massimaux | 39 points
Prophylactic efficacy of Ivermectin is estimated to be 96%, higher than Pfizer and Moderna vaccines efficacies of 95% and 94%, respectively[-] passfailboat | 3 points
This is excellent.
Nice but you take two shots of the vaccine and in three weeks you're done, but what about ivermectin? How much do you need to keep taking for it to work?
This table is not to show that IVM is a competitor to the vaccines. It just demonstrates that people who cannot be vaccinated NOW should know that there is a safe bridge to the vaccine. As good as the superior vaccines.
[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 6 points
It just demonstrates that people who cannot be vaccinated NOW should know that there is a safe bridge to the vaccine.
Repeated for emphasis.
[-] blueheelercd | 2 points
That is the whole point!
[-] dogrescuersometimes | 3 points
See the MASK+ protocol on
Ivermectin Prophylaxis for high risk individuals 0.2 mg/kg -- one dose on day 1 and day 3, then take one dose weekly for 10 weeks, followed by one dose every 2 weeks.*
Post COVID 19 exposure prophylaxis** 0.2 mg/kg - one dose on day 1 and day 3
Vitamin D3 - 1,000-3,000 IU/day Vitamin C - 1,000 mg twice a day Quercitin - 250 mg/day Zinc - 50 mg/day Melatonin 6mg before bedtime (causes drowsiness)
[-] Haitchpeasauce | 3 points
To answer your question a bit better, given the half life of Ivermectin in plasma and in tissues, typical prophylaxis protocols have Ivermectin dosage at once per week. One clinical trial for prophylaxis had people dose once per month. It varies a bit but overall they are more effective than masking alone.
Vaccines will give long lasting immunity (we do not know for how long yet), so until vaccinated repeat dosing of Ivermectin would be necessary to achieve protection.
[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 2 points
Ask in /r/gettingIvermectin please.
[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points
Nice but you take two shots of the vaccine and in three weeks you're done
AFAIK no one is proposing ivermectin as an alternative to vaccines. It's a way to survive long enough to get the vaccination.
That said, I might continue taking ivermectin, maybe monthly instead of twice a week, because of it's other benefits (mites for sure, maybe alcohol abuse).
Are you taking it twice a week? How long have you been doing that for and do you work in some sort of high risk environment?
What about the alcohol abuse part? What's that about?
[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 2 points
LOL I don't work at all, I'm retired and isolating hard, by myself in my apartment. I am very high risk, though, 6 ways, so I'm taking the virus very seriously.
I'm taking it twice a week based on the estimated 18-hour half-life: the predicted blood level is miniscule by day 3/4.
Re alcohol: There are a couple mouse studies showing ivermectin reduced alcohol intake. The people that did one of them took out a patent for treating alcoholism with IVM. During February - April I was going through two boxes of wine per week. I started dosing with IVM in May. It took me a few weeks to notice that my decades-long chronic itching and blepharitis were gone: mites. It took months to notice that I hadn't consumed any alcohol since May. I had some drinks on Election Night and on Christmas Day. That's it. I've never been diagnosed, but I would guess that I'm a borderline alcoholic. I've been wary about that for 30 years, monitoring my alcohol consumption. Is it REALLY down because of the ivermectin? I don't know. An experiment with N=1 is pretty poor science. Whatever the reason, I'm glad that my yen for alcohol seems diminished.
That's very interesting, thanks for sharing.
What do you think a not at risk person (no co-morbities) , who's isolating and pretty much only going out grocery shopping wearing KN95s /n95s, should be looking at taking? I'm taking multi vitamins and 250mg quercetin daily. Also getting plenty of sunshine (I live in the tropics).
[-] SwiftJustice88 | 2 points
Wow! Is it really 96%? That is incredible if true and I’m assuming weekly dosing would be best to hit 96%? Also, weren’t many of these studies done with health care workers exposed more than the average person?
[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 2 points
I’m assuming weekly dosing would be best to hit 96%?
Dr. Aguirre (Peru MD with deep experience with ivermectin) tweeted this on 2020-12-25:
With a dose of 0.2 mg. per kilo of weight every 7 days: 100% efficiency.
Every 14 days: 98 to 100%
Every 30 days: 90 to 95%
[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points
Also, weren’t many of these studies done with health care workers exposed more than the average person?
Yes, as indicated by the very high infection rates in the no-ivermectin arms.
More videos supporting use of ivermectin
Please watch these videos if you are suffering & comment if your Dr is treating using ivermectin.
Sharing bc Its heart breaking to witness so much suffering and dying when there are treatments available that are not only preventing the virus but shortening the duration of it. I have always felt like there had to be a treatment/cure and wondered why doctors were letting patients suffer.
Please research/ talk to your Dr. and share the information from these Doctors & professors.
I sent this to my husband earlier.
Found another Dr. Claiming benefits of ivermectin.
Dr claims ivermectin is amazingly effective in reducing covid combined with zinc and doxycycline ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ quote “it’s a surprisingly easy virus to kill”
It’s anti parasitic, anti inflammatory
Not ONE paper where it was successful less than 100%. Cured within 6-8 DAYS.
Mechanism: inhibits cytokines, destroys viral rna, prohibits virus from getting in the nucleus
Many Drs around the world take it as a preventative
Suggestion: treat every positive case..every negative case as preventative - hospital count would go down to single digits.
Side effects 6% headache!
This therapeutic could be massively useful in treatment and prevention.
Sadly, the Drs. don’t know if this drug will be used wide spread due to the low cost... it’s less than $24 for treatment. The remidivisor is $3120 for treatment with private insurance. Not sure what the cost will be for the vacc (it will likely be free ) but the pharmaceutical companies are set to make 41 billion in the first year off of the vacc.
One Dr. recommended treating with ivermectin protocal, then vacc. then treating since the vacc will only last for a few months..
[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points
Search /r/gettingIvermectin.
[-] Skybright77777 | 2 points
IMask+ protocol!
[-] Sanpaku | 5 points | Dec 21 2020 23:57:53
Bit premature. Just one individual randomized study, and its not large.
I say this not to discredit ivermectin. I take it myself prophylactically. Just that we need better studies before there's much hope of persuasion.
[-] ashbada | 2 points | Dec 22 2020 01:47:33
How often do you take it as a preventative?
[-] massimaux | 1 points | Dec 22 2020 00:01:03
Two studies are RCT above. Do you know which ones?
[-] Sanpaku | 1 points | Dec 22 2020 00:07:36
One's possibly individual randomization (Shouman et al, n=203), one's block randomization (Elgazzar et al, n=100). I really wish the Gates Foundation or similar would fund the n=10k randomized study in India or South Africa that would get the attention ivermectin deserves. Lord knows they've payed for way more than 10k courses for river blindness.