TrumpLyftAlles | 4 points | Dec 25 2020 00:17:22

Farmers warned: 'Ivermectin will kill you before covid-19 does' (South Africa 2020-12-23) Allegedly farmers are hoarding horse paste, government is suppressing ivermectin


[-] Main_Performer4701 | 15 points | Dec 25 2020 04:27:38

Fuck sake this news pisses me off. It hasn’t even been medically proven to be unsafe and they choose to jump the gun and suppress it. Why don’t they do that with alcohol and cigarettes? Opioid prescriptions? Those are all substances proven to harm you but I guess tax revenue and lobbyist pussy means more than a citizens health


[-] Main_Performer4701 | 9 points | Dec 25 2020 04:24:45

“Use of such a drug could lead to potentially harmful effects or death”

Sounds like the standard label on any OTC or prescription box. Why don’t they write this on alcoholic beverage labels? Alcohols a drug right?

If they want to outright state ivermectin is dangerous where are the studies that support that statement? The more western govts suppress IVM and mandate the “go home and take Tylenol” over overwhelming evidence of alternative treatments the more I think there is a conspiracy going on here. Maybe they want us to die and get a crippled workforce for long covid so a select some can reap the benefits of the results


[-] No-Look-3001 | 1 points | Apr 20 2021 17:30:45

Yup. Genocide. It's all about the vaccine and $$$$.


[-] Sanpaku | 8 points | Dec 25 2020 02:44:08

Honestly, I'd prefer if people (who can afford it) were taking ivermectin sold for human use, as there is stronger regulation than for veterinary meds.

However, I am a bit tired of the absolute dismissal of the admittedly preliminary evidence, and the overstatement of adverse effects.

In the medical literature, there are large scale studies where most of the population in regions (where onchocerciasis/river blindness is endemic) are given the standard 0.2 mg/kg dose. There are adverse effects. About 9% experience mild to moderate pain, skin reactions, fever and chills, or swelling. Its not clear how much of this is due to the demise of the parasitic worm. In the linked study, 93 (0.18%) of 50929 treated had severe reactions, either postural hypotension (low blood pressure preventing standing without weakness/dizziness) or fever. There were no deaths.

Anyone using ivermectin for prophylaxis without medical supervision should be aware of possible adverse effects before trying it. We can expect less than 1 in 10 to have any adverse effect, and less than 2 in 1000 to have serious adverse effects, themselves very unlikely to be life-threatening.

You are ultimately responsible for your own health, so use your judgement based on the evidence, both for the risks from Covid-19 infection, and from any prophylaxis you try.


[-] johnnyssmokestack | 6 points | Dec 25 2020 03:19:45

I went to 2 doctors trying to get ivermectin and was denied both times.. I even had a good story...


[-] ironchimp | 4 points | Dec 26 2020 22:00:30

Taking ivermectin is no different than getting a flu shot from the pharmacy. You're on your own and medically unsupervised.


[-] only_dreaming_09 | 6 points | Dec 25 2020 01:16:44



[-] Fun-Hall-1351 | 3 points | Dec 25 2020 01:27:18

Agreed. Lies.


[-] ecraft23 | 6 points | Dec 25 2020 17:06:22

The information shared in this post is not intended to be a cure or treatment for Covid-19. I’m Just passing this along from a friend of a friend, who is a veterinarian. Do your own research. Draw your own conclusions. Consult with your physician.

Ivermectin Data - Veterinarian Grade - Human Consumption?


[-] rraak | 5 points | Dec 25 2020 04:08:19

The American FDA's warning isn't much better. Less aggressively and pointedly stupid, but still way off.


[-] SunShine5472 | 4 points | Dec 26 2020 01:06:58

Soon we shall rejoice as many wonderful undeniable stories of healing with Ivermectin will part the way through the Sea of Doubt.


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 2 points | Dec 25 2020 00:19:08

What a lot of nonsense.

An over-the-counter horse dewormer that is being portrayed on farmers’ groups as a miracle cure for covid-19 is not only prohibited for use in humans, but also potentially life-threatening.

The South African Health Product Regulatory Authority (SAHPRA) has issued a stern warning to the agricultural sector to disregard fake news about Ivermectin, an animal medication used to treat parasite infestations. In the last few days, many farmers have reportedly started bulk-buying the “horse paste” to ward off and even treat covid-19.

SAHPRA says in terms of safety and efficacy, there is no evidence to support the use of Ivermectin as a cure for the coronavirus. “We do not have any clinical trial evidence to justify its use. At present, there is no confirmatory clinical evidence available for the use of Ivermectin in the management of covid-19 infections.”

‘Miracle drug’ can cause death Some farmers’ social media groups falsely claim that certain South African farmers have been cured from covid-19 after taking Ivermectin. This could be deadly, says SAHPRA. “The use of such a drug could potentially lead to harmful effects or even death.”

Dr Peter Oberem, the managing director at Afrivet. Photo: Facebook Dr Peter Oberem, the managing director at Afrivet. Photo: Facebook Dr Peter Oberem, managing director of Afrivet, says, “Our registered stock remedies (of Ivermectin) have been tested for safety in animals, not humans. It is a criminal act to recommend the use in humans of animal health products that are not registered as medicines for use in or on humans for any purpose.”

Health authorities have issued similar warnings in other parts of the world, including the US where animal feed stores have noticed a worrying trend where farmers were buying Ivermectin for the same reason.

