smorgasmic | 5 points | Dec 13 2020 01:00:24

A Case of Ivermectin-Induced Warfarin Toxicity: First Published Report


[-] smorgasmic | 4 points | Dec 13 2020 01:03:01

From the abstract:
"Here, we present the case of a patient who developed a large hematoma under his tongue while taking concomitant warfarin and ivermectin. Ivermectin has been shown to interfere with vitamin K–dependent clotting factors II, V, VII, and X. However, all the data to date have been from in vivo data with little to no reports on its effects on humans. To our knowledge, this is the first case report to present such a case."

This is just an anecdote, and it references in vivo (test tube) studies. Does anyone know of any study that quantifies the extent of this effect in vivo, or across large populations?

This information is very relevant because in some hospitals the standard of care for Covid includes anti-coagulation therapy, and Warfarin is often used for that. Based on the mechanism of Ivermectin affecting clotting factors, probably other anti-coagulants would have a similar effect.


[-] itputsthemaskon | 2 points | Dec 14 2020 20:07:20

Would very much like to know about the anti-coagulant angle. Seems that would be a big concern for many aged patients who may take one regularly due to a host of issues. I'd very much like to know about interactions with Apixaban (Eliquis).


[-] smorgasmic | 2 points | Dec 15 2020 01:38:43

The master post did not get any up votes. Very surprising considering how many people take anti-coagulants....


[-] Limoncel-lo | 1 points | Dec 17 2020 04:40:51

I was googling the interaction of Ivermectin and apixaban, and it seems like ivermectin shouldn’t be taken while on anticoagulants because it might increase their effect. Same with niacin and apixaban, shouldn’t be taken together.
