Main_Performer4701 | 22 points
Your ivermectin stories - does it work?I’ve done the research, looked at countless studies and stocked up on ivermectin for prophylaxis. I want to hear your stories, good or bad on using ivermectin as prevention or treatment. No evidence is complete without the anecdotes IMO.
For those who have high risk exposures how sure are you that your prophylaxis regime prevented you from contracting it?
For those who did prophylaxis but got covid anyway what was your dosing? Were symptoms milder? Did they clear up when taking more ivermectin?
For those who took it when symptoms showed did it make a difference? Do you know anyone who took it and got better that proved ivermectin works as a treatment?
[-] magenta_thompson | 13 points
I posted this elsewhere but I can't find it. I started taking a 3-day course of ivermectin on day 3 of covid symptoms (which is also the day I got my positive results). My immunologist prescribed it because I'm immune deficient. Anyway, my symptoms were getting pretty bad, fast: shortness of breath, chest heaviness, cough, headache, and exhaustion like I've never felt. By day 4 of symptoms (day 2 of ivermectin), my symptoms seemed to plateau. I stayed relatively stable for a few days, then started getting better. I was almost completely well after 2 weeks. It was very dramatic; I felt progressively worse for the first 3 days, and then it just...stopped. It was amazing. I'm so grateful to my doctor. Based on my history, I'm someone who would have had a very bad course had it been untreated. I tell anyone who will listen about my experience with ivermectin. To my great frustration, the nurses I deal with regularly aren't familiar with it, but they are now.
Edited to add: at my doctor's suggestion, I also took prednisone, zinc, vitamin D & vitamin C, as well as Prilosec (no idea about this last one lol but I took it).
[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 2 points
I posted this elsewhere
Thanks for posting it again.
prednisone: A synthetic drug similar to cortisone, used to relieve rheumatic and allergic conditions and to treat leukemia.
[-] Main_Performer4701 | 1 points
What kind of ivermectin did you take and what dosage per day?
[-] magenta_thompson | 3 points
Ok, I looked through my pharmacy records. I took 4-3mg ivermectin tablets per day for 3 days. If this helps, the NDC # is 42799080601
[-] magenta_thompson | 2 points
I will have to look it up. It was three tablets a day for three days.
[-] Suspicious-Layer-330 | 11 points
The efficacy of ivermectin was observed in Peru back in May when people began to notice that people treated for parasites with Ivermectin never got Covid. That’s when Pastor’s family and fellow pastors went to work giving it out to thousands of people and the results were instantaneous and amazing.
In the beginning, the medical establishment in Iquitos was all for it but their envy finally got the best of them. They could not stand the credit the common citizens were getting for curing Covid. The doctors and hospitals discontinued using ivermectin for the cure. This led the people there to track down the positive cases and cure of them outside the medical establishment. This led to the government forcibly removing the ivermectin from the market place. Corruption being what it is there, that same ivermectin ended up on the black market for several times the normal price. The people there continue to purchase it and track down people that tested positive and curing them before they ended up dying in the hospital. The results we’re astounding. In a city of 500,000 people, for the past eight weeks not a single person has died of Covid.
[-] Main_Performer4701 | 1 points
Yes I have heard of the evidence in South America that’s why I’m on the ivermectin train. I believe this is the best chance we have at protecting ourselves.
I’m curious to know about the experience of this community in using ivermectin. Can you share your experience?
[-] cyberpimp2 | 1 points
The vaccine and steroids(If you get covid) is a better than ivermectin.
[-] Suspicious-Layer-330 | 1 points
[-] Suspicious-Layer-330 | 1 points
So, can anyone provide any actual stories like what the OP is asking for? We all know the studies - The point here is to talk about any personal experiences or anecdotes.
[-] magenta_thompson | 3 points
In case my reply gets lost, I replied to OP with my story.
[-] FranciscoGalt | 1 points
Got my positive result yesterday at 12pm after waking up feeling like a truck ran over me. Had fever, shivers, muscle and back pain. Took IVM around 5pm. Woke up today mostly symptom free. Some back pain that went away with tylenol and feel perfect at 24 hours after taking it. I took 24 mg diluted in a glass of water.