Mackenna LaFond, a clerk at Sierra Feed in Reno, Nevada tells KOLO-TV 8 News, a television news network, that customers are taking multiple tubes home with them and often ask her how they should be taking it. “I tell them every time it is just for animals even though I know they are going to take it for themselves.”

productivity, ivermectin quickly became a blockbuster drug in the veterinary field. Photo: Supplied Given its broad spectrum against internal and external parasites that improved animal health and boosted productivity, Ivermectin quickly became a blockbuster drug in the veterinary field. Photo: Supplied LaFond says a single tube of Ivermectin helps treat a horse of up to 680 kilogram over three to four months. “Imagine what it can do to a person weighing 150 pounds (68kg) who takes it on a regular basis.”

The Berkshire Eagle, a daily newspaper, reports that Australian researchers published the findings of an earlier study that found that Ivermectin inhibited the replication of SARS-CoV-2 in a laboratory setting, which is not the same as testing the drug on humans or animals.

After the study, the US Food and Drug Administration released a letter warning consumers not to self-medicate with Ivermectin intended for animals.

Meanwhile SAHRA also warns that any attempt to import the drug into South Africa will be perceived as being unlawful. “Any attempt… will be dealt with by SAHPRA’s regulatory compliance unit in conjunction with law enforcement agencies. If you are aware of such transgressions, contact Deon Poovan, senior manager: inspectorate and regulatory compliance on”


[-] Main_Performer4701 | 9 points | Dec 25 2020 04:18:15

This is a crime against humanity. There are plenty of clinical trials and medical research on covid and ivermectin and govt continues to suppress it as it doesn’t fit the narrative - whatever it is. Get some while you still can people. Most developed countries have higher death rates than third world nations with ivermectin protocols as the standard response is to take Tylenol and suck it up if you bet covid.

Also what is this potential life threatening effect of using horse paste? People have been eating for scabies long before covid and the worst that can happen is a herxheimer effect if you are infested with parasites.

I don’t believe that ivermectin is unsafe at all in the right doses. There’s hundreds of people who die from overdosing acetaminophen every year. every drug has contraindications. If they are going to state their opinion that iVM is unsafe where’s their data and science to prove it? Ivermectin proponents are ready to submit evidence of its effectiveness. Some have listened - most will not unfortunately


[-] DreadPyriteRoberts | 4 points | Dec 25 2020 06:21:51

AFAIK (and I think I would know) there are no recorded deaths from overdose of ivermectin. The safety studies looking for the largest safe dose have never tested a high enough dose to show deleterious effects. There is a case study of a woman who displayed Central Nervous System effects (confusion, slurred speech, disorientation) after taking 12mg everyday for two weeks -- who recovered within 48 hours of stopping the drug.


[-] my-tech-reddit-acct | 4 points | Dec 28 2020 02:45:36

Our goverments want us frightened, cowering in our homes, broke, and dependent on them. They are perfectly willing to kill people to make that happen. What they aee doing by suppressing cheap, easy treatment and prophylaxis is murder, pure and simple.

I've done my 7 months in solitary, I finished that shit in October. Between high vitamin d, and prophylaxis with HCQ and IVM, I'm not afraid to go anywhere. Fuck the government!


[-] Main_Performer4701 | 1 points | Dec 28 2020 03:46:12

Yes fuck the govt I agree. Fuck the bootlickers too. I would advise not to willingly expose yourself though. It’s not a miracle cure and you can still get it and spread it without symptoms. As great as this drug is we shouldn’t let it give us a false sense of security


[-] my-tech-reddit-acct | 1 points | Dec 28 2020 04:58:15

First, my chance of dying from covid-19 was probably less than my chance of dying from anything else, and that's if I caught it, which some significant part if the population can't. (That might be wrong, I'm 65, with well-controlled diabetes, class 1 obesity, well-controlled hypertension. So my risk might have been higher than my risk from all ither causes - but not much.)

Second, I've raised my vitamin d well north of 50 ng/ml, I'm taking HCQ and zinc, I'm taking IVM, I'm taking bromhexine. I'm eating better than I ever have.

I am staying away from older folks (or even somewhat younger folks) who aren't taking these precautions. But I'm through running away from the world.

There are restaurants around me which are defying the bans on indoor dining - I plan on going to one.

I got my first haircut since February last week, man that was great. Been doing my own shopping, too.


[-] my-tech-reddit-acct | 1 points | Dec 28 2020 05:10:25

See this:

Which includes these:

Until you're 85+, flu and pneumonia are more dangerous.


[-] ecraft23 | 1 points | Dec 26 2020 03:06:11

Calling total Bullshit here’s plenty of data to back that up.


[-] skabez | 1 points | Dec 26 2020 09:25:37

The FLCCC adding to their protocol is all the evidence I need.


[-] Djgma | 1 points | Jan 03 2021 01:25:42

What are the other ingredients in the ivermectin paste for horses? Perhaps the ingredients that make it pasty are harmful to humans?


[-] menmyself71 | 1 points | Jan 04 2021 09:20:02

i would not use it and vets have stressed not to use it or drenches. please do more research on this site. there are places where the pills can be bought. i got the liquid injectable that i will take orally ...only buy ivomec or noromectin. dosage is based on weight although preventative doses are suggested elsewhere do your research and get information before jumping on self dosing.


[-] No-Look-3001 | 1 points | Apr 20 2021 17:37:17

It's perfectly save. They give this to high bred horses all the time. They treat animals better than humans in this country. Fuck the government indeed. Murderers.
