wookiee666 | 26 points | Dec 12 2020 18:04:01

While the world is going on a vaccine frenzy, the Indian government is distributing a home COVID kit with: Zinc, Doxycycline, and Ivermectin



[-] wookiee666 | 3 points | Dec 23 2020 16:03:49

Just ordered from Dr Deepak Krishnani 12 kits for $50 +$15 transfer fee.


[-] MeanieMem0 | 2 points | Dec 12 2020 18:07:49

Apparently India cares about the health and well-being of its people more than controlling them and injecting them with poisons.


[-] johnnight | 2 points | Dec 12 2020 21:18:14

That's an libertarian entrepreneurship paradise.

In the West, initial regulation of the pharma markets was good, because you don't want the entrepreneurs to sell snake oil. But now it is just a tool to create barriers to entry that protect the market share of the biggest players.

OTOH, where is the kickstarter or gofundme to finance RCTs for Ivermectin?


[-] Crymmy | 2 points | Feb 19 2021 00:23:34

I hope someone here comes up with some more reliable information on just how widely distributed in India the Ziverdo kit was. Some are attributing the dramatic drop in Covid-19 cases from 100,000 a day to about 10,000 a day over the last few months to this. One site said it was only distributed in Goa which has only one and a half million people. Here I am reading it may have also been distributed in Uttar Pradesh, a much larger state with more than 200 million people. Still, in a country of over 1 billion people, that may not account for the dramatic change in rate of infections. Perhaps some Redittors with family in India could shed some light on this!


[-] Teamyuss | 1 points | Jan 10 2021 18:17:15

What’s your source for this information? An article in a Goa paper exists, but I don’t see anything official. Can you back this up?