Ivermectin is over the counter in Mexico which is how I got it so easily. I'm actually in the US right now (contributing to Texas covid numbers) but had the pills with me.
i like hearing these stories. but remember, the people it might not work in are not here to repson sadly
[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 2 points
Good point: survivor bias.
Survivorship bias or survival bias is the logical error of concentrating on the people or things that made it past some selection process and overlooking those that did not, typically because of their lack of visibility. This can lead to some false conclusions in several different ways. It is a form of selection bias.
Survivorship bias can lead to overly optimistic beliefs because failures are ignored, such as when companies that no longer exist are excluded from analyses of financial performance. It can also lead to the false belief that the successes in a group have some special property, rather than just coincidence (correlation "proves" causality). For example, if three of the five students with the best college grades went to the same high school, that can lead one to believe that the high school must offer an excellent education when, in fact, it may be just a much larger school instead. The question cannot be answered without looking at the grades of all the other students from that high school, not just the ones who made the top-five selection process. Another example of a distinct mode of survivorship bias would be thinking that an incident was not as dangerous as it was because everyone communicated with afterwards survived. Even if one knew that some people are dead, they would not have their voice to add to the conversation, leading to bias in the conversation.
This pandemic has been a huge learning experience for me.
On the other hand, people who use it and don't get sick just go about their daily lives and may not think to go online and talk about it. There's a covid19positive sub, but there's not much demand for a covid19negative sub... because that's everywhere else.
I've noticed that even on the main covid related subs very, very few people post about ivermectin and those who do seem to have positive effects and rapid resolution of symptoms. Many in that category probably don't even know what drugs they were given, and wouldn't know that ivermectin was potentially anything special or good. I think subs like this tend to attract the more adventurous and curious.
I think is very important to take it early. Also, I am taking 2 tabs 6mg each every 15 days as a preventive measure. No side effects
[-] PRFinklemeister | 3 points
[-] Suspicious-Layer-330 | 2 points
Vitamin regimen from beginning until the Covid pandemic passes: -Zinc - 50 mg daily -D-3 & K-2 - 12,000 IU daily for 2 weeks. Then 6,000 IU daily -Melatonin - 5 mg daily -Quercetin - 250-500 mg daily -Vitamin C - 6,000 mg daily for 2 weeks. Then 2,000 mg daily.
For treatment of Covid, the Ivermectin mL dosage for a day, taken in a glass of warm milk, is calculated by multiplying body weight times .009.
For example: 200 lbs X .009 = 1.8 mL TREATMENT IF TESTED POSITIVE: For the earliest stage of coronavirus after first being tested positive, with a warm glass of milk, one dose per day for two days will cure most people within 3 to 5 days. If symptoms persist, add a dose on day 4and day 5.
If symptoms persist further and/or worsen, the dosage, with a warm glass of milk should be as follows:
-Doses on days 1,3,4,5,7,8
-If the coronavirus has already attacked the lungs, take doxycycline to treat the infection. -After day 8 from onset, take dexamethasone steroid to reduce inflammation.
For prevention of covid, the Ivermectin mL dosage for a day, taken in a glass of warm milk, is calculated by multiplying body weight times .009.
PREVENTION: For prevention, the Ivermectin mL dosage for a day, taken in a glass of warm milk, is calculated by multiplying body weight times .009.
Example of dosage: 200 lbs X .009 = 1.8 mL dosage.
Take a dose of ivermectin in a glass of warm milk two days in a row and thereafter one dose per month.
-Zinc - 50 mg daily -D-3 & K-2 - 12,000 IU daily for 2 weeks. Then 6,000 IU daily -Melatonin - 5 mg daily -Quercetin - 250-500 mg daily -Vitamin C - 6,000 mg daily for 2 weeks. Then 2,000 mg daily.
[-] converter-bot | 2 points
200 lbs is 90.8 kg
[-] Tha_Dude_Abidez | 1 points
Good bot
[-] ibexrecurve | 1 points
What protocol is that from?
[-] Suspicious-Layer-330 | 2 points
[-] Murky-Lengthiness | 2 points
Im in Dr. Covid forum number 2 (with 5200 other people). He has treated IN PUBLIC more than 7800 people so far. 5X, a champion of social justice has given for free 35,000 treatments of Ivermectin and 25,000 treatments with Metronidazole. Volunteers in Guanajuato have given more than 5,000 treatments so far in Mexico. Dr. Covid (through donations) has given away more than 90,000 treatments with metronidazole so far (Each treatment costs 3 pesos). Ivermectin works!
