IEatShit4Breakfast | 3 points | Dec 16 2020 23:51:27

How to get a lab test done on horse paste to rule out risk of heavy metal impurities.

I ordered a good amount of the Durvet brand horse paste and don't mind sacrificing one tube to send to a lab for testing, just to have a little more peace of mind about the risk of contaminants. Does anyone have any lab suggestions/advice on how to pick a reliable lab?

Edit: Also I will definitely share the results with this sub. Just am a little intimidated on how to pick a lab.


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 2 points | Dec 17 2020 04:39:47

Questions like this MUST be posted to /r/gettingIvermectin to reduce the risk of this sub getting banned.

OP's post will be deleted tomorrow. Please take this conversation to where it belongs.

RemindMe! 1 day


[-] thecarrotfund | 1 points | Dec 17 2020 00:04:18

I don't have an answer for you but my concern with paste is that the entire tube of paste is rated at a percentage of ivermectin, yet each individual "human" dose marker may or may not contain the appropriate percentage.

We purchased a liquid form of ivermectin bc of that concern.

IDK if you would be ahead to dispense the entire tube, mix it well, then put it into a regular dosing syringe to measure a people dose. I really don't know the answer.

We have had horses for 50+ years and I've taken MANY doses of horse medicine if it is the same ingredient as human form, so I'm not afraid of the concept. It's just that sometimes ingredients may settle and I would worry about an overdose or a no dose.

I would love to hear others thoughts or experience with this.

We have NOT used ivermectin yet, we are planning to use if we exhibit symptoms, along with azith and doxy. Vitamins have been on board since March.

Edit: stupid spell check


[-] IEatShit4Breakfast | 1 points | Dec 17 2020 00:09:50

Yep I also had that concern, and plan on mixing it well. Only going to take it if me or a loved one has covid, and like you I've been following a good supplement routine.

Just would like to remove this last worry about contaminants.


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Dec 17 2020 04:38:40

The measurement question is answered in /r/gettingIvermectin, where OP's post should have gone.
