radiantnoir | 24 points | Dec 17 2020 19:43:17

The struggle of sharing info about existing Ivermectin studies..🙄

They won’t even read or watch the video about these studies yet judge me right away that I don’t believe in covid, that I’m promoting something that can potentially harm others that one drug alone can’t cure covid and they assume that these studies are promoting not using PPE. They would say, vaccine is tested on 40k people, thus study is not. Why are you pro ivermectin etc. I’m sharing there’s these studies that can potentially help with the current pandemic. People are so easy to react to contradict what they see but won’t give time to read/watch what the post is really about.

Anyone else have experiencing this?


[-] lurker_lurks | 17 points | Dec 17 2020 20:54:42

Keep fighting. The MATH+ protocol paper published by the FLCCC Alliance just made it through peer review and was published recently. Their I-MASK+ protocol will go through the same process in another month or two.

But if you want to appeal to someone's emotions show them this tweet: https://www.twitter.com/lurker_lurks/status/1337943387907899397


[-] radiantnoir | 4 points | Dec 17 2020 22:14:28

This is data is gold


[-] radiantnoir | 3 points | Dec 17 2020 22:11:39

I’ve had some messages really upset about my post on Dr. Kory’s video, the webinar or Dr. Paul today and other articles. They said I’m spreading wrong info 😫 and baseless promoting preventative measures


[-] lurker_lurks | 3 points | Dec 18 2020 04:01:12

Ask them for a source that is authoritative.


[-] realcat67 | 3 points | Dec 20 2020 01:47:12

Don't take it personally. Any real info may save someone's life. People are scared. That is all that is about.


[-] radiantnoir | 2 points | Dec 20 2020 05:56:53

To be honest, I respect their opinion. But they don’t respect mine. And that’s okay. I’m just tired of messages from people getting angry at me for sharing these info.


[-] radiantnoir | 2 points | Dec 17 2020 22:19:37


I searched on more info about that tweet unfortunately it’s not translating to english on my phone. Do you have other info about it?


[-] lurker_lurks | 2 points | Dec 18 2020 04:00:31

I heard about it from the QA portion of Dr. Kory's senate hearing testimony. The current vimeo video on the FLCCC Alliance homepage. You can also get the full hearing from cspan.


[-] radiantnoir | 1 points | Dec 18 2020 04:03:24



[-] Alpineholydog | 11 points | Dec 18 2020 04:08:28

I treat 10 people per week at least in our practice. All decide in a shared physician patient decision to go for ivermectin. None have ended up in Er or admitted with use of vitamin regimen, ivermectin, a pulse oximeter and close follow up every 48 hrs. Better in 5 days. Had a personal trainer who got sick due to one person not feeling well in class. 7 infected. My patient s/p ivermectin better w mild cough. Other 6 very ill. 2 to ER. 1 parent intubated. Have treated several spouses prophylacticly of COVID +persons. None got the disease with any significance. If you take ivermectin you markedly lower the severity of the disease. Ask for it and ask that your doctors get educated.


[-] [deleted] | 1 points | Dec 19 2020 04:42:41



[-] jzero4242 | 7 points | Dec 17 2020 20:40:17

Yes, same everywhere.

Anything you post will be 'debunked', because FDA wrote it's no good, or this or that 'reputable newspaper' wrote it's no good, and you're just reading conspiracy websites.

Or it's 'only 180 people in the test' 'only India which must be fake'.


[-] radiantnoir | 3 points | Dec 17 2020 22:12:14

Before they comment on it, they should read it first. Some are very defensive i find


[-] realcat67 | 7 points | Dec 17 2020 22:08:59

I looked at the video of dr. pierre kory, I think his name was, yesterday for the first time. I saw 3 other youtube videos, all of which said ivermectin was effective. I cannot understand this, how docs are not getting on this bandwagon. It makes no sense to me. What is the motive? That it is an old and safe drug that is not profitable? So strange.


[-] ClasseD-48 | 9 points | Dec 18 2020 20:08:48

They're protecting themselves professionally. As John Maynard Keynes pointed out "it's better to fail conventionally than to succeed unconventionally".