[-] PRFinklemeister | 1 points
How did you get ivm prescriptions? Thanks.
[-] Murky-Lengthiness | 1 points
It’s sold in many pharmacies without prescription
[-] Working_Effort8930 | 2 points
My story if very interesting. About 3 years ago I got a horrific eye, ear infection that caused me to file for disability ( I am not sure but the doctors were basically ignoring it) I become unable to communicate, had anxiety, ADHD, basically my life was in shambles. I had psychological problems. Finally by the grace of God put a small amount of ivermectin topically in the effected ear and was again able to communicate! Beware of taking orally because if you later come down with ENT problems kiss a normal life goodbye! Good luck finding a doctor who will listen to you! Recently I came down with breathing problems ( I am not sure if COVID or not) and again a very small amount ivermectin topically to back of throat cleared me up) Be careful with the Drug! It is effective but OMG you need a Doctor who listens to you and believes you!
[-] MikaElyse8954 | 1 points
How does taking it orally cause ENT problems?
[-] Suspicious-Layer-330 | 1 points
[-] Suspicious-Layer-330 | 1 points
[-] gweased_pig | 1 points
I take the paste and don't have covid. All I got. Certainly not proof of anything.
[-] dogrescuersometimes | 1 points
I'm definitely going to do it I'm just getting stuck at which one to buy.
[-] sicklypersonforever | 1 points
I've bought this version in the past;
I used it to treat Scabies and it worked well and I had no negative side effects to my knowledge.
[-] dogrescuersometimes | 1 points
Perfect,that's one of the ones I got took the first dose ..
[-] sicklypersonforever | 1 points
Where is the best place to buy online? I cant find ivermectin for human consumption in my country. Mostly for animals.
[-] sicklypersonforever | 1 points
I've bought this version in the past;
I used it to treat Scabies and it worked well and I had no negative side effects to my knowledge.
[-] Adventurous_Quail351 | 1 points
I’ve been trying to source ivermectin in Canada , the horse supply stores and both say the horse paste with Ivermectin is unavailable. I’m wondering if they have been advised not to sell right now. There is one doctor currently prescribing Ivermectin in Canada, his office is closed for the holidays. Anyone have success in the past week accessing Ivermectin in Canada ?
[-] Main_Performer4701 | 2 points
Fuck I had a feeling amazon would eventually find out. I got 6 tubes of paste two weeks ago at an ready inflated price. Try looking for the injectable liquid version. You only need like 1ml in drinking water for that one. I ordered the real tablets from an Indian pharmacy so I’m praying CBSA doesn’t seize it. I can give you the email of the business if you want. There’s no hope In getting it prescribed here. Give yourself scabies and they might give you stromectol or mectizan which are other names for ivy
[-] Adventurous_Quail351 | 1 points
Thanks for the info and yes please pass on the email address. Thank you!
[-] OperationRich | 1 points
Yes, read my posts. Good luck. Doesn't taste good. FYI!
[-] sicklypersonforever | 1 points
I am so grateful for this group. There are so many naysayers out there.
[-] Suspicious-Layer-330 | 0 points
For prevention of covid, the Ivermectin mL dosage for a day, taken in a glass of warm milk, is calculated by multiplying body weight times .009.
PREVENTION: For prevention, the Ivermectin mL dosage for a day, taken in a glass of warm milk, is calculated by multiplying body weight times .009.
Example of dosage: 200 lbs X .009 = 1.8 mL dosage.
Take a dose of ivermectin in a glass of warm milk two days in a row and thereafter one dose per month.
-Zinc - 50 mg daily -D-3 & K-2 - 12,000 IU daily for 2 weeks. Then 6,000 IU daily -Melatonin - 5 mg daily -Quercetin - 250-500 mg daily -Vitamin C - 6,000 mg daily for 2 weeks. Then 2,000 mg daily.
[-] apollo11junkie | 1 points
Good info, thanks. I've added NAD, 900mg/day over 2 doses. DO you have a conversion from mL to mg of the paste?
