thecarrotfund | 5 points
PLEASE keep your dog safe.
I'm a horse owner (so have been using Ivermectin drugs for years) and have seen some accidents when dogs mistakenly get into the ivermectin.
This excerpt is from Pet Poison websie
A class of drugs commonly used in veterinary medicine include ivermectin, milbemycin, and moxidectin; these are anthelmintics (these drugs kill parasites) and are commonly used as an active ingredient for monthly heartworm preventatives. Certain breeds of dogs (e.g., collies, Border collies, Australian shepherds, Old English sheepdogs, etc.) with a multidrug resistant (MDR) gene mutation are extremely sensitive to this class of drugs. Accidental poisoning can be seen in these sensitive breeds or when non-sensitive breeds get into a toxic amount. Toxic ingestions often occur when dogs accidentally ingest horse dewormer, which contains large amounts of ivermectin. Accidental poisoning has also been reported in dogs ingesting feces from horses that were recently dewormed. Clinical signs of poisoning include dilated pupils, tremors, drooling, seizures, coma, inability to breath, and death. Without aggressive treatment, ivermectin poisoning can be deadly.
As the owner of collies, I sent the swab off to U of Wash to verify where mine were on the MDR1 gene pool. Years and years ago we dosed sterid caracide daily, I’ve forgotten how to spell it -when ivermectin came out, I remember the random mystery problems in collies and other herders. Took awhile to pin it to the draw of the genes.
[-] rraak | 4 points | Dec 16 2020 18:44:42
Good information, and as the owner of several dogs with the MDR1 mutation, I've been keenly aware of ivermectin for many years and have had a habit of reading everything before giving it to them to ensure there's no ivermectin or any of the other dangerous compounds.
I guess it's ironic or just interesting that I'm now talking it myself, given how much I have avoided it over the years for my dogs.