These doctors just want to do what other doctors do, they don't want to be labeled "mavericks" and be singled out of their community for attempting treatments not approved by the medical authorities. You can punish a doctor who uses an uncommon treatment if it fails, but if every doctor uses the same failed treatment, you can't punish all of them, so you don't punish any of them. They'll say "I was doing what was good/common practice at the time!" and that way they can avoid responsibility. We have a perfect example of that this Spring when the treatment protocol recommended putting COVID patients with low blood oxygen on mechanical ventilators on high-pressure settings rather than trying to oxygenate them with oxygen therapy. The mortality rate of those patients put on high-pressure ventilators was over 80%! The first doctors who spoke out against the protocol were intimidated and punished by administrators. Thankfully, there was enough of a backlash to abandon the protocol, but it took nearly a month of it while most doctors were content to proceed with a protocol that had an 80% mortality rate.

So plenty of doctors are content to apply the same failed protocol and wait until the bureaucracy authorizes another. Plenty of doctors are just in the business for the money and the status, not to treat patients, and if depriving their patients of a potentially helpful treatment is the cost of preserving their professional reputation among their peers and climbing the social ladder in the community, they'll do so without an afterthought. And it's not limited to doctors, plenty of professionals are like that.


[-] radiantnoir | 2 points | Dec 17 2020 22:12:47

How can it have more tests if the government it not supporting it much


[-] Alpha_pad_385743438 | 2 points | Dec 19 2020 22:57:31

I reversed many of my ongoing health issues several years ago. Helped reverse a debilitating pain syndrome that had taken my daughter from a normal highschool kid to in a wheelchair. Even had a family member reverse paranoia and depression that had made them unable to work. And I haven't had a cold or flu since.

How often are you supposed to worm your pets? Why is there no standard schedule or screening in this country for worming human animals like me.

I'm not one for conspiracy type ideas. However, based on my direct experience I find myself wondering a lot if something is seriously off behind the scenes.


[-] realcat67 | 1 points | Dec 20 2020 00:57:34

Very interesting. Are you saying ivermectin did that for you?


[-] Alpha_pad_385743438 | 1 points | Dec 20 2020 01:18:29


But with the disclaimer that there were other meds involved.

Low dose Naltrexone and Dimethylsulfoxide were the other top 3 interventions that changed my life;

And saved my daughter's life, literally. She used to tell me before we left the house to hold onto her arm tightly so she couldn't run in front of a car to end the pain (that was before her body broke down so much that she couldn't walk/was I a wheelchair.)

She turned twenty this year, works full time and is able to lead a normal life.

On the rare occasions her old symptoms start to show in mild forn, she takes ivermectin and returns to normal within a day. I used to get headaches so bad I would throw up. Hasn't happened in over 2 years.


[-] realcat67 | 1 points | Dec 20 2020 01:22:17

That is powerful. Thank you.


[-] Alpha_pad_385743438 | 1 points | Dec 24 2020 05:18:45

You're welcome. Regards.


[-] dogrescuersometimes | 1 points | Dec 18 2020 19:08:49

they are mind controlled through hypnotism, punishment and reward.


[-] rraak | 6 points | Dec 17 2020 22:54:16

People are scared and irrational. It's the most turbulent time I've seen in my life, and I've found that a lot of people just aren't receptive to new information right now.

I think there's also COVID "cure" fatigue. I find it really odd, but there's a pervasive attitude about not "self-medicating" through supplementation... even when it comes to something like MATH+ or I-MASK+ where physicians recommend a supplement regimen. My own elderly parents refuse to take vitamin D or C supplements because their doctor hasn't told them to.

It's important, but honestly unlikely, that we get FDA and NIH on board with supplementation and ivermectin.

I think the other problem is that modern medicine - particularly with the pandemic - is oriented towards reaction instead of prevention. There's not a lot most doctors will do about "preventing" disease, but rather they seem hyper focused on treating symptoms. This is evident with COVID where critical days pass after symptoms appear where people wait on tests, eventually see a doctor and may get an inhaler, and are then told to basically wait it out until they're so sick they need to be admitted to the hospital... It's insanity. But, it's also very rare to find a doctor who will direct you take a preventive supplement routine. I think that's baked into the system pretty hard.


[-] No_Victory3364 | 5 points | Dec 19 2020 13:00:23

Beyond frustrating. First Hydroxy "Trump touted it!!!!", "It's killing people" (aquarium cleaner)... now Ivermectin. Billions of each taken over decades, most OTC in many countries - probably fewer side effects than Advil.

Why? We are inundated (US) with TV commercials for drugs we can't pronounce, that have "potential side effects" including sudden death. Millions spent on promoting these. (Fanapt for Schitzo is my favorite btw, who could have dreamed up those bizarre outings?).

And then to have government officials (Governors) issue executive orders banning off-label use? When has this happened before?

