybe like 2.5 centimeters for each dose I was nervous to take it lol will definitely be taking more.


[-] Masculineenergy1 | 2 points | Dec 29 2020 04:26:15

Honestly everything. I first got sick in December 2019


[-] apollo11junkie | 1 points | Dec 29 2020 04:27:51

Good to hear it's really helping. I heard about it from Peak Prosperity, so I bought some paste for my, uh, horse.


[-] Haitchpeasauce | 1 points | Dec 29 2020 05:06:24

Unfortunately I could not find a comment that described your symptoms.

I did ask with all respect - for our education and because, as Dr Patterson points out, there is a degree of correlation between symptoms and cytokine dysregulation.

He and his team are attempting to profile cytokines in long haulers and establish which drugs work for specific cases; to tailor treatments based on bloodwork rather than guesswork.

Any information you provide would be another piece in the puzzle.


[-] Masculineenergy1 | 1 points | Dec 29 2020 05:13:36

I already answered. I've had every longhaul symptom


[-] Masculineenergy1 | 1 points | Dec 29 2020 05:13:55

Neurological symptoms being the worst


[-] apollo11junkie | 1 points | Dec 29 2020 04:25:20

remindme! 10 days


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[-] thismyusername69 | 1 points | Dec 30 2020 10:14:03

My wife gas covid and can't get past the fever headache days. I got over it. I have the horse paste sitting on counter but I'm scared to give it to her.


[-] AbeBot | 1 points | Jan 03 2021 15:13:34

I'm taking the paste 2x weekly as I work with the public. I put it in apricot jam or marmalade on toast and can't taste it.

I have exhaustively looked at its safety and even spoken with a pharmacist who works at a pharmacy that does human and veterinary meds. I feel comfortable with all of this, and I think you should help your wife somehow. There are docs out there who'll prescribe if you search enough. My spouse wouldn't do the paste and is severely at-risk. We got the pills. I'll keep taking the paste.


[-] poofycade | 1 points | Jan 14 2021 00:33:30

How long into your covid did you take it?


[-] Johnnyjayvisuals | 1 points | Jan 22 2021 00:45:22

Anyone relapse? Just wanna make sure it’s for the long haul I took 2 dosages of ivermectin and feel great hope it’s permanent


[-] Masculineenergy1 | 2 points | Jan 22 2021 00:49:11

I relapsed bro some people it cures fully


[-] Johnnyjayvisuals | 1 points | Jan 22 2021 00:50:04

Did you take more or no?


[-] Masculineenergy1 | 1 points | Jan 22 2021 00:57:10

Yes but stopped for awhile I might have taken too much because my neuro symptoms have gotten much worse


[-] Johnnyjayvisuals | 1 points | Jan 22 2021 01:02:57

What about brain fog my thumb would twitch and heart palpitations was the worst for me with fog brain


[-] Johnnyjayvisuals | 1 points | Jan 22 2021 00:50:11

And what symptoms you have


[-] Masculineenergy1 | 2 points | Jan 22 2021 00:57:56

Bad neuro symptoms but that's pretty much it


[-] johnFvr | 1 points | Apr 26 2021 00:47:12

How are you now?
