smorgasmic | 2 points
Is It Safe to Refrigerate Ivermectin Paste?Durvet's ivermectin paste gives a room temperature range for storage. In their "excursions" section they say to never store below 59F. Does anyone know the reason for this? Obviously it would be desirable to store this in a refrigerator if that would extend shelf life.
In the 25 plus years I’ve used 1% ivermectin, it stays in the fridge. The biggest problem is that it gets thick and difficult to draw up in a syringe. My k9s are tested for heart worm-neg. so it works fine. A bottle used to last til I threw it out at expiration. Don’t think I’ll have to do that now as we are sharing. The paste may get thicker and harder to dispense under refrigeration and when you’re holding a horse and a tube of medicine, things can get a bit dicey. heck, getting it down a goat is a rodeo.
[-] smorgasmic | 1 points
Maybe the right way to do this would be to squeeze out the refrigerated syringe in the appropriate amount, then bring out a dish with the dose into room temperature and let it sit for a few hours? Then put it back into different syringe and administer from that.
[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 2 points | Dec 11 2020 18:40:53
SHIT really? [Goes to the fridge and removes the horse paste]
I would go with Durvet's advice. To me it implies that shelf life isn't a concern. Could be wrong.