Millions of tests occurring daily for months now - still no treatment for positive tests. Why wouldn't you (they? someone?) hand out a $20 care package for every positive test - Hydroxy/Zinc/ZPak to half, Ivermectin + supplements to the other half. And then see what comes of it? At a minimum you would be providing a treatment beyond "go home and see if you can breath in a few days".


[-] nojox | 4 points | Dec 20 2020 00:08:54

I feel for you man. Luckily for me I live in India. And we have an open mind about alternative treatments (too open in fact, for scientific research, but that is another story).

All regional govts are either recommending or freely distributing ivermectin, zinc, vit C, vit D "kits" to suspected positive or confirmed positive but asymptomatic / pre-symptomatic / mildly symptomatic patients.

Those are standard prescriptions for anyone without symptoms and most aware people who can afford it have been stocking up on or supplementing Vit C and D for months.

We were also adamant about HCQ as prophylaxis when WHO declared it useless because we were seeing results on the ground. But once the Ivermectin+doxycycline results from Bangladesh came, India just scaled it up massively. Because even now, with one of the lowest deaths per capita among the bigger nations, hospitals are running at or near capacity. We cannot afford to get even 10% of our at-risk population hospitalised.

Pretty good job done by all govts in India - national and states.


[-] radiantnoir | 3 points | Dec 20 2020 05:58:43

That’s great news. I just saw on CBC today that they stopped the vaccination trials due to unknown illness showing up after the vaccination. I hope they can see how better Ivermectin and the protocols from FLCCC can be.


[-] nojox | 1 points | Dec 20 2020 23:54:24

CBC today that they stopped the vaccinations due to unknown illness

Got a link? How did I miss this?


[-] radiantnoir | 1 points | Dec 20 2020 23:57:02



[-] nojox | 1 points | Dec 21 2020 00:10:17

Thanks. To be honest, each of the top vaccines have had incidents which needed to be investigated to confirm causality and whether there were side effects. But each of them - Pfizer, Moderna and Oxford, investigated and ruled out causality in the cases with adverse effects in trials. In one case it turned out that the person died but he was in the placebo group in a double blind RCT. So this is standard and nothing to worry.


[-] Benmm1 | 3 points | Dec 18 2020 04:40:53

Yes, i can definitely relate. It's strange, like its going over a lot of peoples heads while with others its outright denial.


[-] BillyBob_TX | 2 points | Dec 17 2020 22:19:39

Take care of yourself. Help your friends and family.


[-] radiantnoir | 1 points | Dec 17 2020 23:24:59

Absolutely. I don’t really have to explain myself to them on why I’m pro-ivermectin


[-] radiantnoir | 2 points | Dec 17 2020 22:21:08

I think this is my resort for now since a lot of people are bashing me for sharing info about Ivermectin


[-] thecarrotfund | 2 points | Dec 17 2020 22:44:15

"Those convinced against their will are of the same opinion still"

You know your heart and mind is in the right place and you just have to be patient with others.

Edit: hit enter too quickly


[-] radiantnoir | 2 points | Dec 17 2020 23:24:13

Time will tell. Just in case, I bought some Ivermectin available for me to use or anyone in my family or friends who knows about these studies.


[-] FinFreedomCountdown | 1 points | Dec 18 2020 01:48:22

Where did you get them from? Trying to look online but couldn’t find.


[-] radiantnoir | 1 points | Dec 18 2020 01:49:47

I got the duramectin one from amazon, i doubt it that they’ll give me script here from where i live


[-] johnnight | 2 points | Dec 18 2020 16:11:28

There is a 1% that will catch it as something interesting. The rest just wants to be told by authorities what the truth is. This applies also to contrarians, who want it told from some authoritative conspiracy source. It's like people want to hear it from either CNN or the others from Alex Jones, but none want to hear it from a nobody that gives them the solid source papers.

1% is really true considering how many people see e.g. a Twitter post and how many respond positively.

You thought the truth would catch on like a wildfire, but it feels like a walking through a swamp. Weep for humanity.


[-] giddyrobin | 2 points | Dec 19 2020 20:05:49

PS There is a coordinated effort from media to suppress. It's called The Helpful Big Brother Coalitiion, kidding it's called the "The Trusted News Coalition" It's like a game for them, outing each other when they spot news that is not "mandated" https://covexit.com/coordinated-repression-of-early-treatment-of-c-19-explained/


[-] dogrescuersometimes | 1 points | Dec 18 2020 19:07:38


it's a struggle


[-] dogrescuersometimes | 1 points | Dec 21 2020 03:15:14

I'm with you.

People have their brains in a box.
