OperationRich | 11 points
Choice words to most likely turn a medical professional towards this treatment?I was wondering... If I were a doctor, and people are pitching things to me all the time. What words, and what one or two resources, would make me look into prescribing ivermectin to my patients?
Do you guys have any ideas? I want to get this information to the hospitals & doctors in my area. It's remote area, so it's a possibility they will listen, if the information is provided in a quick, easy, intelligent way.
Thanks in advance!
[-] Look_deeply | 6 points
I talked with 2 doctors(separately) about ivermectin, and it was at the point when I mentioned the Argentine study (showing 100% prophylaxis in \~800 health care workers over 3 mo) that it seemed their interest was really aroused & they asked for the link (above).
[-] OperationRich | 1 points
Love this!
[-] sicklypersonforever | 1 points
Thank you!
[-] foggynotion | 5 points
I emailed my doctor links directly to the FLCCC data, I also made sure to add into the "send to" field to include the main office staff email... just so if the 1 doctor ignores it, all the nurses and receptionists will see it separately in the main office email inbox, not just one doc.
[-] OperationRich | 3 points
I just emailed my clinic and CC'd the other in the next town the links you suggested and a couple more from the same site. That's the best we can do I guess.
[-] foggynotion | 2 points
[-] Alpineholydog | 3 points
“ I am deeply concerned for my health and risk of contracting COVID 19. I have educated myself regarding prophylaxis and treatment of this disease to the best of my ability. I have read about ivermectin and acknowledge that there may be benefit to taking this medication. I would appreciate your guidance and permission to engage in the shared decision between me,as your patient and you, as my physician, to engage in this treatment regimen. I understand that this is an off label use of this medication but I believe the benefits of this treatment far outweigh the risks of this medication”
[-] OperationRich | 3 points
Excellent, Thank you. I'm hoping actually to write a really short letter to our local hospitals and clinics. Something short, to the point, that will catch their attention.
[-] dogrescuersometimes | 3 points
I'm in this with you
My husband yelled at me, and my therapist patronized me.
It's exactly like showing them alternative political views.
[-] Alexanderandjeff | 3 points
Im with you 100% ....I really wouldn't know where to start with a gofundme effort... Maybe some one here would have some insight....Ive taken this idea to another site. The FLCCC. org could start it ...Any extra money beyond what would be needed to file a class action suit against the FDA and NIH, would go to those who suffered with this disease..Stories of extreme disability and incredible hardship abound could get some spillover help after all legal costs are taken care of .
[-] OperationRich | 2 points
Please keep me updated on this!
[-] Ok_Meeting_6364 | 3 points
We want a peer reviewed RCT of over 1000 people in a high impact journal (New England journal of medicine) showing a mortality benefit and a p value of less than 0.05.
With over 2000 dying a day in the us you would think this study would be easy to get done.
That’s what we want.
[-] Alexanderandjeff | 2 points
Look at Dr. Hibberd interview with a Dr. Suarez I believe. The doctor is in Orlando and will do Telemedicine...Fully supports the FLCCC protocols.. In the description drop down ,offers away to contact other doctors wholl do the same....Most hospitals in this country will not use Ivermectin ..Dr. Rajter of Broward Health got a waiver from the FDA ...Has been using Ivermectin with excellent success for months.
[-] Ok-Film-9049 | 1 points
'Blood on your hands'... Joking, but I would try and ask them to review Flccc site and consider: 37 trials saying it works Better safety profile that paracetamol (tylanol) No known drug interactions
Then, would they now prescribe it for a relative if they caught Covid? If so, they should prescribe it for you.
Having worked with many doctors years ago, I know many will just follow national procols. Therefore it would be foolish to rely on your doctor. Therefore have some paste as a 'backup'.
I have had th vaccine a few weeks ago via a trial and am relieved to have had it. I can now be with elderly mother who lives alone if she catches Covid. And ensure she takes the meds I have purchased if her doctor won't play ball.
My doctor was keenly interested when I sent him information about the connection between ACE2 and hypertension back in March - http://www.nephjc.com/news/covidace2 - At the time, there was speculation that people on ACE inhibitors might be both prone to infection and prone to a more severe course of the disease. It made enough sense that he switched a few patients from ACE inhibitors to ARBs.
He's less on board with ivermectin, even seeing the FLCCC research and protocols. I think the difference is that switching from an ACE inhibitor to an ARB is fairly routine and well accepted with minimal risk, whereas prescribing ivermectin off label for COVID prophylaxis / treatment is still somewhat controversial since the NIH and FDA are dragging their asses.
I still feel the best bet is to speak with a physician who is on the list of ivermectin friendly prescribers or channel one's inner horse.
[-] sicklypersonforever | 1 points
All of the shared studies here have been helpful to me. Thank you.
[-] MeanieMem0 | 9 points | Dec 20 2020 01:45:37
You could maybe show them this clinical trial, or any number of other trials done about it:
You could show them this YT video of a senate hearing in which 3 doctors give testimony about the effectiveness of treating patients with Ivermectin, and them literally begging for funding for trials to get the word out:
I personally have been reading about Ivermectin since April. I believe the first study I read was one out of Australia. There have been more than a few, some in vitro and others about experiences in treating patients.
