UpdateNIH | 15 points | Dec 16 2020 14:52:06

Sign/Share/Push to Update the NIH Guidelines!!



[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 3 points | Dec 16 2020 17:57:09

I was #706.

I wish there was a way to contact the 4+ million viewers of Dr. Kory's Senate hearing testimony, send them the petition.


[-] UpdateNIH | 3 points | Dec 16 2020 18:34:05

Yep me too. I want to work with the FLCCC so that they can send it out, I'm sure they are collecting a bunch of emails. Contacted them via email but I'll need to call them soon


[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Dec 16 2020 20:12:53

Love your initiative! Good luck, keep us posted!


[-] ruralkite | 1 points | Dec 17 2020 10:47:13

Does it make sense to sign this from outside of the US? (since it's only addresses the NIH in the US and not a world wide organization like the WHO)
