Look_deeply | 4 points | Dec 26 2020 22:11:58

How to manage a pandemic

A health secretary in Uttar Pradesh wrote this succinct description of that state’s well-organized official response to Covid-19. In May-June 2020, feeling “despondent “ at rising numbers, UP decided on wide distribution of Ivermectin for prevention and treatment, beginning in late July. Today, I calculated based on Worldometer and Indian government stats: US deaths/million=1023; UP=36 deaths/million. https://indianexpress.com/article/opinion/columns/coronavirus-pandemic-covid-vaccine-tracker-uttar-pradesh-7107756/


[-] midam215 | 1 points | Dec 26 2020 23:44:01

Uttar Pradesh has a population size of +200 million. That's a large number and would represent a large sample size. You will find the prevention and treatment mentioned here -- Coronavirus (COVID-19) Treatment Methods in India and worldwide (covidindia.org)


Below is an excerpt from the page



Some of the states followed their own treatment modalities before this recommendation which include

Uttar Pradesh

The UP government has decided to replace Hydroxychloroquine with Ivermectin for the prevention and treatment of COVID-19 after the promising results seen in Agra, where it was used on an experimental basis, according to the sources in the government. Also, the medicine proved effective not only in the treatment but also in the prevention of large scale infection among frontline health workers, engaged in the treatment and handling of COVID-19 patients.

For the dosage protocol of the drug, click here.


The click here link is http://www.dgmhup.gov.in/DocumentsCovid19/1621.pdfHowever, I am not able to open it...browser times out. Can some of you try and see what it says?


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Dec 26 2020 23:56:44

Good post, midam! OP's post is a duplicate and is going to be deleted. Would you please post this post in the article's original post? OP's post is being deleted shortly.




[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Dec 26 2020 23:54:35

THIS POST is an example why everyone should do link posts instead of putting the link in the text: the reddit machinery have told you that this article was posted to the sub 8 days ago.

This duplicate will be deleted tomorrow.

RemindMe! 1 day
