OperationRich | 2 points
Whats the difference between the MATH+ Protocol and Merik Protocol for COVID-19?First, I need to apologize for being a little lazy. I am burned out as I have been working on this for days.... while recovering from COVID. Also, , where did the Merik Protocol come from? I'm writing a detailed email with a lot of information to share with family and friends. I can't seem to figure out how these are related, or if. It seems they are. Thanks.
Edited to show where my confusion comes from. It may just be a matter of presentation. Thanks!
[-] bikes4paul | 3 points | Dec 21 2020 22:33:46
My understanding is that there was a difference between the MATH+ Protocol and the Marik protocol which he published on the EVMS website. The MATH+ protocol was what the FLCCC Alliance all agreed upon and it was spearheaded by Dr. Marik. However, Dr. Marik believed in a few additional medications that were not included in the early versions of the MATH+ protocol. Over time they have merged. The big milestone was the full adoption of Ivermectin as a pillar by the entire FLCCC again led by Dr. Marik. At that time they split the early treatment out of the MATH+ Protocol and created the I-MASK+ for early treatment to compliment the MATH+ in patient protocol.
At least that's how I remember things evolving.
[-] OperationRich | 2 points | Dec 22 2020 00:44:34
Thanks so much. I sure appreciate the people on this sub. Be well!