TrumpLyftAlles | 3 points | Dec 16 2020 23:25:07

Charley Pride's sad loss to COVID-19 (US 2020-12-14) Letter by an MD who uses ivermectin, citing Drs Kory and McCullough


[-] Fullfacts23 | 2 points | Dec 18 2020 02:52:05

Charley’s death is a time for a call to action.

To the tune of the carol Tannenbaum:

Oh RCT, oh RCT we revel in your purity

Oh DBT, oh DBT, you add some more security

No ivermectin EUA

C’mon guys at FDA

While we wait for vaccine vials

Act on ivermectin trials.


[-] Ok_Look7148 | 1 points | Dec 25 2020 19:42:52

Dr. Kory's group leader of the FLCCC, Dr. Paul Marik, Chief of Critical Care Medicine at Eastern Virginia Medical School, made this video summarizing the data on Ivermectin for prevention and treatment. The data is persuasive and statistically significant.


[-] Ok_Look7148 | 1 points | Jan 11 2021 23:28:56

As a physician, I am closely following the coverage of Ivermectin.

In the last month, since this article published, Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. Paul Marik and Dr. Andrew Hill of the WHO spoke to the NIH panel on COVID-19 regarding the data on Ivermectin. On January 6th the NIH heard the data on 18 studies involving some 2,100 patients, all showing benefit. The NIH is expected to issue new guidelines later this month, hopefully adding Ivermectin as a COVID treatment.
