foggynotion | 20 points
Thomas Borody update: Aussie scientist ‘mocked’ by left bureaucrats after discovering COVID treatment[-] lemallette | 3 points
Really sad that this nut job commentator rants in this single video segment about:
1.. Ivermectin, shown extremely effective in 11 randomized studies at all 3 stages of Coivid-19 (preventive, newly symptomatic, and desperately ill).
2. HCQ, which if anything is minimally effective, and
3. The unfortunate conspiracy theory that denies the massive scientific evidence that climate change is real, a danger to all species, and largely anthropogenic.
By doing so, he has entirely obliterated his credibility with many otherwise open-minded people.
[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points
Thanks for the capsule summary!
I totally agree with your point. It's a shame.
[-] subrosauno | 1 points
[-] Fullfacts23 | 1 points
Listen again. The commentator is speaking in favour of ivermectin.
[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 3 points | Dec 14 2020 00:41:49
Foggy, would you please write a paragraph about the video? That's more efficient that X of us watching it.