India is treating people with Ivermectin, high dose vitamin D, along with other inexpensive and effective supplements and drugs.
In my opinion, it's criminal on a crimes against humanity level that this has been withheld from the public in the west.
[-] apollo11junkie | 4 points | Dec 20 2020 02:49:59
I bought some of the paste for my horse.
[-] MeanieMem0 | 4 points | Dec 20 2020 03:10:54
So did I. He's happy I did.
[-] OperationRich | 5 points | Dec 20 2020 05:52:59
I have too. For 2 mini-donkeys. One had a fever that would break. Within 2 days of starting the treatment the fever broke. Both mini-donkies are sold on it.
[-] MeanieMem0 | 2 points | Dec 20 2020 05:58:08
I would definitely believe medical advice from your trusted mini-donkeys over the crazy-eyed idiots creating mandates these days.
[-] sicklypersonforever | 1 points | Dec 23 2020 23:24:56
Thank you for sharing!
[-] Alexanderandjeff | 4 points | Dec 20 2020 17:48:21
Maybe we should do a gofundme drive through Dr. Marik and or the FLCCC ...Maybe a class action against the FDA in Federal court will force them to seriously consider Ivermectin...Its very bizarre and speaks volumes that Remdesivir a practically useless gets approval in no time but Ivermectin, which is now being tested and used in almost the entire word except in countries that the US FDA has a strangle hold doesn't...I smell the scent of dollar bills getting in the way...Ivermectin it too good and too cheao
[-] MeanieMem0 | 2 points | Dec 20 2020 18:05:39
That's a great idea! If you find a gofundme, or make one, please let me know about it. The only problem I can see is that SO many people do not know about Ivermectin and are in the thrall of Fauci, the CDC, and the FDA recommendations that the fund wouldn't receive the necessary exposure or contributions. I really do like the idea, though. Sucks we have to take these matters into our own hands because the thoroughly corrupt establishment literally hides treatments from the people. It's criminal, on a crimes against humanity level.
Did you hear those doctors literally pleading to the senate for funding? It's heartbreaking and it infuriates me. These doctors who truly want to heal their patients cannot do so due to the iron fist of big pharma and complicit agencies/politicians. In my opinion they should all be at The Hague, but a class action might be a start. Finding a lawyer with the balls to go against such a behemoth might be a problem too. Surely some must exist, though.
[-] OperationRich | 2 points | Dec 21 2020 21:01:22
I love this idea. I'm not a 'Planner" but I am a great "helper" if someone knows how to go about doing this.
[-] apollo11junkie | 3 points | Dec 20 2020 02:39:04
Thanks, good info. Do you happen to know the dosage of Vit D3? I've upped mine from 5 to 10,000 IU/day.
[-] MeanieMem0 | 3 points | Dec 20 2020 02:43:49
You're welcome. No, I don't know vitamin d dosage. I take anywhere from 4-5000/day but would probably up it if I became sick. What I do know is that India is giving people 60,000 IU in their packets. I don't know if the packets are for prevention or for those with covid. I'll look into that.
[-] apollo11junkie | 4 points | Dec 20 2020 02:47:34
I think either MedCram or Peak Prosperity talked about this. Here they're fixated on vaccines.
[-] MeanieMem0 | 1 points | Dec 20 2020 03:08:29
They're completely obsessed with the vaccine here. That's why I think it's criminal if they withheld actual treatments leading to the deaths of hundreds of thousands. If that's not a crime against humanity, I don't know what is.
[-] Fun_Journalist_727 | 2 points | Dec 20 2020 04:01:17
I have been taking ten THOUSAND IU of Vitamin D daily since May and I had my blood levels checked in October and again in December. In October it was 70 with a reference range of 30 to 100. I upped my dose to 15 thousand IU and when I checked it in December it was at 88 with the same reference range of 30 to 100. I’ll stay with 15,000 IU and keep my D levels at the high end of normal.
[-] MeanieMem0 | 1 points | Dec 20 2020 04:35:16
Wow, that's good to know. I haven't had my levels checked, haven't even been to a doctor since this all started. I bet mine are low then. I work from home, hardly ever leave the house, and my place gets hardly any light because it's positioned poorly. I would bet anything that mine are low, I might up mine. When my mom got cancer, her doctor specifically told her to take high levels of vitamin D when she was going through treatment. It must be good for something.
[-] Fun_Journalist_727 | 2 points | Dec 20 2020 04:39:04
Yes, it’s worth having your levels checked. Had I gone with the usual recommended doses of 5000 IU I’m willing to bet I’d still be deficient OR I’d be just barely above 30, the lowest level of normal. Vitamin D has been shown to be of utmost importance with Covid-19 so I want my levels at the HIGHER end of normal.
[-] MeanieMem0 | 1 points | Dec 20 2020 04:43:19
Good advice, thank you.
[-] MeanieMem0 | 3 points | Dec 20 2020 03:07:12
Here's an image of India's health kit. It shows Ivermectin and the other items and dosages.
[-] [deleted] | 1 points | Dec 20 2020 03:11:43
[-] OperationRich | 3 points | Dec 20 2020 03:10:31
It's heart breaking.....
[-] MeanieMem0 | 1 points | Dec 20 2020 03:12:55
Truly. It also infuriates me.