EmerOSiochru | 2 points | Dec 10 2020 08:51:21

Nihilism kills



[-] TrumpLyftAlles | 1 points | Dec 10 2020 17:37:27

Looks like a good video. There's a naming convention though:

<exact title <locale date <whatever you want

This video should be titled:

BRIDGE TO VACCINE SUCCESS Supportive Therapy to Enable the Vaccine to End the Pandemic IVERMECTIN (US 2020-12-09) Nihilism kills

(I know that the US is correct because I know where those people live. Sometimes you can't tell. In that case, leave out the locale.)

Please resubmit it with the correct title.

I hope this doesn't offend. The naming convention is really helpful. You'll attract more readers, too, with the correct title.
