wookiee666 | 26 points
While the world is going on a vaccine frenzy, the Indian government is distributing a home COVID kit with: Zinc, Doxycycline, and Ivermectin[-] MeanieMem0 | 2 points
Apparently India cares about the health and well-being of its people more than controlling them and injecting them with poisons.
That's an libertarian entrepreneurship paradise.
In the West, initial regulation of the pharma markets was good, because you don't want the entrepreneurs to sell snake oil. But now it is just a tool to create barriers to entry that protect the market share of the biggest players.
OTOH, where is the kickstarter or gofundme to finance RCTs for Ivermectin?
I hope someone here comes up with some more reliable information on just how widely distributed in India the Ziverdo kit was. Some are attributing the dramatic drop in Covid-19 cases from 100,000 a day to about 10,000 a day over the last few months to this. One site said it was only distributed in Goa which has only one and a half million people. Here I am reading it may have also been distributed in Uttar Pradesh, a much larger state with more than 200 million people. Still, in a country of over 1 billion people, that may not account for the dramatic change in rate of infections. Perhaps some Redittors with family in India could shed some light on this!
[-] wookiee666 | 3 points | Dec 23 2020 16:03:49
Just ordered from Dr Deepak Krishnani 12 kits for $50 +$15 transfer fee.