[-] bikes4paul | 14 points | Dec 20 2020 22:33:46
I've assisted three patients obtain and take Ivermectin. The results were very positive in 2 cases and the 3rd is too soon to tell (only administered last night). The first and most serious was a 55yr male with hypertension. He didn't listen when I provided the supplement regimen and the doctor to contact for IVM. He waited 8 days and became hypoxic at 92-93%. Luckily his mother was on o2 and had a spare oxygen concentrator. We were able to bring his o2 up to 96% on the concentrator. His family has lost 3 members to C19 and he lost a good friend. He was adamant that he would not go to the hospital no matter what.
He had severe cough, malaise, etc. Unfortunately, the doctor only prescribed 2 doses at 12mg. He was 200lbs prior to C19 but had lost 15lbs. This was only about 150mcg/kg if you use his pre-C19 weight. I strongly prefer dosing at 400mcg/kg days 1, 3 and 5. In order to maximize absorption I made sure he took it immediately following a fatty meal.
We administered the IVM on day 10 after symptom onset. He stabilized the next day and his o2 improved to 95-96% on room air (concentrator was not needed anymore). He also felt his symptoms were a bit improved. The day after the second 12mg dose he improved further with his o2 climbing to 97-98% on room air. His wife was another case and was less severe. Her symptoms responded similarly to the IVM. She had severe anosmia and ageusia and her senses started to return the day after the first IVM dose. They continue to return over the next few days. Her other symptoms resolved too with the exception of the fatigue.
Couple these anecdotes with the robust and repeatedly positive RCT and study results and I'm a firm believer!
[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 3 points | Dec 21 2020 04:51:45
I've assisted three patients obtain and take Ivermectin.
How do you spell hero? b-i-k-e-s-4...
[-] PRFinklemeister | 1 points | Dec 21 2020 10:58:58
How would you convert the IVM horse paste to human dose? Whats the best way to get an MD to prescribe IVM? Thanks.
[-] yauuik | 2 points | Dec 21 2020 16:53:10
[-] AnticitizenPrime | 1 points | Dec 21 2020 18:34:49
The horse paste is administered by weight, and the dosage is the same for horses and humans. The horse paste tube has markings on the side in 50 lb increments, so you just dial in your weight using the 'syringe'.
I have taken it twice to treat scabies.
[-] bikes4paul | 1 points | Dec 21 2020 18:44:13
The best way to obtain human IVM is this site:
All mammals are dosed at 200mcg/kg. Therefore, just adjust to the two legged mammal's weight. The plunger is marked in pounds. Each plunger will treat 1250 lbs of mammal.
[-] canehdianjoe | 1 points | Dec 22 2020 23:00:38
Take a look at
[-] deezer_d | 1 points | Dec 21 2020 18:24:44
Are you an MD? How do you recommend people get it if they don't know if a way?
[-] bikes4paul | 3 points | Dec 21 2020 18:42:03
I'm not an MD. I've done extensive medical research and discussed with multiple physicians on the topic. The best way to obtain human IVM is from the following directory of doctors:
I've done so many times. Every time they prescribe a cocktail of meds/supplements which is great. I always tailor it a bit. Unfortunately each time has also been too low of a dose of IVM, IMHO. I recommend pushing for 400mcg/kg days 1, 3 and 5. The cases I've been directly involved with didn't have that level but still did well. For me personally, I have enough Durvet to augment the IVM pills to dose according to what I feel the data has already supported as being the most efficacious. Argentina, Dominican Republic etc. are using higher doses because it's very safe and more effective.
[-] thismyusername69 | 1 points | Dec 23 2020 11:09:05
So would you only contact these Drs if youre positive? Do people try to get the pills before hand?
[-] bikes4paul | 1 points | Dec 23 2020 18:31:52
Some people do request IVM prior to contracting the virus. It's harder to find a physician that will prescribe prior to infection. However, some will and a very strong determining factor is the risk level for the patient. If someone has high risk due to comorbidities and advanced age most doctors will prescribe prior. I suggest using the link I shared above since those doctors are already willing to prescribe for infected patients. The other challenge I've seen is that every doctor that has prescribed IVM has done it at relatively low dosage. Usually the typical antiparasitic dosing of 1 or 2 doses at 200mcg/kg. IMO, higher dosing (i.e. 400mcg/kg) on multiple days ( days 1, 3, and 5) is very safe and more efficacious.
I haven't seen any doctors prescribing for long term PEP yet. For that most people go with apple flavored options.